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"We spend our days, each one of us, in looking for the secret of life. Well, the secret of life is in art."
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Mira calligraphiae monumenta
The book of calligraphy and botany. It was written by two authors in the middle-end of 16th century. Firstly famous George Bocskay wrote the calligraphy. After 30 years Flemish artist and engraver Joris Hoefnagel added miniatures. Authors did not meet in person. Ferdinand I, Maximilian I and Rudolf II were customers.
Nils Forsberg - Death of a Hero
Emmanuelle Moureaux
"Forest of Numbers"
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The Augmented Reality Sandbox (orginally developed by researchers at UC Davis) lets users sculpt mountains, canyons and rivers, then fill them with water or even create erupting volcanoes. This version of the device at UCLA was built by Gary Glesener using off-the-shelf parts and good ol’ playground sand.

Any shape made in the sandbox is detected by an Xbox Kinect sensor and processed with open source software. It is then projected as a color-coded contour map onto the sand.