Spirit Force
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just to be in His presence is perfect everything. Perfect perfect perfect...
I start to put more and more pieces together both of the old journeys in the Spirit and the new ones. Everything the Enemy tried to do for evil against the Lord's people and troop is only going to end up working toggether for good. That is the theme of the Romans 828 dance of gladness.
10:59 AM 2/18/2023

dream was in marine boot camp and tommy lee jones was our instructor putting together this team. he was really friendly and observant with that southern touch that reminded me of granna. there was a girl in our team just like Sommer from bdubs who had a ton of cool ideas and knowledge, more than any of the other new recruits about survival on the field etc. she took a cigar and made a makeshift bomb with it, explaining how to do it very excitedly and our instructor seemed to really like ti. we had all just showed up to this recruiting station and were gettin gaquainted with each other. at one poin the went down this hill to get something and came back, leaving us there lioitering. we had on our normal clothes but i saw soldiers with more of the olive green fatigues and jackets everywhere. there was a big workout area and i made friends with this super fit taiwanese soldier . we practiced with different levies and pullies and pullups and barbells. i went to an area of the gym i didnt usually use and found all the barbells were taken, the lightest being about forty five pounds which was out o fmy league then. i found a kind of video game arcade but the games were for training. i recognized someone similar to marcus bandy who was in this big sealed tank that displayed it showed you how to simulate being in a vehicle that had crashed and helped you learn how not to drown. it looked pretty traumatic and when he came out of it he was visibly shaken.

i was on some kind of long train with a group of people and this girl kept coming up to me wanting to talk. i was going to leave the train, like we were on some kind of youth group trip and she made a point to find me before we got off. there ws lots of interaction via some texting service thing and we apppeared to be a part of some kind of team.


<me> Lord Let us be one today. Thank you for the grace yesterday with which we were able to get out and about and pick up all the stuff.... let me operate in a spirit of rest completely at peace in your arms and not hurryin gor fretting. thank you for the time we have to just rest and fellowship, despite all the warfare outside.

EPH.1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
EPH.1:8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;
EPH.1:9 Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:
EPH.1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him:
EPH.1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
EPH.1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
EPH.1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
EPH.1:14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
EPH.1:15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,

<Jesus> Daily humble yourself to be mine and i will lead you step by step by my strong hand. at every turn hand me the keys and be moldable and teachable, for this is how you get to join the next missions and have comradere with the new teams. I am always planning new things and bringing the lost children home. commit all the wonderful people i have put in your life to me and let my love touch your heart today, for i wish to heal you of all your wounds so we can continue forward.
11:59 AM 2/20/2022

ok where to start.... last night was intense but also fun.

During Fedex work yesterday had an encounter that didnt stop for almost 4 hours.

something is up!!

Felt like I was learning to open my heart more and let go.


There was this huge open field where I had left the jeep at times, and there were these giant sand worms like massive snakes that would angrily stir around and try and eat entire cars, people, anyone. I had taken thoe jeep out and driven it up some steep hills until it finally tipped over and we had to abandon it. Sienna was with me and we barely got away from the monster. The jeep then caught on fire and was eaten. I thought how would we make it forward with no car and went back home. Jennifer seemed to not be worried at all. We talked about how many miles we'd gotten out of using it. I prayed for an out of the box miracle that we'd get a silver range rover or hummer.

Suddenly I got a phone call while walkin garound downtown in this city where I answered and asked who it was, and it was definitely Jon Larson, but he acted like it wasnt him. He said "this is a listener. I have a good income doing different work, here's a gift." I could hear his voice down the street and walked up to him to surprise him and let him know it was a miracle. He had bought us a brand new stainless steel hummer and it was sitting in the parking lot. I thanked him profusely and praised God and we hung out and played board games.

I took the hummer for a spin but coulnt brake fast enough so went off a small ledge, thinking this could make it through no problem but it was messy. The outside ended up with some dents and I thought 'oh no' since Jon had just spent tens of thousands of dollars on it. I thought about how we were in a life nad death war though dents on a car shouldnt be such a big deal, but still... so I founds the hummer could fould out into a big table and all these friends and family came and played at it their different games. The sand worm was still at large and at one poin twe had to take refuge in a small cement hut at the edge of the park. I thought how strange that every time there was a big noise it would come to devour something, but it didnt seem to mind a big highway next to the desert.

It was sort of the movie dune but also effecting our real life....

Towards teh end we had different roles and the main hero of the movie was acheiving some kind of spiritual enlightenment where he could take the power of the worms... There were all these other entities that were worried about this though, and we were reachin ga crescendo when the dream changed. Now I was in a church and able to move really really fast, almost like I was driving something but it was through the halls of this big old catholic church in the back hallways. I thought it was so dusty and creepy with all the carpeting and old walls and heard a sound of a video playing someplace with a girl describing her deliverance. I imagined that there were lots of occasions of hanky-panky that probobly occured here.

Was at some kind of waterpark or beach, it may have been Maui. Uncle David and Aunt Laura were there, and we were talki ngabout Big Island. They had this friend or girl they were taking care of who was kind of problematic. I saw her swim out into the deep end and caught her before she went too deep, tring to pick her up and put her on my shoulders.

Was in contact with a bunch of military and felt called to look into joining the military again, either Army or Air Force. It seemed to make sense and I was praying about it.

Earlier in the morning I had a very long dream with John Breitmeir from Hawaii coming and spending lots of time wiht us. I woke up thinking it was signifigant but oculdnt remember the details very well.

<me> Lord anoint this day and our comin gtogether at the office... Thank You for giving us the space and opportunity to use it for so many good things! I send angels there now to equip it just perfect...
<Jesus> This is My Work and you just show up! I will use you alll and begin to spread a signal of community across the lands where many will be effected by this group, and beyond the physical you will engage in spiritual adventures and missions your flesh cannot perceive yet. I am lacing your voice with hints of this outer realm thinking for I know you already like to go to there.

<me> Lord I know I need to make more time for the Spirit and focus there... alter and change my desires so they fit more with Yours and less with pleasing my own flesh. I come into Your presence now and all I want is You, Lord. You are the True Gate and I adore You.

<Jesus> Come through Me and enter into the Kingdom in full so you may enjoy the pleasures at My right hand forever more. Don't be afraid to receive them, as well. I have given you many companions in the realm that is now fuly open to you if you will accept... and pray for these you saw in dreams, for there are clues spread throughout, but you don't have to get stucked into the fear factor. If anything I am helping you to learn to slow down, way down so you do not try and solve all the problems on your own. Much is required of you for you have been given much, but even in this you do not need to worry or push. Let My helpers come and help you clear out the tent.

I SAW A VISION OF A HUGE TENT, sort of like a circus tent but there was all this furniture all over the place in it. It woul dhave been ideal for a meeting place but we had to clear it out first. There was no way I'd be able to do it on my own as I already had a full schedule... Soon after however I realized we had helpers and I just had to ask them.

"Make yoru requests known before God"

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let yoru requests be made known unto God.