FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
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FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#SELL_EURCAD | #11FEB2021 Indicator is showing SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame with weak EURO against strong CAD position, so trade accordingly. TP=1.5320/1.5270 — PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE = 90 Pips Gain (1.5420-1.5330) How to Convert…

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is almost broken, so trade accordingly.


(E1: 1.5380-1.5400 = -20)
(E2: 1.5440-1.5370 = 70)

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @Flashtrade11
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #8MAR2021 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is almost broken, so trade accordingly. TP=1.5000/1.4950 — PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE = 50 Pips Gain (E1: 1.5380…

Indicator is strongly suggesting to SELL now with most of RED ticks as CAD strength against EURO weakness, So trade accordingly


(1.5080 - 1.4890 ) — Both TP Achieved

Ask the Experts for technical analysis with Indicator Trading » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_BUY_EURCAD | #7JUL2021 L1: 1.4730-1.4700 Indicator is showing the strong BUY only with most of GREEN ticks in different time frame & check the resistance level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP=1.4800 / 1.4850 — PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE = 130…

L1: 1.4820 - 1.4850 | 1.4900 - 1. 4930

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP=1.4750 / 1.4700

Ask the Experts for technical analysis with Indicator Trading » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #2AUG2021 L1: 1.4820 - 1.4850 | 1.4900 - 1. 4930 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP=1.4750 / 1.4700 Ask the Experts…

L1: 1.4780 - 1.4810 | 1.4860 - 1.4880

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP=1.4710 / 1.4660

Previous Performance = = 150 Pips Gain
» E1: 1.4850 - 1.4870 = 20 Pips Loss
» E2: 1.4920 - 1.4750 = 170 Pips Gain

Ask the Experts for technical analysis with Indicator Trading » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #18AUG2021 L1: 1.4780 - 1.4810 | 1.4860 - 1.4880 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP=1.4710 / 1.4660 — Previous…

L1: 1.4860 - 1.4890 | 1.4930 - 1.4950

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4800/1.4750

Previous Performance
» 1.4810 - 1.4830 = -20 Pips Loss
» 1.4880 - 1.4900 = -20 Pips Loss

Ask the Experts for technical analysis with
Indicator Trading » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #1SEP2021 L1: 1.4860 - 1.4890 | 1.4930 - 1.4950 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.4800/1.4750 — Previous Performance…

L1: 1.5020 - 1.4990 | 1.4940 - 1.4920

Indicator is showing the strong BUY only with most of GREEN ticks in different time frame & check the resistance level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.5080 / 1.5130

Previous Performance 100 Pips Gain
» 1.4960 - 1.4860

Ask the Experts for technical analysis with Indicator Trading » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #9SEP2021 L1: 1.5020 - 1.4990 | 1.4940 - 1.4920 Indicator is showing the strong BUY only with most of GREEN ticks in different time frame & check the resistance level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.5080 / 1.5130 — Previous…

L1: 1.4940 - 1.4970 | 1.5020 - 1.5040

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4870 / 1.4820

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #9SEP2021 L1: 1.4940 - 1.4970 | 1.5020 - 1.5040 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.4870 / 1.4820 Ask for Best…

L1: 1.4990 - 1.5020 | 1.5070 - 1.5090

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4920 | 1.4870

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #22SEP2021 L1: 1.4990 - 1.5020 | 1.5070 - 1.5090 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.4920 | 1.4870 Ask for Best…

L1: 1.4370-1.4400 | 1.4450-1.4470

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4310/1.4260

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #20OCT2021 L1: 1.4370-1.4400 | 1.4450-1.4470 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.4310/1.4260 Ask for Best Indicator…

L1: 1.4340-1.4370|1.4420-1.4440

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4280/1.4230

Previous Performance = 130 Pips Gain
» 1.4390-1.4330

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #4NOV2021 L1: 1.4340-1.4370|1.4420-1.4440 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.4280/1.4230 Previous Performance…

L1: 1.4250-1.4280|1.4330-1.4350

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4190/1.4140

Previous Performance = 60 Pips Gain
» 1.4380 - 1.4320

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @ft113
FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#INDICATOR_SELL_EURCAD | #22NOV2021 L1: 1.4250-1.4280|1.4330-1.4350 Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly. TP= 1.4190/1.4140 Previous Performance…

L1: 1.4360-1.4390|1.4440-1.4460

Indicator is showing the strong SELL only with most of RED ticks in different time frame & check the support level is broken, so trade accordingly.

TP= 1.4300/1.4250

Previous Performance = 180 Pips Gain
» E1 : 1.4280 - 1.4300 = 20 pips loss
» E2 : 1.4360 - 1.7160 = 200 pips gain

Ask for Best Indicator as per your Capital & enjoy 10 times return with high accuracy » @ft113