Greece: Torture Allegations Against Greek Border Guards
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration #Greece #Turkey
Greek officials are resorting to increasingly brutal means to keep asylum-seekers out of Europe․ A young Iranian woman is now fighting back․ She reports of beatings with wooden clubs – and has taken the issue to the United Nations․
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration #Greece #Turkey
Greek officials are resorting to increasingly brutal means to keep asylum-seekers out of Europe․ A young Iranian woman is now fighting back․ She reports of beatings with wooden clubs – and has taken the issue to the United Nations․
Death in the Aegean: EU Border Officials Accused of Throwing Refugees into the Sea
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #Frontex #Greece #AsylumandMigration #Turkey
Two refugees are dead and a third has leveled a shocking accusation against Greek border patrols․ DER SPIEGEL reporting points to a brutal new tactic deployed by the country's coast guard․
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #Frontex #Greece #AsylumandMigration #Turkey
Two refugees are dead and a third has leveled a shocking accusation against Greek border patrols․ DER SPIEGEL reporting points to a brutal new tactic deployed by the country's coast guard․
Frontex Involved in Illegal Pushbacks of Hundreds of Refugees
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #Frontex #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration
An extended investigation over the course of several months reveals how deeply the EU's border agency, Frontex, is involved in the Greek refugee pushback campaign․ The illegal acts are registered and concealed in a classified database․
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #Frontex #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration
An extended investigation over the course of several months reveals how deeply the EU's border agency, Frontex, is involved in the Greek refugee pushback campaign․ The illegal acts are registered and concealed in a classified database․
Fabrice Leggeri's Resignation: The Final Days of the Frontex Chief
#International #Europe #Frontex #Pushbacks #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration #Greece
Radical views, internal resistance, merciless investigators: Why Frontex chief Fabrice Leggeri had to go – and what his resignation means for the future of the EU border agency․
#International #Europe #Frontex #Pushbacks #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration #Greece
Radical views, internal resistance, merciless investigators: Why Frontex chief Fabrice Leggeri had to go – and what his resignation means for the future of the EU border agency․
Annalena Baerbock fordert Aufklärung illegaler Pushbacks
#Politik #Deutschland #Pushbacks #Griechenland
Griechische Behörden nutzen Geflüchtete als Handlanger für illegale Pushbacks aus – das enthüllte der SPIEGEL mit internationalen Medienpartnern․ Nun reagierte Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock․
#Politik #Deutschland #Pushbacks #Griechenland
Griechische Behörden nutzen Geflüchtete als Handlanger für illegale Pushbacks aus – das enthüllte der SPIEGEL mit internationalen Medienpartnern․ Nun reagierte Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock․
Systematic Abuses at EU External Border: Greek Police Coerce Refugees to Commit Illegal Pushbacks
#International #Europe #EuropeanUnion #Pushbacks #Greece #Syria #AsylumandMigration
New reporting exposes how Greek police are exploiting refugees to engage in illegal pushbacks of other would-be asylum-seekers at the EU’s external border․ Witness testimony, satellite images and other documents provide evidence of how officials are taking advantage of people seeking protection․
#International #Europe #EuropeanUnion #Pushbacks #Greece #Syria #AsylumandMigration
New reporting exposes how Greek police are exploiting refugees to engage in illegal pushbacks of other would-be asylum-seekers at the EU’s external border․ Witness testimony, satellite images and other documents provide evidence of how officials are taking advantage of people seeking protection․
EU-Kommission: Ylva Johansson drängt Griechenland zu Ende von Pushbacks
#Ausland #EUKommission #Pushbacks #Frontex #Flüchtlinge
Griechenland weist Asylsuchende an seinen Außengrenzen immer wieder rechtswidrig zurück – und bringt sie dadurch in Lebensgefahr․ EU-Kommissarin Johansson bringt nun eine Kürzung von Geldern ins Spiel․
#Ausland #EUKommission #Pushbacks #Frontex #Flüchtlinge
Griechenland weist Asylsuchende an seinen Außengrenzen immer wieder rechtswidrig zurück – und bringt sie dadurch in Lebensgefahr․ EU-Kommissarin Johansson bringt nun eine Kürzung von Geldern ins Spiel․
Frontex-Skandal um Pushbacks und Fabrice Leggeri: Vertuscht, verschleiert, belogen
#Ausland #Pushbacks #Frontex #Ankara #LeMonde #Türkei #Mittelmeer #Griechenland
Das EU-Antibetrugsamt weist nach, dass Frontex die griechischen Pushbacks finanzierte․ Der geheime Bericht liegt dem SPIEGEL vor․ Er ist so brisant, dass nun auch die EU-Kommission in Bedrängnis gerät․
#Ausland #Pushbacks #Frontex #Ankara #LeMonde #Türkei #Mittelmeer #Griechenland
Das EU-Antibetrugsamt weist nach, dass Frontex die griechischen Pushbacks finanzierte․ Der geheime Bericht liegt dem SPIEGEL vor․ Er ist so brisant, dass nun auch die EU-Kommission in Bedrängnis gerät․
Frontex Scandal: Classified Report Reveals Full Extent of Cover-Up
#International #Europe #Frontex #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion #Pushbacks #Greece
The EU’s anti-fraud office has found that the European border agency covered up and helped to finance illegal pushbacks of asylum-seekers in Greece․ The report, which DER SPIEGEL has obtained, puts pressure on the EU Commission – and could also spell trouble for Frontex's new leadership․
#International #Europe #Frontex #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion #Pushbacks #Greece
The EU’s anti-fraud office has found that the European border agency covered up and helped to finance illegal pushbacks of asylum-seekers in Greece․ The report, which DER SPIEGEL has obtained, puts pressure on the EU Commission – and could also spell trouble for Frontex's new leadership․
Griechenland: Wie der Tod der fünfjährigen Maria die Flüchtlingsdebatte verändert
#Ausland #Griechenland #Türkei #Pushbacks #Flüchtlinge
Seit Jahren setzen sich griechische Beamte an den EU-Grenzen systematisch über internationales Recht hinweg․ Nun rüttelt der Tod eines syrischen Mädchens das Land auf․ Die Eltern machen der Regierung schwere Vorwürfe․
#Ausland #Griechenland #Türkei #Pushbacks #Flüchtlinge
Seit Jahren setzen sich griechische Beamte an den EU-Grenzen systematisch über internationales Recht hinweg․ Nun rüttelt der Tod eines syrischen Mädchens das Land auf․ Die Eltern machen der Regierung schwere Vorwürfe․
Why DER SPIEGEL Is Publishing the EU Investigative Report on Pushbacks
#International #Europe #Frontex #Pushbacks #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion
The EU border agency Frontex has sought to cover up human rights violations for several years, but an investigation by the European anti-fraud office OLAF has exposed the treatment of refugees at Europe's frontiers․ DER SPIEGEL is publishing the report in its entirety․
#International #Europe #Frontex #Pushbacks #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion
The EU border agency Frontex has sought to cover up human rights violations for several years, but an investigation by the European anti-fraud office OLAF has exposed the treatment of refugees at Europe's frontiers․ DER SPIEGEL is publishing the report in its entirety․