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Germany’s Most Important Informant Tells His Story
#International #Germany #IslamicExtremism #Terrorism #Crime

Murat Cem enjoyed a career as one of Germany's most important police informants, tracking down a number of the country's leading Islamist extremists, including the future Berlin Christmas market attacker Anis Amri, who he tried to thwart․ "We could have stopped him," he says looking back․ "But we didn't"
Madeleine McCann: A Possible Suspect in the Maddie Case
#International #Zeitgeist #Crime #Portugal

Police in Germany believe they have found a likely suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal in May 2007 Is this the spectacular breakthrough that has evaded justice officials across Europe for more than a decade? By DER SPIEGEL Staff
German Officials Fear Increase in Pandemic-Fueled Radicalism in Wake of Murder
#International #Germany #RightWingExtremism #Terrorism #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Crime

A man arrested for shooting and killing a 20-year-old gas station cashier last week appears to have been influenced by far-right ideologies and conspiracy theories․ Security officials worry that a scene that denies the coronavirus is growing increasingly radical
Narco-State Netherlands: The Slippery Dutch Slope from Drug Tolerance to Drug Terror
#International #Europe #TheNetherlands #EuropeanUnion #Drugs #Crime

Drug gangs in the Netherlands have long since graduated from hashish to cocaine - and from dealing on the streets to a spree of contract killings․ Police, lawyers, journalists: All are at risk of falling victim to the drug violence that has gripped the country
Sexual Violence against Children: Why Aren't Thousands of Gigabytes of Abusive Images Removed from the Web?
#International #World #Crime

An investigation into the largest site for images of sexual abuse of children shows where public officials are failing in the fight against online sexual predators․ It provides a look into the most disturbing corners of the darknet
"The Hydra Is Alive": A Migrant Smuggling Clan Is Broken Up in Germany
#International #Europe #EuropeanRefugeeCrisis #AsylumandMigration #Crime

An international team of law enforcement officials has broken up a vast ring of migrant smugglers operating across Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France․ Still, the strike isn't likely to end illegal migration across the English Channel into Britain
The Spectacular Case of Lørenskog: Norway's Ongoing Search for a Murderer
#International #Europe #Norway #Crime

Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, 68, was married to one of the wealthiest men in Norway․ But four years ago, she disappeared, and police still have no solid leads․ The entire country has been obsessed by the case ever since
Jefferson Machado: Brasilianischer Soap-Star tot in Truhe gefunden
#Panorama #JustizundKriminalität #Crime #Kriminalität #Brasilien

Seit Monaten ist Jefferson Machado verschwunden․ Jetzt wurde der südamerikanische Soap-Star tot aufgefunden – Berichten zufolge begraben in einer zementierten Holztruhe in einem Hinterhof