🔥🔥🔥Containers from Scratch🔥🔥🔥
This is write up for talk I gave at CAT BarCamp, an awesome unconference at Portland State University. The talk started with the self-imposed challenge “give an intro to containers without Docker or rkt.”
Often thought of as cheap VMs, containers are just isolated groups of processes running on a single host. That isolation leverages several underlying technologies built into the Linux kernel: namespaces, cgroups, chroots and lots of terms you’ve probably heard before.
So, let’s have a little fun and use those underlying technologies to build our own containers.
#linux #containers #fromscratch #unshare #cgroups #namespaces #nsenter #mustread
This is write up for talk I gave at CAT BarCamp, an awesome unconference at Portland State University. The talk started with the self-imposed challenge “give an intro to containers without Docker or rkt.”
Often thought of as cheap VMs, containers are just isolated groups of processes running on a single host. That isolation leverages several underlying technologies built into the Linux kernel: namespaces, cgroups, chroots and lots of terms you’ve probably heard before.
So, let’s have a little fun and use those underlying technologies to build our own containers.
#linux #containers #fromscratch #unshare #cgroups #namespaces #nsenter #mustread
Глубокое погружение в Linux namespaces / Хабр
#linux #ns #namespaces
#linux #ns #namespaces
Глубокое погружение в Linux namespaces
В этой серии постов мы внимательно рассмотрим один из главных ингредиентов в контейнере – namespaces. В процессе мы создадим более простой клон команды docker run – нашу собственную программу,...
This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective. Together we will discover modern cloud architectures layer by layer, which means we will start at the Linux Kernel level and end up at writing our own secure cloud native applications.
#ns #namespaces #cgroups #chroot
#runc #crio #kubernetes #k8s #cncf
#docker #buildah #containers #kubernetes #k8s #oci
#ns #namespaces #cgroups #chroot
#runc #crio #kubernetes #k8s #cncf
#docker #buildah #containers #kubernetes #k8s #oci
Demystifying Containers - Part I: Kernel Space
This series of blog posts and corresponding talks aims to provide you with a pragmatic view on containers from a historic perspective…