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STEPPING BACK IN TO THE JOURNEY, I’m opening the gate. Time to re-enter the Spirit. There are always so many gates but usually I take one scripture. This time it’s “The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God,” and “He taketh the wise in their craftiness” . . . so at first as a child, as the bride, as a warrior I receive the full mantle of whatever I have in the Spirit. Layer by layer the entire thing is opened up to me.


The gateway to Antarctica’s underground network has been forced open, and the commander and I are now overseeing mass influx of angel troops and supplies. We had just finished a major battle against the forces of darkness that control the majority of the people who rule down there, as it is essentially an outer circle to Hell (in the physical) and there are a great number of disgusting creatures and other things that lurk in the caves. Sending our finest angels ahead, the labyrinth has now been somewhat mapped out on the first level and not just spanning the size of Antarctica but now extending under all the Earth’s oceans and throughout the other continents, an entire sub-Earth system now has to be scoured.

<Commander> Well Blade, we can either go in for another battle or I’ll take Midnight and you your Elyrian and we’ll go for a ride to the Heavens, convince more angels and warriors to join. This is too big for us.

<me> So unlike you to say, brother. Well if I’m honest about this, there could never be enough harvesters for this job. This is more like deep weeding though. Sure let’s go! Lead the way.

WE HOP ON OUR STEEDS and fly up high above the atmosphere, grouping with some of the Heavenly battleships stationed up above. Archangel Michael has been managing the deployment of angels (we call and order, he manages and directs behind the scenes for us.)

<Commander> So where should we go to get more recruits?

I FEEL THEY GET RIGHT DOWN TO BUSINESS, and the spirit between him and Michael are very close, like work partners. I’ve got a lot of learning to do from the way the Commander does business! Michael looks at me and nods.

<me> I. . . have an idea!

THEN I EXPLAIN THE DISTANT PLANET, ACTUALLY many Kingdom worlds I had journeyed to before where civilizations were in existence who were ready to serve God. We could recruit from there. Then there was the family of Enoch.

<Michael> The sky is not the limit. You guys are already doing so much with limited resources. Let my angel guard serve you, but remember there are many more. I am the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts. There are many more hosts that are led by kings and queens throughout the whole Kingdom. The Lord is over all, but he doesn’t micromanage everyone. Go and befriend more and bring them into this battle and you’ll have more warriors than you’ll know what to do with! Pray for teachers and trainers as well, you’re going to need those.

<me> Sounds like a plan.

I show them the starchart and which planets I am already familiar with. It isn’t weird at all doing this, as there are so many more planets… Teradorn and several in the Phoenix galaxy. Other constellations in our galaxy have some, but this place is a little too close to home.

<Commander> I’ll give you a hint: Orion. Pleadies.

<me> Aren’t those mostly governed by fallen beings?

<Commander> Only one way to find out!

<Michael> If you like I can send some of my guard ahead of you to confirm. There are many stars out there, and although the time you spend in the Heavens is almost as if you never left the Earth, still let’s not waste your time!

I COULD TELL COMMANDER WAS BORED of just figuring out all this strategy and which place we needed to go, etc. He was ready to fight non-stop! So anyway we went to Orion first, just behind Michael’s front guard.
We didn’t even get close to the constellation before meeting an entire fleet of craft who were sent to meet us. The first sense I got from them was deception. They didn’t want us bringing our Heavenly bladeship/ Trailblazer and other craft into this ‘belt’ which was where we were headed.

<Commander> You take care of the talking, I’ll start infiltrating.

NEXT THING I KNEW HE WAS OFF, taking his Heavenly steed into the void of space, jumping into one of their cargo docks. They were expecting us to open fire, not to have one guy on a horse jump down. So far nothing happened. I waited, their craft massive in size compared to ours, but I had StarLion and some other mother ships about to warp in right behind if things got sticky.

<Commander> I’m in. Buy me a few minutes and I’ll have their bridge destroyed. Why don’t you take out the other flagship and that’ll help their followers to flee.

<me> Copy that.

THERE WAS AN ENTIRE FLOTILLA of these things, and I handed the controls to another officer, while doing the same thing the Commander did except to the other main commanding ship. It was a little bit farther away so I had a chance to see the beauty of the Orion belt just ahead, and perceived strong civilization broadcasting within the system, but not towards Earth. It seemed there was a rule in this galaxy not to do that. The population weren’t all grey, as I perceived and as some new age people had said. This was a completely new place for me. Their ships were all shapes and sizes, and the main target now were the banana shaped flag ships, with various wings and sails sticking out. They were quite beautiful, and I hated to think we were juts here to destroy them. I saw Commander had “commanded” that ship and now it was my turn. The whole thing was taking no time at all and they hadn’t even noticed us enter, they were talking with the angels we brought with us and the Holy Spirit. As sons we had the authority to come and claim the land, although it would be another story to see how they obeyed or not. It’s the same feeling as when a new Christian goes to an ancient country and just declares it in the name of Jesus, without any knowledge of them. . . they weren’t going to just bow to us or anything. In this case though the ships were mainly commandeered by fallen ones, and these I had no problem cutting down.

Long story short, I was able to easily take out the ship’s captain and guard with the Spiritual Weapons, and preach the Gospel to the entire fleet. We provided ways for those who did not wish to come with us to leave, and some did, but more stayed. These craft then became our first missionary float to the belt of Orion, as these were their own kind. And what kind? Lots of different kinds of both human and non human entities. It was almost as bad as Star Trek but not quite as organized. The grey entities and anything that had allowed itself to merge with Fallen Angel technology all fled away, but the others knew that “Fallen Angel” means once there was a height and once there was a Father over all, and even these very ships were His property. We didn’t have to destroy a single thing, as soon as we brought the Gospel and the Word of God, they gladly joined us. Trailblazer and Blade automatically followed us as we went to each world, getting to know them and sharing the things that God was doing back home. Home was a battlefield, and there would be challenges but these people had enough problems of their own so we got involved with helping them out – several of the worlds were already getting ready to resist the Fallen Angel governments that were trying to maintain control over the entire Orion system, and recently things were getting shaky because everyone knew that the manifestation of the Sons of God was near, and no fallen angel was going to stand against the Name of Jesus.

<Commander> When are we going back to Earth? The people here need help, but tell them we’re not going to be much help until we finish with our mission back there.
<me> Got it. If we can recruit here now, chances are they’ll get the help they need in no time.

WE WERE sitting at a huge banquet, one of the governors of a town that was against the Fallen Angel system had hosted. There were so many of these, usually when you stayed out of the mega cities the beings that lived more simple lives all knew that this evil system was on its way out. They really really liked us, and I was a little bit surprised how well received we were. We almost barely had to fight anyone here, as once we had shown up the people themselves would do the fighting, or obey our orders rather than the fallen ones. The fallen were definitely on the retreat, even here.

<me> Well then, we’re going back soon. If any of you would like to help us pilot some of our air force and go on the long underground journeys in our ice cap, we could use your assistance. Notify the other towns you are connected to, sir governor and we’ll be leaving by tomorrow morning.

THIS TOOK LONGER THAN WE THOUGHT, and eventually the numbers ready to go with us were so many that many more ships had to be “commandeered” to fit them all. Finally I had the idea to just bring StarLion in and warp them directly to the battle-site at Antarctica, using the link between StarLion and another spirit craft, Salem that was on-site.

This seemed to work, and we got away with it, because what can the Enemy do? Jack squat if God’s got His government on the rise!

<Michael> Mission accomplished – you now have more than you can handle, LOL!

<Commander> Let’s get this show on the road.

WE PACKED UP AND LEFT, AT LAST, Commander and I taking our craft and joining the massive groupings of the Orion craft we had temporarily captured. We now had ties to some of the good people there who were also against the Fallen so through diplomacy in the future we promised to at last come and assist them with the overthrow. There were also plenty more constellations to deal with!

<me> Interesting how Earth has its own constellation from here. Our sun is part of the ____ constellation. Of course it’s all relative and depending on where you are in the Milky Way, our sun appears to be a part of any number of different constellations.

<Commander> Yep! It’s a big world out there. Our Lord created it all, and He is the one who deserves all our love and praise. Let’s serve Him together, brother!

<me> Amen!

WITH THAT WE LANDED in the fresh-crisp snow nearby the opening we’d been using to help clean out our sewer problem – so many fallen angels and demons had congregated here that you felt almost more clear-headed when on a distant star, that maybe only had one or two fallen angels governing things. Earth was literally a cess pit of this stuff! And we were going into the sewer itself.

<Michael> The new recruits will need some time to acclimatize themselves. I’ve sent some angel trainers to come and show them some basic skills as far as piloting the craft or hand to hand combat. It’ll take some time, but you guys can start going on recon expeditions with the forces you do have now.

I RETIRED TO SOME OF MY PRIVATE CHAMBERS aboard the Salem which was here acting as a temporary base of operations until the others could come. It had been a long trip and I knew I hadn’t payed enough attention to the Lord the whole time.

<me> Jesus I am here, I want to find You. I need to be Yours, and I need to know I’m pleasing you, not just pleasing myself in going on these various missions that never end.
Spirit Wars from 6 years ago!
Fondacioni “New Life Churches Albania”
Adresa : Rr : Emin Harizaj Nr :16
Njesia Administrative 1, Tirane.
Email: newlifechurchesalbania@gmail.com sabrikasemi@yahoo.com
Tel: +355 69 760 93 59

Our registration in the state, and the Albanian Evangelical Alliance
The “New Life Churches Albania” Foundation is a non-profit and non-governmental religious foundation, registered as an Albanian Jurisdiction, registered at the Tirana District Court by court decision No. 063, dated 05.05.2017, with Nipt / ssn: L71718455I, with headquarters address: Rr. "Emin Harizaj" Nr.16, Administrative Unit 1, Tirana, with the lawful representative Executive Director Ms. Aida Haxhillari.

Albania is a nation located in the Western Balkans. Albanians currently live in Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece and Serbia.
Inside of the geographical boundaries lives 4 million inhabitants with 85% being Muslims.
Albania is mentioned in Romans 15:19 as Illyricum. This is Albania of today. The Apostle Paul preached the gospel and the whole nation turned Christian. Problems began when Albania was conquered by the Turkish Empire. They held 500 years in their rule and with the force they changed their faith from the Christian to the Muslim. It was a persecution and genocide, where old men who were old would be killed, young men would be robbed in Turkey to fight for them.
Then came the dictatorship of the Communist Party, where in 1967 the Communist government lawfully said that God does not exist.
But in 1990 Albania opened again and the communism fell. We believe that the prayers of believers all over the world brought the era of change into Albania.

Albania has been an atheist country for 70 years. After the fall of the communist system, when people were free again to follow any religion, Albanians moved back to their original religion which was Islam. Presently, Albanians still are Muslims in majority.
The northern part of Albania has a Roman Catholic population, while in the south part the Greek Orthodox Church is important. There is also the Bektashi religion, which is a branch of Islam which is spread in some of the cities of Albania. For a couple of years now, the Evangelical community is also recognized by law. Finally!
There are some sects in Albania like the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons, and the Bahai, but they aren't officially recognized by law.

Evangelical Church Situation
In the last years the Islamic religion has begun to grow and radicalize. They receive investments from Turkey. Cathar and other Islamic countries and the ultimate goal is to increase the radicalization of Islam in Albania.
Evangelical churches in Albania are generally small, the average attendance is 20-50 believers. 99% of churches do not have the self-support, because the economic and social situation is very poor, the unemployment rate is very high, but those who have a paid job are small. Believers give their offerings in the church but it is too small and cannot cover the building's lease.
In our church we have 90 believers, there are people who can eat food only once in 24 hours because they are very poor.
The church pastor is not paid by the church, he works in another work and in free time he serves in the church. These are some of the reasons why we are seeking help from brothers and sisters from abroad.
We want to be a blessing for our nation by serving the gospel, but also by serving social projects. In this way we want to show the love of Jesus with works.

About our Church and Pastor
The church planting couple is Pastor Sabri & Aida Kasemi They are the planter and pastors of the movement, New Life Churches Albania.. Till now Pastor Sabri has helped to plant 15 new churches in all Albania. Our Members of the team are identified as leaders-in-development.
Sabri Kasemi—Church Planter Bio
Sabri is the leader of New Life Churches Albania and church planter in Tirana Zone 1 He has been a believer for 27 years and has extensive experience in church-based ministry, beginning as youth leader.
1995-1997 Youth pastor and evangelist in city of Berat
1997-2007 Pastor of a Church in Berat
2007-2010 Serving the Lord in Italy as church planter and planted 2 small groups
2010-2016 Serving at Bible League, preaching the Gospel in every city in Albania, helping other churches to plant new churches with trainings. Sabri is also comfortable doing large-scale and personal evangelism, teaching and preaching, leading Bible studies, discipleship, children’s ministry and youth work.
2013-Now During the summer season, Pastor Sabri, for six weeks goes to the towns and villages to preach the gospel. There are people in Albania who have never heard that Jesus loves them.
2018 Around 33 concerts were organized in 33 different places, where 27,000 people attended and heard the first gospel in their lives. Challenges have been high often threatened by Muslims and death, but relying heavily on the Lord Jesus, he has secured protection.
Currently Another service that Pastor Sabri is doing is evangelism through television. He has been on one of the most popular television shows in Albania and has preached the gospel of Jesus. After that, many Muslims in social networks were threatened but God provided protection. Pastor Sabri also has been in some local televisions to preach and give the gospel message and because of this many people have come to evangelizing events.
2019 In collaboration with Tako, in August, 11 concerts in different cities of Albania made possible, with a total of 5,000 people listening to the gospel and 300 showing interest in Jesus more. At the end of October for 8 Days evangelistic concerts were held again where about 2000 people heard the gospel and about 100 of them showed more interest in Jesus. But there are some cities like Vajgurore Bridge, Kukes, Poshnje, and Ballsh that there is no church and some cities have only one church.
A Testimony
I remember when we just finished on the Dimal city, 120 people repeated the prayer of salvation behind us. I looked up and cried to God, giving me the opportunity to come back here and plant a church. I have a dream to plant churches where there is no church. but we have difficulties with finances because the church in Albania finds it difficult to support itself.
Please help us, Albania is still open to the gospel, help us to plant as many churches, build church groups and disciples so that Albania is not called an Islamic country but to be called by the name of te Lord Jesus Christ.
My name is Sabri Kasemi, I’m 46 years old. I am married with 2 kids. I come from a family with Muslim traditions. Since I was a child our father taught us that exists a God, who is powerful, in the sky. Even though in that time, this was a very dangerous thing to do, because communism regime didn’t allow believing in God. If the regime was listening (or understood) that one person believes in God, the father of the family ended up in prison, while the rest of the family ended in exile (they persecuted them).
Later on, when we grow up and went to school the communist regime taught us that God does not exist, it is only a myth that only ancient and backward people believed. So, I wasn’t sure about God’s existence. I lived life as it came. I was a smart guy but even a troublemaker.
When I was 13 years old, one September morning while I was preparing to go to school, I was late. I started shouting and offending my mother, I didn’t let any dirty word without mentioning. She suffered from heart disease. When I turned back from school at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I had totally forgotten what happened in the morning. When I entered home I saw my father and my sister crying. I didn’t understand anything they were saying words that don’t worry because you have your father, brothers and sisters. But I was so surprised that I didn’t understand their words and what happened at all. My father led me to the kitchen; there I see my mother lying without moving. I was shocked and seemed that my whole world was ruined. I thought it was my fault. I thought that if I go and kiss her maybe she will come back. But nothing happened, she was already dead, and I felt guilty for all the things I told to her in the last day of her life.
In those moments I felt a deep pain, a gap and a feeling of guilty was in my heart. I started to fill this gap with smoking, thinking that this action will remove pain. Then I started to drink even alcohol. After that I started gambling and doing not good things. I use to go together with friends in bars and often we went away without paying.
In that time, it was fashion to keep a knife with you, just for self-defense, so I had one too, about 20 cm long. I had also a group of friends and together we were making troubles in the neighborhood, we were watching many vampire movies, and around 2-3 o'clock in the morning we went out shouting ‘we want blood’. We did small thefts.
I was drinking too much alcohol and almost every night I stayed drunk. At school, together with a group of friends were blocking the lessons, with a scarf bound in our heads and mounted on the desks, shouting that we have strike today.
I turned home drunk almost every day, I wasn’t paying in the bars. My father was coming every night at my bed crying, asking why I behave like this, that he has become a mother and a father for me. This touched very much my heart, I wanted to change to make him happy but I couldn’t.
Came a time when there were political changes in Albania and came democracy. Religion was allowed free. With the desire to change I started going to the mosque, I took a Quran, because of my Muslim tradition. I started reading and following practices, I learned even the prayers in Arabic; my father was saying that like this is better. My father wanted to send me to Arabia, he had talked with some friends to study in a school for Imam, costs were free, but I said no to this offer (at that time I did not understand why, but I felt there was something inside me telling me no). I continued to pray but those prayers brought no result, I was the same.
One day I was drinking alcohol at a bar when someone came close to me and hugged me, telling me: Are you coming to church with me? I said to him you don’t see how I am?! He replied: No problem Lord loved you as you are. I said: But I am a Muslim!? He said no problem Jesus loves you.
I went that day only because that person hugged me, I said within myself that no one likes me in this situation. I went, I liked only the songs so in the service I was making so much noise. The pastor who was from England, later he told me that he prayed to the Lord to let come the entire city but only Sabri not. I was the first person coming to church; I used to go just to pass the time. They had free Bibles so I was taking and I used to sell them to Testimonies of Jehovah. There was some guys in the church from Muslim origin who wanted to be baptized, I went close to them and I said why are you here? Go away quickly we are Muslim and we cannot betray our religion. Because they were afraid they didn’t get baptized.
My life went from bad to worse. A question that always bothered me was what would happen after death?
I took a Bible and thought if I read it once to know what is inside. In that time I watched a lot TV, during all night. But in one rainy night a lightning burned the TV, so didn’t have something to kill the time. I decided that each night I will read 2 hours the Koran and 2 hours the Bible, which lasted about 6 months. While I was reading the Koran, in a chapter called Meriem. Sure, in verse 33 it was the time when Mary the mother of Jesus (of Isa) brought into the life a baby without a father with the power of Allah but they accused her for fornication, and there (at this moment) Jesus interferes (speaking since a baby, this is a great miracle for them that does not exist in the Bible) Isa said, Selamiof salvation in the day I am born, the day I will die, and the day that will come alive of the grave. For a few minutes I was shocked because Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified, but Allah took the face of Jesus and put it to the face of Judah the betrayer, and put the face Judahto Jesus, so they crucified Judah not Jesus (Allah raised Isa alive in heaven). What astounded me was, here in this verse Isa (Jesus) saying that will die and will come alive from the grave.
I was thinking to myself that there is something wrong.
If God says that Jesus must die, than why He allows Judah to die in his place.
I began to search this story in the Bible what it was saying about this, I found in the Bible that Jesus went on the cross according to the prophecies, to wash the sins of the people, and that he went with free will. This was very strange to me.
Another question that bothered me was where was Judah? What the Bible say about him?
Reading the gospels, I found that at the same time that Jesus was on the cross, Judah had hung himself with the rope. And I said okay here is explained properly. In that moment I began to read the Bible more and I took it seriously.
I read Galatians 1:8 But though we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you that ye have received, let him be accursed.
In fact, these verses filled me with great fear, because Muslims believe that Muhammad received the message from an angel, I said to myself Quran is a gospel different from Bible. I decided to read only the Bible. I went regularly to church and there I heard that Jesus had changed the lives of many people.
One day I decided I was going to spend a day of fasting and prayer that God could change my life. I went to a cave where I read the Bible and prayed with a very simple prayer.
Lord Jesus, I have heard that thou hast died for our sins, and that you have changed thousands of lives, please come into my life, if you will change me, I will serve you for all my life. A day later I felt a joy in my heart, I never went back home drunk, I was not smoking anymore. I was distanced from bad things. I started to be dedicated to God. When my family heard this thing, they didn’t like it, they were upset with me, telling that you have betrayed our religion, one of my cousins, was so angry with me and said, God will curse you. They were taking my Bibles and throwing them on the roof, when I was going to church they were throwing stones to me. Some of my cousins had not even liked to talk to me. One day I met an Imam who had been a friend of mine and when he learned that I was a Christian he told me, that I will kill you and do not come here anymore, but I told to him that my life does not belong to me anymore but to Jesus and without his permission you cannot do nothing to me.
The next day he met and shouting he was saying that I am afraid from you, and went away. But I continued to endure and to pray for my brothers. Today 2 of them are Christians. The Lord has blessed with so much and I have 22 years that I serve him and will serve until I am alive.
I do not have any more that gap in my heart because Jesus has filled it with his love.
About six years later, I meet one of my teachers, she asked surprised you're the guy from the castle? (In Berat the city that I am from there is a castle);
“Why”, I asked.
She told to me: ‘Because I know you are dead! ‘
‘What makes you think this?’ - I replied.
She said: ‘But with that route you had taken, you should be dead! Many of the guys you hang out, now they are killed. But what happened because you are not the same anymore?’
I told to her: - ‘It’s not me but Jesus saved me and now I am serving him.
It is my desire to bring the gospel everywhere in Albania. To plant one church in a city where there is not a church.

Our Vision
2016 -2019 I started a movement that called New Life Churches Albania. I planted 2 new churches. My vision is to plant 100 churches around Albania!
To plant a church in every city where there is no church
Now we have 7 years that we are working and we have planted the church in Tirana 1 ( District Nr 1) with a commitment multiplication, and characterized by evangelism, discipleship, prayer, leadership development and committed membership.
To plant a strong church that will help for the big vision to save the nation of Albania. After that to go into Macedonia and into Turkey. I have been 23 years old to pray for Turkey to return to Jezus. One word from God was, “the Turks cursed Albania with Islam but the Lord would raise the Albanian Church to bless Turkey with Jezus”.
This neighborhood is one of the neighborhoods unreached in Tirana, the reason is that most people who live here are of Muslim origin--about 90%.
The economy is weak and has more poverty. In a family of 10 people can work only two of them. Only women works but without insurance and work rules are not respected, work illegally
This is a paradox that can see in Albania. There is a layer of very rich, on the other hand with great layers of the population is she living in very difficult conditions.
There are two 8-year schools and a secondary school. Young people no longer have to be taken and most of them are drug and alcohol users. We have done an interview by asking young people there. They have shown that they had no hope for the future. In this neighborhood has more men who use alcohol to forget their cramps and poverty. The need for the gospel is too large.

Leadership and Accountability
There are 30 leaders on our leadership team who have committed themselves to various areas of New Life Churches Albania serving in the church and 6 couples working in church planting ministry. Currently, we meet every week in a small group to debrief and evaluate each step of the way. This provides an open communication and transparency. The church also provides direction, support and evaluation to youth ministry, at the moment we have 20 youth people that participate in our meetings. Weekly church meeting evaluates each week of ministry in the church. The church also provides opportunities for youth ministry to inform the church of all that is happening at appropriate church gatherings and venues. (Sunday announcements have a group of servants that calls people during the week, website using social media, etc.)

Developing Leaders
2 Tim 2:2
Our goal is to identify and develop leaders from the early converts, so that we have leaders who are accepted in the city, and understand the local situation.
Our style of discipleship has a strong emphasis on working alongside one another so that new leaders are engaged in ministry from an early stage. We will augment this with periodic conferences and special training, which are readily available in Albania.
Our church has also developed social projects, knowing the social situation in which people are. We have made some social projects.
One of the projects has been food packages for 1200 poor families. This has given us access to visit their homes and to give them the gospel.
Another project is that we have helped the children who did not have the opportunity to go to school if the family could not read the books. We have intervened by helping with the purchase of books and those children continue to school. We have had the opportunity to show God's love with works.
We want to do more to develop child sponsorship project

Faith Statement
We believe in:
The Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, and entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory.
The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

Churches that will be planted by this ministry will be free to choose their name and direction so it will not be necessary for them to be named New Life. It will be a network built on relationships, working together, sharing resources with each other. There will be no denomination, no control. Because of the denominations that have come up in Albania, many churches have been hurt and we want to give that kind of feeling.

Our Needs
Support for prayer
Support for the pastoral family.
Support for the Church's building rent
Support for social projects
Support for new church planting
Support for evangelism events
Support for child sponsorship project, summer camps for children.

Contact: sabrikasemi@yahoo.com
Mobile number in Albania 00355 69760 9359
Forwarded from Michael
It's the Spirit, it's the Spirit
Of life that's wild and free,
It's the Spirit, it's the Spirit!
It's the Spirit that's for me!

You can travel in the Spirit
From the Moon to distant Mars,
You can travel by the Spirit,
Hitch your wagon to the stars!

You can travel in the Spirit
So much further than in cars,
It's the Spirit, it's the Spirit
That keeps breaking all your jars!

It's the Spirit, it's the Spirit!
It's the Spirit that's for me!
In the Spirit, in the Spirit
You can live a life that's free!
If you’re here for Jesus, then you need to make a commitment to Him each day. It’s dying daily for the cause of Christ that makes our Revolution different!
ROM.2:1 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
ROM.2:2 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.
ROM.2:3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
The way to increase your faith is to make the Truth bigger than you.