Jon Herold
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Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
Did y'all hear about that sex predator at CNN?

Oh, I guess that isn't specific enough.

The newest one.

No, not Cuomo. But this guy did work for Cuomo.

This creep's name is John Griffin, and according to the indictment,

'Griffin utilized the messaging applications Kik and Google Hangouts to communicate with people purporting to be parents of minor daughters, conveying to them, among other ideas, that a “woman is a woman regardless of her age,” and that women should be sexually subservient and inferior to men. On these communication platforms, Griffin sought to persuade parents to allow him to train their daughters to be sexually submissive. In June of 2020, Griffin advised a mother of 9- and 13-year-old daughters that the mother’s responsibility was to see that her older daughter was “trained properly.”'

You can read the indictment here:

You can read the Daily Mail story here
🔥 Devolution - Part 14 - The Invisible Enemy🔥

Will be going live today!

The exclusive first read will by Patrick Gunnels will take place at 2 PM EST and the article will be published following the reading.

Links to find the show:

on Twitch:
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🔥 Devolution - Part 14 - The Invisible Enemy 🔥 is now live on substack.

Link to Prussia Gate as mentioned in the article:
Forwarded from (I WILL NEVER DM YOU) The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening)
I guess I'm the recent target of the knucklehead brigade. I was going to ignore it, but I don't want my silence to make it seem like I'm hiding something. So I'll address it once and keep it movin'.

Their first claim is that I'm a CIA honeypot because I worked for Playboy, something I've always been transparent about and still discuss on my own livestreams and other interviews. One of the first things I did after starting my YouTube channel in 2019 is interview with Edge of Wonder about my time at Playboy. They had one of the biggest platforms in this community. Thousands of people saw that interview, in fact, it's where most people who followed me back then found me.

I do believe there's merit to a possible CIA connection with Hefner and that the mansion may have been used as a blackmail trap (a topic that I've also spoken on publicly). But if there was anything nefarious going on there, I was never a witness to or part of any of it. To claim I'm in the CIA because I made the genius decision to get naked on the internet when I was 21 is a stretch.

None of us started out knowing what we do now. Wouldn't it be great if we could live life backwards and had the answers so we didn't do stupid shit when we were young? But that's why it's called The Great Awakening and not The Great Born Awake. Some of the most righteous, and solidly good people I know who are out here trying to be of service had a lot in their past they had to contend with. There are some who struggled with substance abuse, went to prison, or, possibly worst of all, voted for Hillary Clinton. But it's not what you did, it's what you're doing. As long as you are on the side of God now, I really don't care what's in your past. In fact, I think it's meaningful if you touched the dark, but in the end chose the light. You then become a bridge for others who need it most.

The claims against my husband are equally lame. These are harder for me to address because I'm not a spokesperson for my husband, and it puts me in a weird position. But here goes.

I went full blown truther/researcher 4 years ago. My husband did not. He's mostly apolitical, as was I before my awakening. We're not the only couple out there in different phases of the awakening process or not exactly on the same page. He supported me in what I was doing because he knows I'm a good person with good intentions, not because he agreed with everything I said. We are individuals with our own thoughts and opinions, and he let me do my thing despite it being weird and honestly a little scary for him considering how it might affect what he does for a living.

My husband is in a band and he's an artist (mostly for the music industry). There is some grody symbolism in both these outlets. The music industry is probably the most riddled with terrible symbolism, which is now recognizable to those of us who have researched it. My husband has not researched it. These images have been seeded into our culture, especially pop culture, and forced into our collective subconscious. Most people who use them are clueless to their actual meaning, as is the case with my husband.

My husband is not involved in writing any of the lyrics for their band. He's the guitar player, again this is how he makes his living. The band raised money for BLM last year. Believe it or not, I was not actually consulted on that bright idea. I have nothing to do with the band or the choices they make. Even my husband only has 1/5 of the vote when it comes to band decisions.

I knew up front that by putting myself out there that I was risking becoming a target for this kind of juvenile attack. It's unfortunate that the scrutiny now extends to my family members who didn't sign up for this.

I don't even think the accounts spreading these claims are serious people, their goal seems to be to cause division. Or maybe they want to scare some of us into submission so we quit. But I'm pretty confident those of you who have gotten to know me through my work see me for who I am and what I'm here for.
Regarding that 👆 One of the biggest blessings for me since I've started writing the Devolution series is the amazing people I’ve been able to meet because of my new platform. About a month after I started my telegram channel, I was invited to be an admin with We The Media.

That is where I first met and there is nobody more amazing. She is the most authentic and genuine person I have come to know. She represents the best of this movement.

Don't buy in to the bullshit attempts to attack her and cause division. Give her a follow and show her some support. She is one of the few who truly deserve it.
Forwarded from Jon Herold
🔥 Devolution - Part 14 - The Invisible Enemy 🔥 is now live on substack.

Link to Prussia Gate as mentioned in the article:
My articles are considered “potentially harmful” and can’t even be posted to twitter. 😂
Forwarded from Jon Herold
🔥 Devolution - Part 14 - The Invisible Enemy 🔥 is now live on substack.

Link to Prussia Gate as mentioned in the article:
Got this bad boy in the mail today ❤️🔥
Forwarded from TKA Chat
To those of you in the chat saying Trump abandoned us, sold us out, or was always apart of the cabal, I’m going to make a prediction about you and you can let me know if I’m wrong.

I predict you have never read all of the Q drops or Devolution.

Those of us who have read one or both still have hope. No one knows for sure at this point how this all ends. But a lot of the people that say Trump did us dirty state it like it’s a fact. The people who have read Q or Dev can’t state the outcome as a fact either, but we do have some information that the others don’t.

Instead of aligning with doom and gloom, do yourself a favor and look into 1 or both of them. I’m always surprised when people feel like they can argue something they’ve never researched. Both take a considerable amount of time, the Q drops will take you a couple months to properly get through, Devolution is much quicker.

Again, it’s not to say those of us who have read them have all the answers, but we are seeing certain possibilities that others most likely aren’t.

The one point I will agree with is that we shouldn’t view Trump as our “savior” and it is still important for us all be doing what we can to save ourselves. Help wake up others, get involved in your local school board and government, stand up to face masks and bullshit mandates and tyranny EVERY TIME. Be a peaceful but immovable rock when anyone is attempting to push against your God given liberties. If we all do those things, it won’t matter much what the truth is about Trump, we will have done what we could.
Forwarded from (I WILL NEVER DM YOU) The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening)
Just want to clarify one thing. My channel isn’t a “Q” channel. Q is what woke me up and I’ll reference it because of that. There are many avenues that lead to the truth, and I’m actually super impressed by those who formed a clear picture without the help of Q. (Cates, Dilley, Patel…) That takes some serious big brainage. But I’ll always recommend it to those who I think it will be useful to because it helped me so much. This channel is just about seeking the truth no matter the method.

Thank you all for coming to my Ted Talks this morning. I’ve had a lot of coffee.
Forwarded from Today's Posts (CaptRick1974)
Devolution: The Investigative Series and the Proposal That All That We Have Seen is Part of a Plan - Part 14: The Invisible Enemy (Patel Patriot Substack)

Patel Patriot 11 Dec 2021

This article is going to have a different vibe than the previous articles in my Devolution. I won’t be focusing on the actual Devolution operation, but instead on someone who has emerged as the key figure in common among the institutions and organizations that have gone all-in in attacking Trump.

I recently was sent a link to a Substack series titled “Prussia Gate.” As I have been reading through the Prussia Gate story (everything factually sourced), I have become more and more convinced that the enemy Trump is defeating through Devolution is an enemy that has sought control over the world population for centuries, if not longer. We’re simply facing the modern day version of the same invisible enemy.

This battle we are watching unfold isn’t merely Democrat vs. Republican. There is a global network of individuals, corporations, NGOs, and think tanks operating behind the scenes and puppeteering the political landscape and this is what Trump is seeking to dismantle. In this article I’m going introduce you to an individual that is connected with each of the major battles Trump faced in his first term.

My goal is not to make accusations, but to share what I have learned. By now, it has become clear that there are many well-connected individuals in numerous organizations that have played instrumental roles in these political assaults, but one individual in particular stands out to me. It’s my hope that by the end of this article, I will have explained how this individual is different and how he appears to have a direct connection to the “Prussia Gate” story. Of course, some of the information I’m going to present has already been dismissed as “conspiracy theories” by the mainstream media, but my goal is not to weigh in on any “theory,” it is to present the facts.
Mark Meadows Instagram post yesterday -

“America First” will be back 🔥🔥