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Data retention: Amidst pandemic, Norway moots powers for spy agency
#Überwachung #DataRetentionDirective #Etjenesten #english #FrankBakkeJensen #JesperLund #MassSurveillance #PrivacyInternational

With public attention diverted by the corona crisis, Norway debates a law that would give its military intelligence agency sweeping powers to collect metadata from all cross-border communication
„Urgently needed“: France, Spain push for new EU data retention law
#Überwachung #DataRetentionDirective #DigitalServicesAct #ECJ #english #europeanunion #GillesdeKerchove #MoritzKörner #PatrickBreyer

Despite recent EU court rulings that curb surveillance powers, a few member states push for new data retention legislation․ A document suggests their far-reaching demands could change the Digital Services Act and data protection rules․