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C/C++ в задачах и примерах (2019)

Сборник примеров и задач для самостоятельного решения по программированию на языке C/C++ охватывает практически все разделы начального курса программирования: от задач консольного ввода/вывода, использования циклов и операций с массивами до работы со строками, файлами и объектами.

Примеры представлены в виде хорошо документированных исходных текстов программ.

Книга содержит справочник — описание основных типов данных, операторов и наиболее часто используемых функций. Адресована студентам, школьникам старших классов и всем тем, кто изучает программирование в учебном заведении или самостоятельно.

В третьем издании добавлены и обновлены примеры.

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Docker Cookbook (2016)

Whether you’re deploying applications on premise or in the cloud, this cookbook provides developers, operators, and IT professionals with more than 130 proven recipes for working with Docker. With these practical solutions, experienced developers will be able to package and deploy distributed applications within a couple of chapters, even if you have no previous knowledge of Docker. If you’re an IT professional, you'll be able to solve everyday problems, as well as create, run, share, and deploy Docker images. And if you’re an operator, you'll quickly be able to adopt the tools that will change the way you work.

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Refactoring at Scale (2020)

Making significant changes to large, complex codebases is a daunting task-one that's nearly impossible to do successfully unless you have the right team, tools, and mindset.

If your application is in need of a substantial overhaul and you're unsure how to go about implementing those changes in a sustainable way, then this book is for you.

Software engineer Maude Lemaire walks you through the entire refactoring process from start to finish.

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Artificial Intelligence in Finance (2020)

The widespread adoption of AI and machine learning is revolutionizing many industries today. Once these technologies are combined with the programmatic availability of historical and real-time financial data, the financial industry will also change fundamentally. With this practical book, you'll learn how to use AI and machine learning to discover statistical inefficiencies in financial markets and exploit them through algorithmic trading.

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Vulkan Programming Guide (2016)

The next generation of the OpenGL specification, Vulkan, has been redesigned from the ground up, giving applications direct control over GPU acceleration for unprecedented performance and predictability. Vulkan Programming Guide is the essential, authoritative reference to this new standard for experienced graphics programmers in all Vulkan environments.

Vulkan API lead Graham Sellers (with contributions from language lead John Kessenich) presents example-rich introductions to the portable Vulkan API and the new SPIR-V shading language. The author introduces Vulkan, its goals, and the key concepts framing its API, and presents a complex rendering system that demonstrates both Vulkan’s uniqueness and its exceptional power.

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Unity 2020 By Example (2020)

The Unity game engine, used by millions of developers around the world, is popular thanks to its features that enable you to create games and 3D apps for desktop and mobile platforms in no time. With Unity 2020, this state-of-the-art game engine introduces enhancements in Unity tooling, editor, and workflow, among many other additions.

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Clean Code in JavaScript (2020)

JavaScript is a scrappy yet graceful language that has found itself at the center of one of the greatest software shifts in history. It is now the primary programming language used to deliver user experiences on the most ubiquitous platform that exists: the web. This huge responsibility has meant that the JavaScript language has had to grow up very quickly in a period of shifting demands.

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Pro TypeScript (2018)

Explore the features of this innovative open source language in depth, from working with the type system through object-orientation to understanding the runtime and the TypeScript compiler.

This fully revised and updated second edition of Steve Fenton’s popular book covers everything you need to discover this fascinating language and transform your experience of JavaScript development.

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Безопасный DevOps (2020)

Книга основана на уникальном опыте автора и предлагает важнейшие стратегические решения для защиты веб-приложений от атак, предотвращения попыток вторжения. Вы увидите, как обеспечить надежность при автоматизированном тестировании, непрерывной поставке и ключевых DevOps-процессах. Научитесь выявлять, оценивать и устранять уязвимости, существующие в вашем приложении. Автор поможет ориентироваться в облачных конфигурациях, а также применять популярные средства автоматизации.

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