Прямая речь #citation #mistertwister: Выступление Д.Бреннана на заседании Комитета по разведывательной деятельности Конгресса США 23.05.2017 (наиболее интересные цитаты)
Бреннан сообщил, что у него вызывала большую озабоченность информация о контактах людей из окружения Трампа с российскими официальными лицами. Эта информация была получена в ходе начавшегося в июне совместного расследования ЦРУ и других спецслужб попытки русских хакеров и пропагандистов повлиять на ход президентских выборов. Вместе с тем, Бреннан признал, что до января, когда он покинул свой пост директора ЦРУ, ему так и не удалось найти прямые свидетельства существования сговора между членами избирательного штаба Трампа и русскими. «Мне неизвестно о существовании подобного сговора».
Когда в августе появились первые свидетельства о попытках вмешательства русских в выборы, Бреннан позвонил Бортникову, директору ФСБ, и предупредил о недопустимости подобных действий. Бортиков отрицал факт такого вмешательства, но обещал передать их разговор Путину.
Тогда же, Бреннан провел встречи с восемью высокопоставленными членами Конгресса, в ходе которых сообщил им, что Россия пытается помочь Трампу выиграть выборы.
В январе Бреннан также специально встречался с президентом Обамой и Трампом, чтобы их проинформировать, что вмешательство в американские выборы происходило по прямому указанию Путина.
Бреннан сообщил, что русские зачастую пытаются использовать иностранных политиков в своих интересах, и задача ЦРУ - недопущение подобной деятельности российских спецслужб в США. «Часто люди, которые вступают на путь предательства, не осознают этого, а потом бывает уже слишком поздно».
«Несмотря на то, что выборы закончились, Президент Путин и русские спецслужбы активно пытаются воспользоваться тем, что сейчас происходит в Вашингтоне, – к своей выгоде и нам во вред».
Отвечая на вопрос, что было целью русских: нанести максимальный ущерб Клинтон, или же активно помочь Трампу? – Бреннан ответил: «По моему мнению, и то, и другое».
«Путин давно видел в Клинтон своего злейшего врага… А Трампа русские считали аутсайдером, но с которым можно будет выстроить отношения как с бизнесменом в случае избрания на высокий пост».
На вопрос, есть ли у него сведения, что русские могли придержать часть собранного компромата на Клинтон, Бреннан ответил, что если такой компромат и был, то «они продолжали бы его использовать для нанесения Клинтон максимального ущерба в период нахождения на посту президента».
«К сожалению, приходится признать, что российские спецслужбы имеют большие возможности, ведут себя агрессивно и проникают в самые разные сферы в своем стремлении подорвать демократию и демократические институты нашей страны».
О факте утечки информации о содержании встречи Трампа с Лавровым и Кисляком: "Эти утечки наносят огромный вред, я нахожу их возмутительными, и они должны быть расследованы".
Бреннан сообщил, что у него вызывала большую озабоченность информация о контактах людей из окружения Трампа с российскими официальными лицами. Эта информация была получена в ходе начавшегося в июне совместного расследования ЦРУ и других спецслужб попытки русских хакеров и пропагандистов повлиять на ход президентских выборов. Вместе с тем, Бреннан признал, что до января, когда он покинул свой пост директора ЦРУ, ему так и не удалось найти прямые свидетельства существования сговора между членами избирательного штаба Трампа и русскими. «Мне неизвестно о существовании подобного сговора».
Когда в августе появились первые свидетельства о попытках вмешательства русских в выборы, Бреннан позвонил Бортникову, директору ФСБ, и предупредил о недопустимости подобных действий. Бортиков отрицал факт такого вмешательства, но обещал передать их разговор Путину.
Тогда же, Бреннан провел встречи с восемью высокопоставленными членами Конгресса, в ходе которых сообщил им, что Россия пытается помочь Трампу выиграть выборы.
В январе Бреннан также специально встречался с президентом Обамой и Трампом, чтобы их проинформировать, что вмешательство в американские выборы происходило по прямому указанию Путина.
Бреннан сообщил, что русские зачастую пытаются использовать иностранных политиков в своих интересах, и задача ЦРУ - недопущение подобной деятельности российских спецслужб в США. «Часто люди, которые вступают на путь предательства, не осознают этого, а потом бывает уже слишком поздно».
«Несмотря на то, что выборы закончились, Президент Путин и русские спецслужбы активно пытаются воспользоваться тем, что сейчас происходит в Вашингтоне, – к своей выгоде и нам во вред».
Отвечая на вопрос, что было целью русских: нанести максимальный ущерб Клинтон, или же активно помочь Трампу? – Бреннан ответил: «По моему мнению, и то, и другое».
«Путин давно видел в Клинтон своего злейшего врага… А Трампа русские считали аутсайдером, но с которым можно будет выстроить отношения как с бизнесменом в случае избрания на высокий пост».
На вопрос, есть ли у него сведения, что русские могли придержать часть собранного компромата на Клинтон, Бреннан ответил, что если такой компромат и был, то «они продолжали бы его использовать для нанесения Клинтон максимального ущерба в период нахождения на посту президента».
«К сожалению, приходится признать, что российские спецслужбы имеют большие возможности, ведут себя агрессивно и проникают в самые разные сферы в своем стремлении подорвать демократию и демократические институты нашей страны».
О факте утечки информации о содержании встречи Трампа с Лавровым и Кисляком: "Эти утечки наносят огромный вред, я нахожу их возмутительными, и они должны быть расследованы".
Прямая речь #citation #mistertwister: Дональд Туск, Председатель Европейского совета, после встречи с Трампом в Брюсселе:
“… I am not 100 per cent sure that we can say today - we meaning Mr. President Trump and myself - that we have a common opinion about Russia, although when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine, it seems that we were on the same line”.
Источник: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/05/25-tusk-trump-remarks/
“… I am not 100 per cent sure that we can say today - we meaning Mr. President Trump and myself - that we have a common opinion about Russia, although when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine, it seems that we were on the same line”.
Источник: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/05/25-tusk-trump-remarks/
Remarks by President Donald Tusk after meeting with President Donald Trump - Consilium
The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, met the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
Прямая речь #citation: Дональд Туск, Председатель Европейского совета, накануне встречи Большой Семерки, Таормина, Италия:
“… I expect that the G7 will demonstrate unity regarding the conflict in Ukraine. We fully support Ukraine's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty. A solution to this conflict can only be reached with the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. Since our last G7 summit in Japan we haven't seen anything that would justify a change in our sanctions policy toward Russia. Therefore, I will appeal to the other G7 leaders to reconfirm this policy”.
“The G7 should also remain united when it comes to ending the brutality in Syria. We should be ready to increase our efforts to defeat terrorism in Syria, and to find a political settlement. A special responsibility rests on the shoulders of those who, like Iran and Russia, have become involved in the crisis and cooperate with the Assad regime. Instead of wasting time, they should use their influence to enact a real ceasefire, stop the use of chemical weapons and ensure safe and immediate humanitarian access to all the people in need”.
Источник: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/05/26-tusk-remarks-before-g7-taormina/
“… I expect that the G7 will demonstrate unity regarding the conflict in Ukraine. We fully support Ukraine's independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty. A solution to this conflict can only be reached with the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. Since our last G7 summit in Japan we haven't seen anything that would justify a change in our sanctions policy toward Russia. Therefore, I will appeal to the other G7 leaders to reconfirm this policy”.
“The G7 should also remain united when it comes to ending the brutality in Syria. We should be ready to increase our efforts to defeat terrorism in Syria, and to find a political settlement. A special responsibility rests on the shoulders of those who, like Iran and Russia, have become involved in the crisis and cooperate with the Assad regime. Instead of wasting time, they should use their influence to enact a real ceasefire, stop the use of chemical weapons and ensure safe and immediate humanitarian access to all the people in need”.
Источник: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2017/05/26-tusk-remarks-before-g7-taormina/
Remarks by President Donald Tusk before the G7 summit in Taormina, Italy - Consilium
Donald Tusk presented his expectations ahead of a difficult G7 summit in Italy,
focusing on preserving the G7 unity on global challenges, foreign affairs, and
the migration issues.
Donald Tusk presented his expectations ahead of a difficult G7 summit in Italy,
focusing on preserving the G7 unity on global challenges, foreign affairs, and
the migration issues.
Прямая речь #citation: Ангела Меркель на предвыборном собрании в Мюнхене:
Europe can no longer "completely depend" on the US and UK following the election of President Trump and Brexit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel says.
Mrs Merkel said she wanted friendly relations with both countries, as well as Russia, but Europe now had to "fight for its own destiny".
It follows the G7's failure to commit to the 2015 Paris climate deal, talks Mrs Merkel said were "very difficult".
President Trump has said he will make a decision in the coming week.
"The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I've experienced that in the last few days," Mrs Merkel told a crowd at an election rally in Munich, southern Germany.
Источник: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40078183
Europe can no longer "completely depend" on the US and UK following the election of President Trump and Brexit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel says.
Mrs Merkel said she wanted friendly relations with both countries, as well as Russia, but Europe now had to "fight for its own destiny".
It follows the G7's failure to commit to the 2015 Paris climate deal, talks Mrs Merkel said were "very difficult".
President Trump has said he will make a decision in the coming week.
"The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I've experienced that in the last few days," Mrs Merkel told a crowd at an election rally in Munich, southern Germany.
Источник: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40078183
BBC News
Merkel: Europe can't rely on US and UK
The German chancellor says Europe must "fight for its own destiny" at an election campaign event.
Прямая речь #citation (1): О геополитической ситуации и роли Путина в создании хаоса в американском истеблишменте
William Taubman, почетный профессор политических наук в Amherst College:
О новой холодной войне
«I’ve done some thinking about whether or not we are in a cold war, and I think we are. If you ask yourself what are the main characteristics of a cold war, these characteristics are right before us. Each side sees the other as entirely at fault, and sees the conflict as based on ideologically sacrosanct principles rather than geopolitical differences, which might be more readily negotiated. Each side believes the cold war can’t end unless the other side fundamentally changes or collapses. Each side sees any agreements between them as basically tactical or temporary.»
О сдаче геополитических позиций Горбачевым
«Then, in 1990, Gorbachev’s acquiesced in the liberation of Eastern Europe. He’s acquiesced in the reunification of Germany, which nobody in the West expects him to do. He’s acquiesced furthermore in a reunified Germany’s membership in NATO, which nobody in the West expects him to do. What is he hoping for? He’s hoping for the end to the east-west division in Europe. He’s hoping for, and Bush has encouraged him to hope, that NATO will become a political rather than military alliance. He’s hoping NATO and the Warsaw Pact will eventually disappear. What happens? Bush won’t play ball in the end. Instead, the process of NATO expansion, as I mentioned a few minutes ago, begins with East Germany. Putin goes over that endlessly as the beginning of the trouble, and so does Gorbachev himself.»
Об оценке Путиным американской внешней политики
«Putin, if you read his speeches, is constantly talking about the history of American moves since 1991. He goes back to the expansion of NATO in its several stages, first the inclusion of East Germany when Germany reunited—it was allowed by Gorbachev to remain in NATO. Then in 1997, the addition of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary. Then in 2002, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Baltic states. Then the threat in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would also join eventually.»
«Then of course there is the war in Iraq, which we conducted without the permission of the U.N. There’s the bombing of Belgrade as part of our attempt to protect the Bosnians and the Kosovars against Serbia. Then there’s Obama’s conduct in Libya, in which the U.N. did produce a resolution authorizing a no-fly zone, but we and our allies took it to mean we could eliminate Gadhafi. I could go on. I’m giving you Putin’s case that we were responsible. I agree with him about most of those things. I think they were mistakes.»
О вмешательстве Америки в политический процесс России 90-х
«I’ll give you one example of a certain action that’s connected to the hacking. Remember all those years in the ’90s when we in the United States sent people over to Russia to try to help them learn how to be a democracy? I’m sure that Putin, with his KGB background, viewed that as the functional equivalent of hacking. What were we doing? We were interfering in their elections. The fact that they welcomed that at the time, people like Yeltsin welcomed it at the time, makes no difference to Putin as he looks at it through his own lens.»
О личной роли Путина в создании сегодняшнего хаоса в американской политической жизни
«I’m sure he’s not displeased with some of the chaos... but I suspect that was not necessarily his aim in the beginning. It’s hard to imagine, shrewd as he is, him imagining the scenario which plays out in the way these first months of Trump have played out. It’s too absurd and complicated for him to have imagined.»
(продолжение см. в следующем посте)
William Taubman, почетный профессор политических наук в Amherst College:
О новой холодной войне
«I’ve done some thinking about whether or not we are in a cold war, and I think we are. If you ask yourself what are the main characteristics of a cold war, these characteristics are right before us. Each side sees the other as entirely at fault, and sees the conflict as based on ideologically sacrosanct principles rather than geopolitical differences, which might be more readily negotiated. Each side believes the cold war can’t end unless the other side fundamentally changes or collapses. Each side sees any agreements between them as basically tactical or temporary.»
О сдаче геополитических позиций Горбачевым
«Then, in 1990, Gorbachev’s acquiesced in the liberation of Eastern Europe. He’s acquiesced in the reunification of Germany, which nobody in the West expects him to do. He’s acquiesced furthermore in a reunified Germany’s membership in NATO, which nobody in the West expects him to do. What is he hoping for? He’s hoping for the end to the east-west division in Europe. He’s hoping for, and Bush has encouraged him to hope, that NATO will become a political rather than military alliance. He’s hoping NATO and the Warsaw Pact will eventually disappear. What happens? Bush won’t play ball in the end. Instead, the process of NATO expansion, as I mentioned a few minutes ago, begins with East Germany. Putin goes over that endlessly as the beginning of the trouble, and so does Gorbachev himself.»
Об оценке Путиным американской внешней политики
«Putin, if you read his speeches, is constantly talking about the history of American moves since 1991. He goes back to the expansion of NATO in its several stages, first the inclusion of East Germany when Germany reunited—it was allowed by Gorbachev to remain in NATO. Then in 1997, the addition of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary. Then in 2002, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Baltic states. Then the threat in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would also join eventually.»
«Then of course there is the war in Iraq, which we conducted without the permission of the U.N. There’s the bombing of Belgrade as part of our attempt to protect the Bosnians and the Kosovars against Serbia. Then there’s Obama’s conduct in Libya, in which the U.N. did produce a resolution authorizing a no-fly zone, but we and our allies took it to mean we could eliminate Gadhafi. I could go on. I’m giving you Putin’s case that we were responsible. I agree with him about most of those things. I think they were mistakes.»
О вмешательстве Америки в политический процесс России 90-х
«I’ll give you one example of a certain action that’s connected to the hacking. Remember all those years in the ’90s when we in the United States sent people over to Russia to try to help them learn how to be a democracy? I’m sure that Putin, with his KGB background, viewed that as the functional equivalent of hacking. What were we doing? We were interfering in their elections. The fact that they welcomed that at the time, people like Yeltsin welcomed it at the time, makes no difference to Putin as he looks at it through his own lens.»
О личной роли Путина в создании сегодняшнего хаоса в американской политической жизни
«I’m sure he’s not displeased with some of the chaos... but I suspect that was not necessarily his aim in the beginning. It’s hard to imagine, shrewd as he is, him imagining the scenario which plays out in the way these first months of Trump have played out. It’s too absurd and complicated for him to have imagined.»
(продолжение см. в следующем посте)
Прямая речь #citation (2): О геополитической ситуации и роли Путина в создании хаоса в американском истеблишменте
(продолжение, начало см. в предыдущем посте)
О возможных контурах новой геополитической сделки и будущем отношений между США и Россией
«… Trump would de facto affirmatively accept the Russian annexation of Crimea, which can’t be altered or reversed anyway I think, and maybe he would begin to ease the sanctions, if he could get the Europeans to go with him, which would probably be all too easy. In return, Putin would back off on Ukraine. Exactly how, I don’t know the terms of that, but in a sense he would let Ukraine be Ukraine, and maybe pull troops out of that part of Ukraine, and pull back from exercises on the Baltic borders.»
«… I think it’s worth lowering tensions if we can possibly do it. After all, we’re both still armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons. We both still face a common enemy. It’s worth doing. It’s important to try to do it, but I certainly don’t imagine an end to this cold war akin to the end of the old Cold War, which Gorbachev achieved together with Reagan and Bush.»
(продолжение, начало см. в предыдущем посте)
О возможных контурах новой геополитической сделки и будущем отношений между США и Россией
«… Trump would de facto affirmatively accept the Russian annexation of Crimea, which can’t be altered or reversed anyway I think, and maybe he would begin to ease the sanctions, if he could get the Europeans to go with him, which would probably be all too easy. In return, Putin would back off on Ukraine. Exactly how, I don’t know the terms of that, but in a sense he would let Ukraine be Ukraine, and maybe pull troops out of that part of Ukraine, and pull back from exercises on the Baltic borders.»
«… I think it’s worth lowering tensions if we can possibly do it. After all, we’re both still armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons. We both still face a common enemy. It’s worth doing. It’s important to try to do it, but I certainly don’t imagine an end to this cold war akin to the end of the old Cold War, which Gorbachev achieved together with Reagan and Bush.»
Slate Magazine
Did Putin Intentionally Create Chaos in the U.S. or Did He Just Get Lucky?
Also: What exactly does he want?
Прямая речь #citation: Российские политологи об американском политическом кризисе
По материалам статьи «What does Russia think about all this? ‘Washington has gone crazy.’» by David Ignatius, опубликованной в The Washington Post.
Сергей Караганов, руководитель Совета по внешней и оборонной политике:
«It’s a mixture of disgust and sympathy. Disgust because 99 percent of that is lies or a concoction, maybe 100 percent. As for sympathy, it’s a desperate picture when a great democracy is killing itself, committing collective suicide.”
«I would have been proud and happy if the authorities of my country would have used some hackers to penetrate (your system), and showed that you’re living in a crystal palace and should not interfere in the affairs of others.»
«I wouldn’t love him (Trump) to run in Russia, but if your system couldn’t provide better, why not?»
«Trump is unbelievably brave in challenging U.S. political orthodoxy, including his calls for better relations with Russia.»
«America’s vaunted liberal international order is dissolving. That order we did not like, and we are doing away with it.»
Андрей Колесников, независимый аналитик, Московский центр Карнеги:
«Russian President Vladimir Putin wins either way: If we did meddle in your elections, we show our might. If we didn’t, we’re pure.»
Андраник Мигранян, политолог:
«We think Washington has gone crazy. The American story was always one of self-sufficiency. Now, we see a sense of vulnerability.”
«Trump’s election is a paradigm shift for an America that was much more polarized and overstretched than the elites realized. Now, it’s payback time.»
«You are assuring us that Putin is all-powerful, that he can do anything he wants — fix elections, change Europe, do anything.»
Источник: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/what-does-russia-think-about-all-this-washington-has-gone-crazy/2017/06/01/c4c7f07a-46ec-11e7-98cd-af64b4fe2dfc_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-b%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.94dd33d1827d
По материалам статьи «What does Russia think about all this? ‘Washington has gone crazy.’» by David Ignatius, опубликованной в The Washington Post.
Сергей Караганов, руководитель Совета по внешней и оборонной политике:
«It’s a mixture of disgust and sympathy. Disgust because 99 percent of that is lies or a concoction, maybe 100 percent. As for sympathy, it’s a desperate picture when a great democracy is killing itself, committing collective suicide.”
«I would have been proud and happy if the authorities of my country would have used some hackers to penetrate (your system), and showed that you’re living in a crystal palace and should not interfere in the affairs of others.»
«I wouldn’t love him (Trump) to run in Russia, but if your system couldn’t provide better, why not?»
«Trump is unbelievably brave in challenging U.S. political orthodoxy, including his calls for better relations with Russia.»
«America’s vaunted liberal international order is dissolving. That order we did not like, and we are doing away with it.»
Андрей Колесников, независимый аналитик, Московский центр Карнеги:
«Russian President Vladimir Putin wins either way: If we did meddle in your elections, we show our might. If we didn’t, we’re pure.»
Андраник Мигранян, политолог:
«We think Washington has gone crazy. The American story was always one of self-sufficiency. Now, we see a sense of vulnerability.”
«Trump’s election is a paradigm shift for an America that was much more polarized and overstretched than the elites realized. Now, it’s payback time.»
«You are assuring us that Putin is all-powerful, that he can do anything he wants — fix elections, change Europe, do anything.»
Источник: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/what-does-russia-think-about-all-this-washington-has-gone-crazy/2017/06/01/c4c7f07a-46ec-11e7-98cd-af64b4fe2dfc_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-b%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.94dd33d1827d
Washington Post
Opinion | What does Russia think about all this? ‘Washington has gone crazy.’
The Kremlin sees vulnerability in a new world order.
Прямая речь #citation: Полная запись интервью Мегин Келли с Владимиром Путиным
NBC News
Megyn Kelly One-on-One with Russian President Vladimir Putin
Megyn Kelly sits down for an exclusive interview with President Vladimir Putin, asking him about allegations that the Russians interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Ведь я предупреждал: Борис Джонсон о крипто-коммунисте Джереми Корбине, которому русские помогут #toldyouso #posttruth #citation #russianhackers
Пророческое (и почти сбывшееся) предвидение Бориса Джонсона о результатах выборов в Великобритании, которое было озвучено им еще 12 мая:
«Russia could interfere in the upcoming (UK) General Election and Vladimir Putin would rejoice if Labour wins. I think it is a realistic possibility. Clearly we think that is what he did in America, it’s blatantly obvious that’s what he did in France.»
Источник: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/12/exclusive-brussels-could-end-paying-britain-brexit-divorce-bill/
Пророческое (и почти сбывшееся) предвидение Бориса Джонсона о результатах выборов в Великобритании, которое было озвучено им еще 12 мая:
«Russia could interfere in the upcoming (UK) General Election and Vladimir Putin would rejoice if Labour wins. I think it is a realistic possibility. Clearly we think that is what he did in America, it’s blatantly obvious that’s what he did in France.»
Источник: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/12/exclusive-brussels-could-end-paying-britain-brexit-divorce-bill/
The Telegraph
Exclusive: Brussels could end up paying Britain a Brexit divorce bill, says Boris Johnson
Brussels could end up having to pay Britain a Brexit divorce bill because the UK has contributed to so many EU assets, Boris Johnson has suggested, as he accused Europe of wanting to “bleed this country white”.
Прямая речь: Путин о сенаторе Маккейне в еще не опубликованном интервью Оливеру Стоуну #citation #putin
“Well, honestly, I like Senator McCain to a certain extent. And I’m not joking. I like him because of his patriotism, and I can relate to his consistency in fighting for the interests of his own country... People with such convictions, like the Senator you mentioned, they still live in the Old World. And they’re reluctant to look into the future, they are unwilling to recognize how fast the world is changing... They do not see the real threat, and they cannot leave behind the past, which is always dragging them back... Unfortunately there are many senators like this in the United States.”
Putin also compared McCain to the Roman Senator, Cato the Elder, who routinely signed off his speeches, regardless of the subject, with the phrase: “Carthage must be destroyed.”
Источник: один знакомый
“Well, honestly, I like Senator McCain to a certain extent. And I’m not joking. I like him because of his patriotism, and I can relate to his consistency in fighting for the interests of his own country... People with such convictions, like the Senator you mentioned, they still live in the Old World. And they’re reluctant to look into the future, they are unwilling to recognize how fast the world is changing... They do not see the real threat, and they cannot leave behind the past, which is always dragging them back... Unfortunately there are many senators like this in the United States.”
Putin also compared McCain to the Roman Senator, Cato the Elder, who routinely signed off his speeches, regardless of the subject, with the phrase: “Carthage must be destroyed.”
Источник: один знакомый
Прямая речь: Трамп о Катаре на совместной пресс-конференции с президентом Румынии #citation #mistertwister:
"The nation of Qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level, and in the wake of that conference (the summit of Arab and Muslim leaders), nations came together and spoke to me about confronting Qatar over its behavior. So we had a decision to make: Do we take the easy road, or do we finally take a hard but necessary action? We have to stop the funding of terrorism. I decided, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, our great generals and military people, the time had come to call on Qatar to end its funding — they have to end that funding — and its extremist ideology in terms of funding."
Источник: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/06/09/remarks-president-trump-and-president-iohannis-romania-joint-press
"The nation of Qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level, and in the wake of that conference (the summit of Arab and Muslim leaders), nations came together and spoke to me about confronting Qatar over its behavior. So we had a decision to make: Do we take the easy road, or do we finally take a hard but necessary action? We have to stop the funding of terrorism. I decided, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, our great generals and military people, the time had come to call on Qatar to end its funding — they have to end that funding — and its extremist ideology in terms of funding."
Источник: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/06/09/remarks-president-trump-and-president-iohannis-romania-joint-press
Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference
Rose Garden 2:51 P.M. EDT
Прямая речь: Президент Румынии на совместной пресс-конференции с Трампом отвечает на вопрос о российской угрозе #citation:
Q: President Iohannis, you are no stranger to Russian aggression. Vladimir Putin recently suggested that Romania could be in Russia’s crosshairs. How concerned should the world be about Russian aggression in your region? And how concerned should we be here in the United States about what Russia tried to do in our election, sir?
PRESIDENT IOHANNIS: Everybody is concerned. But, you see, being concerned should lead you to being prepared. So in my opinion, we have to be very clear, very simple and very straightforward if we talk about Russia and with Russia. In my opinion, we need dialogue. But, on the other hand, we need what we all together decided in NATO, a strong deterrence. So this combination — strong deterrence and dialogue — should lead towards a solution which is feasible for every part.
Источник: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/06/09/remarks-president-trump-and-president-iohannis-romania-joint-press
Q: President Iohannis, you are no stranger to Russian aggression. Vladimir Putin recently suggested that Romania could be in Russia’s crosshairs. How concerned should the world be about Russian aggression in your region? And how concerned should we be here in the United States about what Russia tried to do in our election, sir?
PRESIDENT IOHANNIS: Everybody is concerned. But, you see, being concerned should lead you to being prepared. So in my opinion, we have to be very clear, very simple and very straightforward if we talk about Russia and with Russia. In my opinion, we need dialogue. But, on the other hand, we need what we all together decided in NATO, a strong deterrence. So this combination — strong deterrence and dialogue — should lead towards a solution which is feasible for every part.
Источник: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/06/09/remarks-president-trump-and-president-iohannis-romania-joint-press
Remarks by President Trump and President Iohannis of Romania in a Joint Press Conference
Rose Garden 2:51 P.M. EDT
Прямая речь: Джим Мэттис, Министр обороны США, о стратегическом противостоянии с Россией
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told lawmakers late Monday that Russia has chosen to be a “strategic competitor” with the United States and that there is no indication Moscow wants a positive relationship with America.
“At this time … I do not see any indication that [Russian President Vladimir Putin] would want a positive relationship with us,” Mattis told the House Armed Services Committee.
“That’s not to say we can’t get there as we look for common ground. But at this point, he has chosen to be a strategic competitor with us and we’ll have to deal with that as we see it,” he added.
Mattis was responding to a question by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), who had asked him if Putin had any real interest in a “mutually beneficial, good faith partnership with the United States,” following its “seemingly relentless . . provocative vocations.”
Moscow has in recent months increased the number of fighter jet and long-range bomber aircraft flights in the international airspace near Alaska, and last week a Russian fighter jet intercepted a U.S. B-52 bomber flying near the country’s border over the international waters of the Baltic Sea.
The Kremlin also backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has demanded the United States not attack forces that support Assad as a U.S.-led coalition attempts to oust the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria fighters. Russia even established four de-escalation zones in Syria and has asserted the coalition stay out of it.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joe Dunford, who spoke alongside Mattis Monday evening, said the United States has a “competitive adversarial relationship with Russia.”
The comments come as Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-Wash.) is set to unveil a new bill meant to force the White House to create a comprehensive policy to deter Russian aggression.
The bill, which Smith hopes to fold into the upcoming annual defense policy bill, is the latest attempt to force President Trump’s hand on Russia, with which he has expressed a desire to improve relations even as his campaign continues to be investigated for possible collusion.
On the Senate side, lawmakers Monday night reached a bipartisan agreement to impose new financial penalties on Russia and limit Trump's ability to lift sanctions without giving Congress a chance to weigh in.
Источник: http://thehill.com/policy/defense/337532-mattis-russia-wants-no-positive-relationship-with-us
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told lawmakers late Monday that Russia has chosen to be a “strategic competitor” with the United States and that there is no indication Moscow wants a positive relationship with America.
“At this time … I do not see any indication that [Russian President Vladimir Putin] would want a positive relationship with us,” Mattis told the House Armed Services Committee.
“That’s not to say we can’t get there as we look for common ground. But at this point, he has chosen to be a strategic competitor with us and we’ll have to deal with that as we see it,” he added.
Mattis was responding to a question by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), who had asked him if Putin had any real interest in a “mutually beneficial, good faith partnership with the United States,” following its “seemingly relentless . . provocative vocations.”
Moscow has in recent months increased the number of fighter jet and long-range bomber aircraft flights in the international airspace near Alaska, and last week a Russian fighter jet intercepted a U.S. B-52 bomber flying near the country’s border over the international waters of the Baltic Sea.
The Kremlin also backs Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has demanded the United States not attack forces that support Assad as a U.S.-led coalition attempts to oust the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria fighters. Russia even established four de-escalation zones in Syria and has asserted the coalition stay out of it.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joe Dunford, who spoke alongside Mattis Monday evening, said the United States has a “competitive adversarial relationship with Russia.”
The comments come as Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith (D-Wash.) is set to unveil a new bill meant to force the White House to create a comprehensive policy to deter Russian aggression.
The bill, which Smith hopes to fold into the upcoming annual defense policy bill, is the latest attempt to force President Trump’s hand on Russia, with which he has expressed a desire to improve relations even as his campaign continues to be investigated for possible collusion.
On the Senate side, lawmakers Monday night reached a bipartisan agreement to impose new financial penalties on Russia and limit Trump's ability to lift sanctions without giving Congress a chance to weigh in.
Источник: http://thehill.com/policy/defense/337532-mattis-russia-wants-no-positive-relationship-with-us
Mattis: Russia wants no 'positive relationship' with US