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Series on Digital Colonialism: How Meta aims to dominate India’s agriculture sector
#Technologie #datalocalisation #DigitalColonialism #digitalinfrastructure #english #Facebook #farmlaws #Farmersprotest #Farmers #financialinformation #financialsecurity #foodsecurity #foodsupplychain #Freebasics #India #IndianFarmers #ITforChange #JioKrishi #JioMart #markzuckerberg #Meta #monopolies #MukeshAmbani #RelianceIndustries #WhatsApp #WhatsApploans #WhatsAppPay

Will Meta soon control the Indian food supply market? – Rahel LangFacebook has entered a deal with India's largest corporation, Reliance Industries, in a bid to monopolize the entire food supply chain in India․ This deal could put the food security of more than 820 million people at risk․ Part 1 of our series on digital colonialism․
Series on Digital Colonialism: Global labor chains of the western AI
#Technologie #ArtificialIntelligence #Autonomouscars #contentmoderation #DigitalColonialism #Facebook #GlobalSouth #Incomedisparities #LabourExploitation #machinelearning #Meta #Sama #Samasource #weaklabourlaws #WorkAlienation

Cheap labor in the Global South creates an almost infinite potential for exploitation․ – Rahel LangWestern tech firms are outsourcing tasks like data labeling or content moderation to countries in the Global South․ They are pitting off poor workers against each other – on a global scale․
Series on digital colonialism: Western tech companies saving billions in taxes in the global south
#Nutzerrechte #ActionAid #Colonialism #DigitalColonialism #Facebook #GlobalSouth #Google #Googletax #healthcaresystems #Microsoft #NeoColonialism #oecd #taxevasion #taxgap #taxhavens #Worldhealthorganisation

Tech companies save billions in the global south (symbol image) – Rahel LangUnfair tax laws help Facebook, Google and Microsoft save billions in taxes in the global south – enough to employ 1․7 million nurses in 20 countries within three years․ Part 3 of our series on digital colonialism․
Series on Digital Colonialism: The bloody footprint of our digital devices
#Technologie #Apple #birthdefects #ChildLabour #Cobalt #cobaltmines #Colonialism #Congo #Dell #DigitalColonialism #Environmentaldamage #Google #HumanRightsabuses #Microsoft #NeoColonialism #sexualabuse #tesla

US tech firms profit from Human rights abuses and child labor – Rahel LangAlthough neither smartphones nor electric cars would work without cobalt, workers mining the precious raw material in Congo live a dangerous life․ Some families of deceased workers tried to fight back, but it is hard to hold tech companies like Tesla or Apple accountable․ Part 4 in our series on Digital Colonialism․