Котокафе Мурчашка
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Котокафе. Котики. Почти приют. Сокольники. Ждём вас тут!
2ой Полевой переулок, дом 2, с 12 до 22.
У нас 30+ кошек. Каждая - ищет свой дом.
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Нынешнее время - время новых историй.
История Берты - именно из таких, из новых.
Если коротко, то вот:
"Hello, if you’re reading this is because you are thinking of taking Bertha, who I called precious . I wanted to write this note as I hope she finds a really good home, she was by far the best pet that I have ever known. In fact, I would say she was more of a friend than a pet. At first she was very shy. as I’m sure she will be shy with you too but once you get to know her she loves to be close by. She’s not super snugly, which is a bit unfortunate but having said that she’s playful clean Very well behaved and does not scratch the furniture. She's quiet at night and sleeps on the bed at my feet. She has a very good character Ann is a very beautiful cat once you get to know her. It is without hesitation that I recommend her. I had to leave the country and couldn't take her but I would have kept her always if I could have. if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at my email. thank you and please take good care of her"

А если не коротко... а не коротко не получится. Была у нас Берта. Нашла свой дом. Просто чумового человека, который с нее пылинки сдувал. Берта за время домашней жизни расцвела, невероятно похорошела (это ведь видно по фоткам, правда?..) и если б вам показали ее фотки до укотовления - вы бы не поверили, что это одна и та же кошь.
Увы, так бывает.
Новое время - новые истории....

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