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Forwarded from GEORGENEWS
OCTOBER 14, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Today, the highly respected Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, is having an event on the big findings from the Arizona Audit. He has invited the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to participate. If they have nothing to hide, and if this was the "most secure election" in history, they would show up and answer the many questions raised by the audit, like how there were over 17,000 duplicate mail-in ballots and why they poured in after Election Day, how there were over 6,000 more ballots than there were envelopes, or why some were stamped "verified and approved," even though they had no signature, which is against the law.

Maricopa County has refused to answer these questions (and so much more!), and instead "shoots the messenger." Tune in to Dr. Shiva's open forum from 12-4PM EDT. We must fix our elections to save our Country!

These massive irregularities and corruption are now in the hands of the Attorney General Mark Brnovich of Arizona. Everybody knows what the right answer is, both in Arizona and other places!

### | @GeorgeChat
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Yesterday a federal judge held the people holding the J6 defendants in the squalid DC jail in contempt of court. Read all about here in my new Substack post:
Forwarded from E
Media is too big
The upcoming Patriot Double Down event promises to be the premier event of the year. A gathering of true-blooded Patriots from across the world whose work represents a phenomenal, and very real, threat to the corrupt establishment.
This is not your average event!
From every corner of the world, from Senators who stand in the gap for you even now, defending your elections with their lives, to NSA whistleblowers who sacrificed everything to bring you truth, to the most powerful movers and shakers of the MAGA movement itself, it will be an eye-opening, incredible experience that is highly worth being at.

This event is *not* a political speech in motion. This is the place where action is happening. This is the beating heart of our movement on display for the world.
It is due to be an event that history will remember as pivotal in freeing the People.
The event takes place October 22-25th, and you can find tickets for in-person attendance at

*Livestreaming access will be announced later.
Forwarded from Just Human ️️️ (Just Human)
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Note: as an FBI agent assigned to CROSSFIRE RAZOR [the FBI's codename for the investigtation of Gen. Flynn] at a late date, Barnett wasn't involved in any of the evidence gathering activity. He was there late and ended being assigned as the FBI liaison to the Mueller Special Counsel team. He's not shown all the documents in the Mueller team's possession related to the Flynn case. But even so, Barnett could see something was seriously wrong with this case.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Barnett and other FBI agents assigned to investigate FBI informant Stefan Halper's bullshit allegation that Flynn had left a Cambridge dinner with Svetlana Lokhova quickly determined the story was not true.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Recall that there was a push to close the Flynn investigation and that it was being closed until Peter Strzok intervened to keep it open.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Barnett actually suggests interviewing Flynn so the case could be closed. That request was turned down.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
So at first Strzok is saying shut it down, then later on reverses himself.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Of course, instead of CROSSFIRE RAZOR being shut down, it stays open after the Flynn/Kislyak phone transcript is leaked to the Washington Post. McCabe engineered the 1/24/17 interview of Flynn at the White House by FBI agents Strzok & Pientka.
Seeing lots of people upset that McCabe appears to be walking but I'm not so sure that is really the case. I don't think this necessarily has anything to do with Durham.

The article Says "The Justice Department has agreed to restore full benefits.." Who currently runs the DOJ? Merrick Garland.

If McCabe is on Durham's radar, which I have to imagine he is (Paging @drawandstrike), I don't think he's going to let him walk. They have the goods on everybody, I don't see them offering many deals.

Let's say McCabe is charged with either perjury or leaking classified information. He would then lose the pension he just got back and serve time.

Let's see what happens