Following on from our #chess thread before Easter, here are some more #medieval pastimes we could have occupied ourselves with during lockdown after losing too many games and throwing the chess board away! (Image: Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Bl. 262v) on from our #chess thread before Easter, here are some more #medieval pastimes we could have occupied ourselves with during lockdown after losing 4817151 Following on from our #chess thread before Easter, here are some more #medieval pastimes we could have occupied (Image: Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848, Bl. 262v) on from our #chess thread before Easter, here are some more #medieval pastimes we could have occupied ourselves with during lockdown after losing 4817151 Following on from our #chess thread before Easter, here are some more #medieval pastimes we could have occupied
November 15, 2021
Black to play and win: Ossolinski, Ziemowit vs Szewczyk, Mariusz. 224th YMCA Winter A 2020 2020.01.17 #chess to play and win: Ossolinski, Ziemowit vs Szewczyk, Mariusz. 224th YMCA Winter A 2020 2020.01.17 #chess 2306831 Black to
December 13, 2021