FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
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FLASHTRADE1 Indicator based Trading
#BUY_GBPJPY | #1FEB2021 Indicator is showing most of GREEN TICK + rising trend with GBP strength against weak JPY as per Top 10 Broker's Volume data fetching analysis so BUY IT, so trade accordingly. TP = 144.40-144.90 — PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE = 130 Pips…

Indicator is showing most of GREEN TICK + rising trend with GBP strength against weak CHF as per Top 10 Broker's Volume data fetching analysis so BUY IT, so trade accordingly.

TP = 1.3100/1.3160

(1.2460-1.2570) — 1st TP Achieved

How to Convert Indicators in to 250-350 Pips Profit Daily » @ft113