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Linux kernel manager and activity monitor written in #rust
kmon provides a text-based user interface for managing the Linux kernel modules and monitoring the kernel activities. By managing, it means loading, unloading, blacklisting and showing the information of a module. These updates in the kernel modules, logs about the hardware and other kernel messages can be tracked with the real-time activity monitor in kmon. Since the usage of different tools like dmesg and kmod are required for these tasks in Linux, kmon aims to gather them in a single terminal window and facilitate the usage as much as possible while keeping the functionality.
kmon provides a text-based user interface for managing the Linux kernel modules and monitoring the kernel activities. By managing, it means loading, unloading, blacklisting and showing the information of a module. These updates in the kernel modules, logs about the hardware and other kernel messages can be tracked with the real-time activity monitor in kmon. Since the usage of different tools like dmesg and kmod are required for these tasks in Linux, kmon aims to gather them in a single terminal window and facilitate the usage as much as possible while keeping the functionality.
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du + #rust = dust. Like du but more intuitive. Because I want an easy way to see where my disk is being used.
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Faster Nmap Scanning with #rust
Turns a 17 minutes Nmap scan into 19 seconds.
Find all open ports fast with RustScan, automatically pipe them into Nmap.
- Scans all 65k ports in 8 seconds (on 10k batch size).
- Saves you time by automatically piping it into Nmap. No more manual copying and pasting!
- Does one thing and does it well. Only purpose is to improve Nmap, not replace it!
- Let's you choose what Nmap commands to run, or uses the default.
Turns a 17 minutes Nmap scan into 19 seconds.
Find all open ports fast with RustScan, automatically pipe them into Nmap.
- Scans all 65k ports in 8 seconds (on 10k batch size).
- Saves you time by automatically piping it into Nmap. No more manual copying and pasting!
- Does one thing and does it well. Only purpose is to improve Nmap, not replace it!
- Let's you choose what Nmap commands to run, or uses the default.
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Если у вас есть статичный сайт, который лежит в публичном репозитории, то как вы будете его сервить? Очевидно, склонировать в публичную папку и настроить nginx
Но, на самом деле, клонить не обязательно, если репа и так публичная. Об этом подходе автор рассказывает в статье
Обожаю такие решения. Очевидные, но гениальные. Пример кода, кстати, на #rust
Serving a Website From a Git Repo Without Cloning It
Но, на самом деле, клонить не обязательно, если репа и так публичная. Об этом подходе автор рассказывает в статье
Обожаю такие решения. Очевидные, но гениальные. Пример кода, кстати, на #rust
Serving a Website From a Git Repo Without Cloning It
Forwarded from Код и Капуста
Что стоит за Ctrl+C и темная сторона прерываний в unix