(Sharon Rogles) Friends, JOIN US as we lift our shields across our state! Set your phone ALARM clock to 3 pm EVERY DAY through the month of JUNE! Give God 5 minutes as we & AGREE TOGETHER to DISRUPT & INTERUPT the works of darkness during pride month! What area the church does not occupy, Satan will fill! Take back our land! -1 John 3:8
They want to create the sense of the whole USA system just overall not functioning any more. The plan is quite elaborate!
If you really want to communicate, initially don't put the responsibility on the other person to understand you. Reach out & attempt to understand the other person first, & that will free him up to respond to you!
The best communicators do not rely upon their mouths; instead they rely upon their eyes & their ears! That's right--the outstanding communicators are those who listen.
I've used the Bible on a lot of people who didn't believe in God or the Bible at all, but it sank in and it drove home
"His Will Be Done,"
We say with sighs and trembling,
Expecting trial, bitter loss and tears.
And then how doth He answer us?
With blessings,
And sweet rebuking of our faithless fears.
God's Will is peace and plenty
And the power to be,
And have the best that He can give:
A mind to serve Him, a heart to love,
And faith to die and the strength to live.
It means for us all good,
All grace, all glory
His King coming and on Earth begun.
Why should we fear to say,
"His Will, His righteous,
His tender loving, joyous Will be done!"?
We say with sighs and trembling,
Expecting trial, bitter loss and tears.
And then how doth He answer us?
With blessings,
And sweet rebuking of our faithless fears.
God's Will is peace and plenty
And the power to be,
And have the best that He can give:
A mind to serve Him, a heart to love,
And faith to die and the strength to live.
It means for us all good,
All grace, all glory
His King coming and on Earth begun.
Why should we fear to say,
"His Will, His righteous,
His tender loving, joyous Will be done!"?
PSA.6:9 The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.
PSA.6:10 Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.
PSA.6:9 The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.
PSA.6:10 Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.
Have you checked out the Kenneth Copeland Ministries app yet? Download it here: http://bit.ly/1SChfDv
KCM Blog
Get Your Free KCM Mobile App—Now Available - KCM Blog
Our Partners and Friends have asked for it—and we’ve been listening! Now available for free download is the Kenneth Copeland Ministries app. Download it now from the App Store. Download it now from the Google Play Store. The KCM app will save you time and…
"First Place"
I was longing to serve the Master,
But alas I was laid aside
From the busy field of workers
In the harvest field so wide
They were few, yes, few in number
And I could not understand
Why I should be left inactive:
It was not as I had planned.
I was longing to serve the Master
And the need indeed was great.
For me it was easy to labour
But oh, it was hard to wait,
To lie quite still and be silent
While the song was borne to my ear
From the busy field of workers
In the harvest field so dear!
I was longing to serve, just to serve the Master,
But He led to a desert place
And there as we stopped and rested
His eyes looked down in my face,
So full of tender reproaching
They filled me with sad surprise!
Did He think I had grudged my service
Or counted it sacrifice?
Oh, Master, I long to serve, just to serve thee,
There are so few at the best,
Let me off to the fields, I pleaded,
I care not to stay and rest.
I knelt at His feet imploring,
I gazed in His face above.
My child, He said, don't you know
Your service is nothing without your love?
I was longing to serve, to serve my Master,
Oh, this was my one fond thought,
For this I was ever pleading
As His footstool in prayer I sought,
But there in that lonely desert
Apart from the busy scene
It dawned on me slowly and clearly
Where my great mistake had been.
My mind was so full of service, just service,
I had drifted from Him apart,
And He longed for the sweet communion,
Well, I sought and I found forgiveness,
While mine eyes with pain were dim.
And NOW, though His WORK is still precious,
The FIRST place is kept for HIM!
32. I'LL NEVER FORGET HOW WE GOT AWAY ONE TIME TO ACTUALLY HEAR FROM THE LORD--to hear God speak through Grandmother. They had all kinds of confusion of tongues, but no interpreter! So we went up into the mountains to listen to the Lord. And they got to praying and shouting and talking in tongues, and on and on they went, and all of a sudden the Lord began to speak. He said something like: Behold the Bride-groom is at the door, and He has bestowed upon you the gifts, and you're so busy playing with them like toys, you have forgotten the Bridegroom! Like the father coming home with gifts for his children. The kids grab the presents, forget to kiss their father and greet him, and sit down on the floor and start playing with the toys!
33. AND THERE ARE A LOT OF CHRISTIANS THAT DO THIS VERY SAME THING--THEY START PLAYING WITH THE THINGS OF GOD, AND NEGLECT GOD HIMSELF! Or like that little story about the Bedroom Slippers: The little girl who took her fellowship time with her father to make him bedroom slippers for his Birthday, and nearly broke his heart. God may appreciate the bedroom slippers you're making for Him, but He'd rather have you! And in fact, you'll probably make a helluva mess out of them, if you neglect Him!
34. ONE OF THE BIGGEST LESSONS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LEARN IS TO WAIT FOR THE LORD TO WORK! I know times when I didn't listen to the Lord, and the only way He could get me to look up was to get me flat on my back where that was the only direction I could look--straight up!
35. My mother used to give her testimony of getting so busy with the Lord's Work that the Lord had to slap her down with a malignant cancer so she'd have to give Him her full attention!
I was longing to serve the Master,
But alas I was laid aside
From the busy field of workers
In the harvest field so wide
They were few, yes, few in number
And I could not understand
Why I should be left inactive:
It was not as I had planned.
I was longing to serve the Master
And the need indeed was great.
For me it was easy to labour
But oh, it was hard to wait,
To lie quite still and be silent
While the song was borne to my ear
From the busy field of workers
In the harvest field so dear!
I was longing to serve, just to serve the Master,
But He led to a desert place
And there as we stopped and rested
His eyes looked down in my face,
So full of tender reproaching
They filled me with sad surprise!
Did He think I had grudged my service
Or counted it sacrifice?
Oh, Master, I long to serve, just to serve thee,
There are so few at the best,
Let me off to the fields, I pleaded,
I care not to stay and rest.
I knelt at His feet imploring,
I gazed in His face above.
My child, He said, don't you know
Your service is nothing without your love?
I was longing to serve, to serve my Master,
Oh, this was my one fond thought,
For this I was ever pleading
As His footstool in prayer I sought,
But there in that lonely desert
Apart from the busy scene
It dawned on me slowly and clearly
Where my great mistake had been.
My mind was so full of service, just service,
I had drifted from Him apart,
And He longed for the sweet communion,
Well, I sought and I found forgiveness,
While mine eyes with pain were dim.
And NOW, though His WORK is still precious,
The FIRST place is kept for HIM!
32. I'LL NEVER FORGET HOW WE GOT AWAY ONE TIME TO ACTUALLY HEAR FROM THE LORD--to hear God speak through Grandmother. They had all kinds of confusion of tongues, but no interpreter! So we went up into the mountains to listen to the Lord. And they got to praying and shouting and talking in tongues, and on and on they went, and all of a sudden the Lord began to speak. He said something like: Behold the Bride-groom is at the door, and He has bestowed upon you the gifts, and you're so busy playing with them like toys, you have forgotten the Bridegroom! Like the father coming home with gifts for his children. The kids grab the presents, forget to kiss their father and greet him, and sit down on the floor and start playing with the toys!
33. AND THERE ARE A LOT OF CHRISTIANS THAT DO THIS VERY SAME THING--THEY START PLAYING WITH THE THINGS OF GOD, AND NEGLECT GOD HIMSELF! Or like that little story about the Bedroom Slippers: The little girl who took her fellowship time with her father to make him bedroom slippers for his Birthday, and nearly broke his heart. God may appreciate the bedroom slippers you're making for Him, but He'd rather have you! And in fact, you'll probably make a helluva mess out of them, if you neglect Him!
34. ONE OF THE BIGGEST LESSONS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LEARN IS TO WAIT FOR THE LORD TO WORK! I know times when I didn't listen to the Lord, and the only way He could get me to look up was to get me flat on my back where that was the only direction I could look--straight up!
35. My mother used to give her testimony of getting so busy with the Lord's Work that the Lord had to slap her down with a malignant cancer so she'd have to give Him her full attention!