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The downtown Waynesville Father's House Base Team in N.C. is going strong! We are actively bringing God's love and supernatural restoration to the heavy hit Western North Carolina region. Please share the link to our personal fundraiser and stand by for further updates! God bless you!

-Michael Basham working with Jody Halstead and many others at the frontlines

In fully uniting your spirit with Mine, as you allow Me to fully possess you, as you reject carnal-mindedness and put on My mind, as you allow Me to more fully live in you, as you live, breathe, and think My thoughts, then I am able to activate a greater capacity of mental and spiritual powers within you. Your mind has tremendous potential, for it is spiritual, and when your mind is yielded to Me, you are able to generate My power. You become generators of the power of God and nothing will be impossible to you!
8. The mind of God is powerful, and as you reject the thoughts and reasoning and conclusions of the world and put on My mind, My Heavenly thought power can then be activated within you. When you put on My mind you will have greater focus, greater perception, greater insight, greater wisdom, and true knowledge--for it will be the knowledge of God, not of the world, that controls you.
9. David was intrigued with this great power when he was with you on Earth. Yet at that time, little did he know that it would be necessary for Me to hand you this gift while you were still in the world, in order to see you through the Last Days; in order to help you know the thoughts and intents of men's hearts; in order to help you perform miracles, wonders, and great feats in the Time of the End; in order to help you rise above the earthly and transcend it, to ascend to the Heavenly; in order to defeat the Antichrist forces, all powers of evil, and Satan himself.
10. This enhancement of Heavenly thought power that I make available to you now will help you call down the power of Heaven to do My will! It will help you perform miracles in My Name! As you call on the power of the keys to help you hone this gift, it will unlock amazing doors before you! In the Last Days, you will think of one who needs healing and they will be healed. You will look into the eyes of others and you will know their thoughts; you will be able to read their minds. You will point your finger to command the weather, and in the flash of a thought it will be done. In the flash of a thought you will confound your enemies! In a thought you will move mountains! Such is the power of My thoughts and mind within you--it can bring life to the dead; it can heal and transform minds, bodies, hearts, and lives; it can defy all imposs­ibilities; it can rise above all obstacles.
11. By putting on My mind, you will reflect and express My thoughts; My thoughts will become your thoughts, and My thoughts carry power--power to heal, power to discern, power to know the thoughts and intents of every heart, power to call down the might of Heaven to fight for you, power to overcome all evil. What is in a thought? Many things, My loves, and My thoughts translate energy and power through you. My thoughts are everything good, pure, and true. My thoughts are spirit and they are life. My thoughts rule.
12. You have already experienced a small measure of My thought power, as have others--men and women of faith, who have known Me and obeyed My Word and put on a measure of the mind of Christ. But I now open to you, My intimate brides, the gift of increased Heavenly thought power, that which the world has not known before this time. To you I open the door to become one with Me to a greater degree than any others have ever experienced. I open the door to you to more fully put on My mind, to more fully put on My thoughts. You walk through this door by allowing Me to have full possession, by rejecting the carnal and allowing My thoughts to flow through you. As you embrace this gift, My thought power in you will be unprecedented. If you will live, think and breathe My thoughts, My wisdom will exude from you, and you will be guided by My Spirit as the world has never seen.
13. If you do your part and reject the things of the world, if you will put off carnal thinking and the knowledge of man, and put on My mind, become one with My mind, allowing My thoughts to dominate you, rule in you, prevail in you, and move in you, you will work greater miracles.
14. This is why I long to fully possess you, My loves, so that My thoughts can flow through you to such a degree that you are always directed, guided, energized and empowered by My mind and thoughts, by My perfect will, so you can avail your­selves of My Heavenly thought power and perform the greater works spoken of. You need not understand every detail of this gift or every facet of this truth I tell you at this time. Only believe, receive, and begin today to hone this gift. Learn to use it, and you will see results.
15. Today the evil imaginations of men's hearts are destroying the Earth at breakneck speed. This is why I desire to enhance this power within you now. This is why you, My chosen of the End, must put off that which is of the flesh or of the world and put on the spiritual, the very mind of God. If you'll begin using this power now, it will help you activate the world, to set free those held in servitude to the Evil One. As you develop this gift and hone it into a skill, it will help you overcome all that hurts and destroys--it is given to you to overcome all evil in the Last Days. If you are to fulfill your destiny you must be more fully activated with My thoughts; you must be generators of the power of God.
16. The thought power I will activate within you will far surpass any such demon­stration of power in Earth's history! For this thought power is putting on My Own mind in greater degree. It is being ruled by My thoughts, letting My thoughts flow through you, rather than that which is carnal. It is becoming a generator of the power of God. Those who believe and receive will become one with My mind. This thought power will not reach its complete potential while you are yet in the flesh, for Earth cannot contain such power; that is reserved for Heaven, when you join Me. Yet I will activate this gift to a sufficient degree that it will cause a mighty widening of the eyes! It will bloom and blossom and far exceed the thought power of any others in all the Earth.
17. The world will stand in awe, for never before has man beheld the awesome results of this power! When those of the Earth witness this power, some will fall to their knees and praise Me, and they will have a healthy fear of Me. Others will tremble in fear of man; they will not repent, but rather try to fight the power of God.
18. You must not question or doubt this awesome gift. Do not ponder in your mind and think it is not yet the appointed time, for I said I give you all power in Heaven and over Hell.
19. The mind of man is a marvel of My creation, and I have built tremendous capacity therein. Men of true science acknowledge this, yet it is way beyond the finite mind of man to understand the full extent of the matter. My loves, I have created your mind to become one with My mind, I have created your minds to be vehicles for My thoughts, that through you, I might show My might and power to the world. Though I allow some to have limited glimpses of the tremendous capacity of the mind, for the most part I have veiled this understanding from man, for his heart is evil. I have kept the full understanding, knowledge and power from those of the world, for I have not found them worthy of such things. Nor would they use it for My glory as you will, My dear ones.
20. Yet I now activate this gift of Heavenly thought power within you who will meet the re­quire­ments. Those who do the things I ask are worthy, and I am able to trust you with such a gift. For in yielding your all to Me, in meeting these require­ments, you become My pure ­vessels--generators of My power. It is not you, but Me within you. It is not your power, but Mine. It is not you, but My power activated within you. It is not you, but Me working through you to conquer evil in these Last Days.
21. In order to avail yourselves of Heavenly thought power, you must put on My mind. You must link your mind with My mind, for this linkup with Me is the process by which the thought power is released. Your thoughts must be My thoughts, and when they are, great power is released to you. This is the thought power I wish to give you now, for when your mind becomes one with My mind, My power will flow through you as never before.
22. The mind of man is My creation--that which I formed from the dust of the earth and gave life and spirit, that which is meant to be linked with Me. Satan tries to usurp this order; he has tried to steal away and control My creation. Through linking the mind of man to himself, Satan weakens and darkens man's understanding, rendering him handicapped and given over to a corrupt mind. Yet the choice is given to every man. Each one holds the power to choose his state of mind through free will. Within those who choose Me, My Spirit will override any and all of Satan's hold, for nothing can withstand My power. I am the Author and Creator of peace and of a sound mind, and those who put on the totality of My mind are able to activate the fuller use of My thought power, for My thoughts will rule in them.
23. You, My children, who choose to put on My mind, have the right to claim this gift in your hands. Just as you say yes to My will and My ways, just as you choose to live for Me and serve Me, so if you choose to meet these require­ments--to reject the carnal and put on My mind, to allow Me to fully possess you, to do the things I ask of you--My thought power within you will be greatly enhanced and My miracle-working power will be at your command.
24. How marvelous are My ways, but they are not past finding out. I have created you with tremendous, supernatural, even mental and physical capacity--and it is now available to those who put off carnal thinking and that which is earthly, who link their minds with Me, who think My thoughts, and who let My Word live and rule in them, who live to do My will.
25. The mind of man is My Own marvelous creation, yet it is no match for the mind of God; it is meant to be linked with the mind of God. And this is why I ask you, My brides, as I have pled with My children throughout all time, to put on My mind, to shun the carnal mind and put on that which is Heavenly, that which is spiritual. Through this new gift that I am giving you, when your mind melds with Mine, I will enhance your spiritual and mental capacities. When you meet these requirements, your thoughts will be greatly empowered by Me, for your thoughts will be My thoughts. You will then be able to generate My greater power and perform tremendous wonders--great exploits!
26. There are those in the world even now who harness the power of the mind to varying degrees through their use of the power of mind over matter--mystics, diviners, some who I empower and some who are given over to ­Satan. Yet their powers are mere child's play compared to what I will give you, My miracle workers of the End! It is given to you, the children of David, to know the full mind of God and to be generators of My power in these Last Days. It is given to you to activate this power within that you might perform the greatest miracles of all time--to heal, to mend, to change minds and hearts, to call down the power of Heaven both to save and to destroy. To you it is given to possess a fuller and greater degree of thought power than any others who have walked on Earth--if you will do these things I ask of you.
27. The use of this gift I have put within you is conditional; it will depend on each of you, My loves. It will depend on you meeting the requirements, on putting off the carnal and putting on My mind. If you will gird up the loins of your minds and prepare, if you will clear your minds of that which is carnal, if you will allow Me to fully possess you, if you will let My mind move freely in you, if you will prepare by calling on the power of the keys and doing all you can to reject that which is carnal by putting on My mind, then My thought power within you will be greatly intensified and you will do exploits. You will do greater things than I or all the prophets did while on Earth.
28. I have given you these requirements, and as you do these things, as you put on My mind, through this union of My Spirit with your spirit, I will activate your greater capacity of thought power. Begin doing these things today; put off the carnal and put on My mind. Greater power is available to you now; you can begin to use it straightway. Get acquainted with it.
29. This is the gift I put in your hands today; it is to be activated at the touch of your faith and through your obedience to the requirements I set before you. The only thing that will limit your use of this gift is your own inability to receive. I place it in your hands, to be activated by each individual's faith.
30. This is not a gift that is meant to be activated in the distant future; you can begin using it today--now. If you'll step out and obey, if you'll make the effort to put on My mind, if you'll call on the power of the keys to release the gift within you, if you'll exercise the gift, it will be activated, and it will begin to grow. It will grow and grow into a full, mature, and practiced gift as you become the miracle workers of the final days. As you meet the requirements, the gift will be at your command, and through this gift you will receive greater power to live up to the standard of discipleship I am requiring in this Endtime. As the spiritual battles intensify and Satan's System tries to pull harder and harder on you with each passing day, this gift will help you stand strong, to stay dropped out, to stay pure and free from Satan's grip.
31. Remember, where I guide, I provide--and this gift of Heavenly thought power, of knowing My mind and letting My thoughts freely and fully flow through you, is vital in helping you make it through these Last Days. If you will begin honing this gift today, My thought power will aid and guide you; it will help you stick to your convictions and to be action disciples; it will help you stay free of lethargy, uncompromising, and strong in the unity of My Spirit.
32. Through putting Heavenly thought power to use in your life, you will find more power to witness. You will expand My Family across the nations. This thought power will work hand in hand with the other outstanding gifts I have given you, that of hearing from Me in prophecy, of calling on the keys, and of praise and prayer, to further empower you to stay free from the evil Selvegion, Pan, Bacchus, and ­every minion of Satan who would try to oppose you. This awesome gift of putting on My mind, of allowing My thoughts to rule in you and guide you, will further empower you to live My Law of Love, to be My face to the world, to fully live up to your calling of being My called-out ones, My intimate brides, My chosen of the Last Days, My miracle workers of the End, you who love Me with all your heart, soul and mind, you who are one with My mind, in whom I dwell and through whom I demonstrate My awesome and mighty power to the Earth and worlds beyond.
33. As you hone this gift, in addition to the other gifts I have given you, there will be no denying where your convictions lie, no denying to whom you belong. The devils will cower and tremble, for they know there is no force that can match the power that will flow through you. They will know that you are My disciples indeed, that you belong to Me and that we are one. (End of message from Jesus.)
A place for fishermen's nets-The fall of Tyre
Tyre was a city in ancient Lebanon which still exists today. In the years when the prophecy was given, Tyre was part of a country called Phoenicia. This was about 600 years before Jesus was born.
In the year 590 B.C., God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel and told him what was going to happen in the future to the city of Tyre.
From Ezekiel chapters 26-30-Son of man, because Tyre has said against Jerusalem, ‘Aha! She is broken.' And hast said, ‘I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas-I am of perfect beauty!' Therefore thus says the Lord God: ‘Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and will cause many nations to come up against you. And they shall destroy the walls of Tyre and break down her towers; I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock. It shall be a place for spreading nets in the midst of the sea, for I have spoken,' says the Lord God; ‘it shall become plunder for the nations. I will make you a terror, and you shall be no more; though you are sought for, you will never be found again. I will make you like the top of a rock; you shall be a place for spreading nets, and you shall never be rebuilt. Behold, I will bring against Tyre from the north Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: … and they shall know that I am the Lord [when] I will give the land of Egypt unto Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; yet had he no wages, nor his army, for Tyrus.
God told Ezekiel that because the city of Tyre was proud and rebellious against God, then God was going to allow the king of another country to come and destroy the city. He said that the city would end up in ruins, just piles of rocks for the fishermen to spread their nets over.
If you were living in Tyre in those days, you would have thought this was a silly prediction. Tyre was the great city of the Phoenicians, built on a hill overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in what is now the modern nation of Lebanon. The Phoenicians were a great seafaring and trading people- "all the ships of the sea" came to Tyre. The Phoenicians were one of the outstanding civilizations of ancient times.
Ezekiel 27:9-Elders of Gebal and its wise men were in you to caulk your seams; all the ships of the sea and their oarsmen were in you to market your merchandise.
But just look what happened to Tyre!
Nebuchadnezzar was the heathen king of Babylon. He went out conquering many countries.
God even allowed him to conquer His people in the land of Israel because they had turned their backs on God's ways.
In 586 B.C. four years later, Nebuchadnezzar's armies went through the cities of Tyre and Sidon. Just like God had told Ezekiel, Nebuchadnezzar tore down ancient Tyre and leveled it to the very ground, but left the ruins there.
The whole prophecy still had not been fulfilled because the old city of Tyre had not been scraped "as bare as the top of a rock" and its ruins were not yet "a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea."
Nebuchadnezzar received no wages for destroying Tyre-no jewels or gold or loot-because the people of Tyre fled to a little island that was a half mile offshore. There the people built a new city and took all of their wealth with them. Nebuchadnezzar was not a seafaring man. He had no ships or navy and he was unable to cross that little half mile of ocean between him and the island to conquer them.
So on the mainland lay the ruins of ancient Tyre, while a new city of Tyre was built on the island. The prophecy was still not completely fulfilled.
But what God says, eventually comes to pass! Sometimes it takes a long time, but God's prophecies never fail! And that's what happened. About 250 years later a Macedonian king named Alexander the Great came along sweeping the world with his armies, fighting great battles with minimal losses on his side.
In 332 B.C., Alexander came to Tyre. He heard all about this wealthy city out there on the island. Alexander was a very smart general. He looked out across that half mile of water and said, "How can I get there? I want to get all that money they have out there!"
So he began looking around for something to use, and he saw this big pile of rubble that used to be the ancient city of Tyre-all those bricks and stones and mortar and timbers. So Alexander's army got it all together and they scraped everything they could find right into the Mediterranean Sea. They scraped the area bare and used the materials to build a causeway right across the shallow floor of the Mediterranean to the island city! And soon Alexander captured and plundered the island city of Tyre.
And do you know what? Along the sides of that road the fishermen spread their nets exactly like God had prophesied! Tyre was thrown into the sea! This exact end of ancient Tyre was predicted over 250 years before it happened! Only God could have predicted that so many years before!
86. OBEDIENCE --{page 696}--

If ye love Me, keep My commandments ( Jn.14:15 ).

[HomeARC Note (03/04): Please refer to The Charter and Family policy statements for official policy and doctrine regarding many of the following topics.]

1. We know that God does not fail and will never let us down if we are trusting and obeying Him and operating according to His Will and what He knows best.
2. If you don't take a hint from the Lord, sometimes He has to give you a shove.
3. God loves all His children, although of course He is bound to appreciate more those who please Him.
4. There's no little disobedience to God, any disobedience is a big one.
5. Yours not to make reply,
Yours not to reason why,
Yours but to do or die.
6. I believe in obeying God if it means facing all Hell & high water & turning the World upside-down…! If I hadn't obeyed, you wouldn't be here! I'm willing to go to any extreme [within God's will] to get the job done, & I'm not about to begin to let anybody stand in the way!
7. Your own spirit becomes evil when you disobey & are out of fellowship with God and out of His Spirit. Then it becomes an evil spirit because you're in disobedience, defiance, compromise, failure, lack of faith, doubting & grumbling!
8. If you obey God's standard, His laws & rules of conduct, whether they be physical, spiritual, psychological or even financial, you will reap some good results, even if you're not really saved or a believer.
9. Since when are you supposed to wait until all the conditions are just right before you have enough faith to obey!
10. Yesterday's obedience isn't good enough for today!
11. One little disobedience leads to another, one bit of selfishness leads to more.
12. If God never tells you another thing, if you just go according to what you have already, you'll get along great!
13. Nothing short of right is right.
14. Even the unsaved can be blessed by the Lord if they obey the Lord and do their duty & what they're supposed to do.
15. God won't exactly make you do what He wants, but He can sure make you awfully sorry you didn't!
16. For God's sake, follow God!--Not yourself, not your own ideas, not your own plans and programs, but God!
17. Do what you can, and God will do what you can't.
18. Your obedience in doing what God tells you to do shows your faith that God is going to do the rest, what you can't do.
19. Without obedience it's impossible to have faith.
20. There is no such a thing as halfway obedience!
21. If you refuse the easy way of obedience, "the way of the transgressor is hard."
22. As far as the Will of God is concerned, there's only one best, and that's His first choice. And if you take second choice, it is your best, not His!
23. If I can just get you to follow God, I know you'll do the right thing!
24. You can't serve God unless you obey God!
25. Don't tell me you can't, because if you couldn't, God wouldn't have asked it of you!
26. Spiritual maturity is not a matter of years or time, it's just a matter of your connection with the Lord and His Word, and your obedience and your humility.
27. Right or wrong, if he's the boss, it's your duty to obey.
28. In any Man's army, you've got to have faith, trust and confidence in leadership, and strict loyalty and obedience thereto--or you've got trouble.
29. You do not have to leave the ship to be in mutiny against the captain! All you have to do is interfere with his control!
30. You'll get away with defying God's natural laws no easier than you'll get away with defying His spiritual laws.
31. The right thing is to obey.
32. God expects of His army total absolute unquestioning obedience and faithfulness, even if sometimes His officers might be wrong! [See #38.]
33. You don't have to worry about anything, all you have to do is obey!
34. If you disobey God about one thing, you'll disobey Him about almost anything!
35. Try to follow suggestions before they have to become tough orders!
36. If you don't obey, you can't expect to trust, because that's what it takes, trust & obedience! For if you trust, you can obey, & if you obey, you can certainly trust God to take care of you. It takes both!--Trust & obedience!
37. How can God bless disobedience? He cannot protect, prosper, or bless you when you are out of His will & running around outside of the secret place & from under His shadow--His wings--& His fortress of perfect fellowship with Him.
38. Although I believe in unity & loyal, faithful obedience to leadership in the Lord, I still do not believe that these are total absolutes which must be put above reason, right, Scripture & personal conviction of God's truth.
39. If you're not fully obeying the Lord, then you can't have faith for God to bless you when you know you're not obeying Him.
40. God's a tough Commanding Officer when to comes to obedience in His Army, where nothing is more important than His War against death to save lives!
41. If your people's obedience doesn't come from the heart, because of love & loyalty & devotion to both the cause & its leadership, you're going to have discontent, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, murmuring, disobedience & even open rebellion!--And a lot of backsliders.
42. Delayed obedience can become total disobedience if prolonged too long.
43. The boss may not always be right, but he still has to be the boss.
44. You don't always have to know why you're fighting or what you're fighting for! All you have to know is that Jesus gave the order & you obey it, no matter what the outcome…!
45. You can't get along without God, you can't do His work without His will, you can't follow without listening, & you can't accomplish anything without obeying His Words.
46. Those who love Him most, follow Him closest.
47. Have you lost the road to happiness?
Oh, I can lead you back!
Take the road marked "obedience,"
To the right, up God's Own track!
48. God's only time is NOW--or forget it!
49. Insubordination and rebellion against leadership cannot be countenanced in any man's army.
50. Love, honour, respect & obey your leadership, not only for their words, their works, and their good fruits, but because God has chosen them and placed them in that position of responsibility.
51. If you don't go, He can't show!
If you don't obey, He can't make a way!
52. Move with God! Don't run ahead of Him--but don't lag behind Him!
53. Only what's right is right! If it's not completely right, then it's wrong!
54. Truth resisted loses its power over the mind.
55. God is the One that has to understand--we just obey.
56. The most important thing any crew has to do is to learn to obey the shipmaster. Even the captain has to obey the shipmaster, or the owner of the ship, the one who is really in charge.
57. You can find the World's shortest sermon on a thousand traffic signs: "Keep Right."
58. The further from God people go
The greater their troubles grow!
59. When God speaks, He expects you to
Listen, receive, remember & DO!
60. The Lord really blesses the farmers because they're doing what God wants them to do--till the land & raise food for the people!
61. I fear God!--I'm afraid not to obey the Lord.
62. I just don't understand people who are not afraid of God and not afraid to disobey.
63. When God says, "Now! Right now!" let me tell you, you had better do it now or you are going to miss the boat & suffer for it!
64. Everybody's on probation--for the rest of their life!
65. If you have even one talent and God calls on you to do something with it, don't be afraid of what people will think or whether you'll succeed: Just obey!
66. There's only one kind of law that you don't really have to obey, & that's the kind that says you can't preach the Gospel!
67. God has a scrap pile for people He can no longer use, because they have blown their engines & lost their usefulness because of the improper relationship between the parts and the Power.
68. Your happiness, your health and your blessings depend on your obedience to God.
69. Some people think that stubbornness isn't all that bad. Most people seem to think that's part of your virtue of independence. But when it comes to being that way with God, God says it's as bad as witchcraft & idolatry! Stubbornness is really rebellion. "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, & to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, & stubbornness is as iniquity & idolatry." ( 1Sam.15:23 )
70. Do today what God tells you to do today! Do it now! Don't wait for tomorrow!
71. Don't just sit there & do nothing! Stand up & be counted & let God be the judge.
72. It's God that wins the battle, it's obedience that wins the battle. It's humble faith that wins the battle. It's meekness & quietness, believing in God & the quietness of faithful obedience to the Lord which wins the battle, regardless of how few you have & how weak you seem to be & how little you've got, it's God that honours your faith & your meekness & your quietness & your obedience to win the battle.
73. Obedience comes before the blessing. Obedience comes before the reward. Obedience comes before the anointing. You don't get the anointing to obey, you get the anointing because you obey. You get the faith to obey if you'll believe His Word. He will give you the faith to make that step of obedience & the moment you, because of faith, obey, then you get the blessing & the anointing to carry on.
74. One little disobedience leads to another, one little tiny thing leads to another, if you don't follow the pattern & the plan, then you're just going to have problems.
75. If you obey what you know God wants you to do, then He'll show you more Truth.
76. If you are only willing to believe & obey the Lord as long as everything goes all right, you won't be believing or obeying very much, because a lot of things go wrong when you're serving the Lord. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous." ( Psa.34:19. )
77. There is no such thing as halfway obedience.
78. If you haven't got the faith for God to supply your needs, you're displeasing Him, & the reason you haven't got the faith is that you are not obeying. If you're obeying, God will be blessing you in some way & will take care of your needs.
79. You can't be obedient unless you have faith.
80. The mother of happiness is just plain old-fashioned obedience.
81. Perfect obedience will be perfect happiness if we have perfect confidence in the One we are obeying.
82. We've got to do the obeying! We've got to do the "wenting." "As they went they were healed!" We've got to do what we know God has told us to do!
83. When you miss God's timetable, you have to wait for the next train, & it's a long hard wait sometimes. When you miss God's schedule, you've got to wait for the next boat, & let me tell you, things can get tough & rough!
84. Blind obedience can sometimes be too blind!
85. I don't care if it's social pressure that makes you do the right thing, even if it's not the right motive, even if you do it just because you think you have to, it's better than not at all.
86. Faith & obedience come first, then God answers prayer!
87. He never fails if we obey!
88. If we'll obey, He'll give us faith.
89. Blessings don't precede obedience.
90. Trust & obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust & obey!
91. Help us to follow those leadings & checks & warnings of Thy Spirit in every step we make, Lord, every word we say, every look, every action, how we drive, even the way we dress, Lord, everything.
92. King Saul had the anointing as long as he obeyed, but when he started disobeying the Prophet & rebelling against doing the Lord's Will, he lost the anointing.
93. You don't have to understand, all you have to do is obey!
94. If you're saved, you can't "lose the Holy Spirit"!--But you can sure lose the power & anointing for service by disobedience!

(See also No. A , 4 , 117 , 117A , 126 , 313 , 354 , 575, 635 , 678 , 679 , 716 , 721, 829 , 849 , 952-1 , 953-3 , 956 , 1250 , 1268 , 1377 , 1392 , 1467 .)
95. EXO.23:22 If thou shalt indeed obey His voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries.
96. LEV.25:18 Wherefore ye shall do My statutes, and keep My judgments, and do them; and ye shall dwell in the land in safety.
97. DEU.28:2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.
98. 1SAM.15:22,23 And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord. He hath also rejected thee from being king.
99. JOB.36:11,12 If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. But if they obey not, they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge.
100. ECC.12:13 Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of Man.
101. ISA.1:19,20 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
102. JER.7:23 But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be My people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.
103. MAT.7:24,25 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his upon a Rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a Rock.
104. LUK.6:46 And why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
105. LUK.11:42 But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgement and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
106. JOH.2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.
107. JOH.13:17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.
108. JOH.14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments.
109. ACT.4:13-21 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it. But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves, saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it. But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this Name. And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the Name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done.
110. ROM.5:19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
111. 2COR.2:9b Be obedient in all things.
112. GAL.3:1a O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth?
113. COL.3:22 Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers: but in singleness of heart, fearing God.
114. PHM.21 Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say.
115. HEB.13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.
116. JAM.1:23,24 For if any be a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, & goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
117. 1JO.2:3,4 And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
118. 1JO.2:28 And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
119. 1JO.3:24a And he that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him, and He in Him.

(See also 1KI.20:42 ; ROM.13:1-7 .)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family
97. PRAYER --{page 768}--

Pray without ceasing ( 1Thes.5:17 ).

1. Why does the Lord in the Bible repeatedly tell you to pray, when all the time He knows what you need better than you do & He knows what you're going to pray about? Sometimes He even says He'll answer you before you ask. It's mostly for your benefit you have to pray, not for His, a confession to Him that you can't do without Him.
2. I know that Christ is, because I talked with Him this morning.
3. The power's always on. The message is always there. God's Spirit is like a broadcasting station broadcasting all the time. All you have to do is throw the switch and tune in.
4. I don't care how many gifts you have--if you don't keep in touch with the Lord all the time you are in trouble.
5.When you're strong in the Spirit, God will do anything for you! You're one with Him, & when this happens, you can command Him to do anything.
6. God's broadcasting all the time, You just have to learn how to tune in!
7. The Lord does not always answer us right away, which sometimes tests our faith & draws us closer to Him in the Spirit.
8. Drown yourself in Jesus--like the drunk drowns his sorrows in drink!
9. I don't know all the answers, but I know the answer Man!
10. The worst thing in the World you can do is to keep on going when you don't know what to do.
11. You cannot do the Master's Work without the Master's Power!--And to get it, you must spend time with the Master!
12. Do not have your concert first, then tune your instruments afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God & prayer, & get first of all in harmony with Him.
13. No one can continue to keep pouring out to others, without spending some time alone with the Lord, getting filled up again.
14. You just get busy listening to the Lord, and you won't have to be bothered with these other things you think you have to do.
15. If you don't get alone with the Lord and lick the Devil first, you might as well forget it!
16. If you're on His channel in constant communication with Him & constantly receiving His vibes, you're constantly hearing from Him, and you're hearing His voice all the time in the mind's eye of your spirit. All day long & even at night in your sleep, you're in tune with Jesus!
17. He likes to woo you in the softness of the night with His tender, gentle, loving voice whispering in your heart.
18. On wings of prayer our burdens take flight
And our load of care becomes bearably light
And our heavy hearts are lifted above
To be healed by the balm of God's wonderful love!
And the tears in our eyes are dried by the hands
Of a Loving Father who understands
All of our problems, our fears & despair
When we take them to Him on the wings of prayer.
19. You must learn to make personal contact with the power of God to let Him do the work of bringing you joy, health and happiness.
20. Man is great only when he is kneeling.
21. If God is your Father, please call home!
22. The secret of prayer is secret prayer.
23. Prayer digs the channels from the reservoir of God's boundless resources to the tiny pools of our lives.
24. Discouraged, weeping, full of care? Keep on believing, God answers prayer!
25. Some folks just don't seem to realize when they're moaning about not getting prayers answered, that NO is the answer--or WAIT!
26. I am going to be so busy that I must spend more time in prayer that usual.
27. God likes to smell prayers,
Like you like to smell flowers.
Up your prayers dance,
In pillars & towers.
28. God's delays are not denials.
29. If you're too busy to get alone with God & pray, You're too busy.
30. Man 's greatest power lies in the power of prayer.
31. God is just waiting on you to command the situation! He said "Command thou Me!" He's given such faith and power to you that you can even command God to do what you want Him to do for you! ( Isa.45:11 ) If you're righteous, doing the right thing and trying to please God, you can command Him to do what you want Him to do. He's already promised to do it in His Word, to answer your prayer.
32. I've never put myself out on a limb and demanded God to do a certain thing, without His doing something! It wasn't always the thing that I necessarily was demanding--usually it was--but always He showed me the answer or did what I needed.
33. If God can hear one man's prayers and change history for it and spare whole nations or slaughter whole nations, He can certainly hear all of our prayers put together!
34. Every time you pray the Lord's prayer, you pray for the Kingdom of God to come!
35. One of the greatest proofs of God's existence is answers to prayer.
36. It's not the quantity of your prayer that counts, it's the quality!
37. If you're going to work for the Lord, you'd better listen to him first!
38. No matter what you're doing, you can always be praying!
39. God has confined Himself and His operations to our faith and our requests.
40. That's how this work began: Praying in the spirit, waiting in the spirit, listening in the spirit, speaking in the spirit, And then obeying in the spirit what the Lord told us to do!
41. Your prayers can do mighty things and change the course of history!
42. If you're in the habit of praying privately, it won't be hard for you to pray publicly.
43. As long as you're calling, you can expect God to answer, as long as you're empty, you can be filled!
44. If you're a child of God and asking Him about something, usually the first voice you hear is God's, the second one is most likely the Devil's!
45. The busier your day, the more you have to pray.
46. You could accomplish so much through prayer! The World will never know how much has not been accomplished because you didn't pray!
47. Prayer is the hand of faith that flips the switch.
48. Please pray! You're the Operator. It's your responsibility to pass on the message. Please don't fail!--or someone will miss God's important call. Be a faithful Operator--pray!
49. To pray when you do not feel like praying is not hypocrisy--it is faithfulness to the greatest duty of life.
50. Prayer has nothing to do with the position of your body it's all in how you position your heart.
51. What God does depends on your will and your action and what you want and how you pray! You're not supposed to just stand there and let God and the Devil fight it out!
52. There's something about the hands and holding hands which has spiritual significance! Maybe it has some kind of power, like completing an electrical circuit!
53. There is an actual natural spiritual power in your hands, especially in prayer in the Name of Jesus!
54. I believe in the power of laying on of hands!--if for no other reason but just obedience!--But there's a certain natural spiritual power there too!
55. Pray before you act.--Don't let your zeal run away with you!
56. You'd better take time for the Lord and prayer, or you're going to find out you're running out of time!
57. It's not how long you pray or how much you pray, it's how much you believe.
58. The Lord wants to be recognized. He wants you to know that you need Him. That's why He wants you to pray.
59. Lord, bless these ears that hear thy Words. Bless these eyes that see Thy truths. Bless this mouth that speaks Thy message. Bless this heart that gives Thy love! In Jesus' name.
60. The Lord wants you to be specific! It's a sign of your faith!
61. Prayers come from the Spirit of God!
62. So much depends on us, so much depends on our prayers!
63. It really costs something to pray!