Daily Life Hacks
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Even if you're happy at your job, still search around job listings to keep an eye on the market and make sure you are paid your fair salary. #Daily #Career #Hacks
If a company won't put it in writing it's a lie. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Use website instead of mobile app to conduct important business. #Daily #Career #Hacks
A.I. won't take your job; the person who understands A.I. better than you will. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Your company doesn't know you exist before you came to them and won't know when you are gone... live your life. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Learn to say polite 'no's in the workplace, or you become the person everyone dumps work on, asks for favors, shift swaps etc. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Increase your chances for a managerial promotion by improving your knowledge of other people's abilities. Become the go-to person when there is a question as to who can/should perform certain tasks. It has little to do with showcasing your abilities in your own duties. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Just because you get an opportunity to further your career doesn't mean it's always the right move. Take time to think about it before taking the final decision. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Do not tell anyone at work you are actively looking for a new job. #Daily #Career #Hacks
When asked for your expected salary in an interview never give a number instead give a range. #Daily #Career #Hacks
The moment a company is late with your paycheck or tries to reduce it, step one should always be to polish up your resume/cv. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Update your resume every time you have a major accomplishment at work (promotion, major project, designation/certification). #Daily #Career #Hacks
If you have an important meeting where you know you will be assigned tasks, block out on your calendar the 15-30 minutes immediately after to complete as many of those tasks as possible. You will earn the reputation as the “can do” person by all Managers who were in attendance. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Increase your chances for a managerial promotion by improving your knowledge of other people's abilities. Become the go-to person when there is a question as to who can/should perform certain tasks. It has little to do with showcasing your abilities in your own duties. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Even if you've got a job you love, take 30-45 minutes a few times a year to check out other opportunities. #Daily #Career #Hacks
If You Are Senior At Your Job, Small Praise Means A Lot To Your Coworkers. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Take workplace safety seriously and quit unsafe jobs because employers in most states have legal immunity for wrongful death even with gross negligence. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Don't overlook the importance of soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. These skills are highly valued in the workplace and can set you apart from others. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Don't hesitate to seek help from teachers, tutors, or classmates if you're struggling with a subject. Asking questions is a sign of initiative. #Daily #Career #Hacks
Laid off? Reach out to all other similarly displaced employees from your organization and help each other out by cross endorsing and recommending on LinkedIn. #Daily #Career #Hacks