Spirit Force
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Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
MAT.5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
ALL SYSTEMS WERE GO, as StarLion lit up my dashboard screens and windshields with multiple targets all over the north pole of Saturn. I forgot how big Saturn was and the battle existed across the span of several Earth diameters. Massive enemy ships had been called in to defend this area but they were still no match for us. The problem was there were not as many pilots as usual.

I kept having attacks jamming my communications with StarLion.

<Faelona> Do or die, Blade. This is it, we must cast down this principality or the battle will be lost.
<me> You don’t have to ask me twice.

THE PHOENIX APPEARED BEHIND ME surrounded as if with a wedding dress countless smaller fighters, their lights connecting and forming a large shield around her.

<me> I’m happy to see YOU again! OK now let’s go where angels fear to tread

the sky lit up as arcs of heavenly energy flew forward in thousands of directions, just barely not hitting me as I gave my craft everything it had. The Blade Ship was something to be dealt with, not having been in too many battles but absolutely decked out to the teeth with every conceivable spiritual weapon yet known.

I saw one of the Enemy’s main carriers and knew from the Holy Spirit that this was the one. I would dock and engage the principality directly, while StarLion and Phoenix’s fleets would finish the battle outside.
I tore a giant gash into the top bridge side of this massive demonic vessel, which was blinded by the sheer amount of fire coming at it from us. This had some familiar markings on its hull but I was at a loss for words at the moment, too engaged in the attack.

My armour was more than equipped for the jump from space to the ship, and BladeShip was good for cutting into any craft and providing an entrance, also by more of our backup crew. Smaller Phoenix Fighters came in and accompanied me as we showed no mercy to any demon we encountered on this hall. It was literally hell in there, with screams and profanity and despair everywhere. The Enemy was pretty much another one of your typical fallen angel dark lords, cocky and overly confident in hismelf. He tried talking me out of what we were doing, giving me offers and promotions and you name it.

There was a brand on his chest, in an X shape with edges around each line forming a sort of box. His horns were black and twisted forward and his teeth glistened from the sparks and fire that were everywhere from our less than organised yet effectual entrance. I used the keys turned to swords to wrestle him off his throne and listened to his last ramble before he was ordered to step through a hell gate to a lower dimension.

The entire ship became ours, as the crew were exorcised with the dark lord. No need to be involved in endless skirmishes. It’s the sons of destiny’s duty to wrestle with the principalities and powers in the Heavens. We used the bridge link to Saturn’s radar to turn it waaaaay down, as it had been enabled through evil cabalistic happenings connected to CERN and the overall selfishness of people to get out of control.

<Faelona> mission accomplished! Let’s head back to the fleet and rejoin the Lord.

<me> Hallelujah!

Examine your own experience as a saint and see where your treasure is: is it in the Lord, or in His blessings? In the degree that we possess anything for ourselves we are separated from Jesus. So many of us are caught up in the shows of things, not in the way of property and possessions, but of blessings, and all our efforts to persuade ourselves that our treasure is in heaven is a sure sign that it is not. If our treasure is in heaven we do not need to persuade ourselves that it is, we prove it is by the way we deal with matters of earth. The religion of Jesus Christ is a religion of personal relationship to God and has nothing to do with possessions. A sense of possessions is sufficient to render us spiritually dense because what we possess often possesses us. Whenever our Lord spoke of ¡§life¡¨ He meant the kind of life He lived, and He says, ¡§ye have not [this] life in yourselves¡¨ (John 6:53 rv). Are we living the kind of life Jesus lived, with the skylights always open towards God, the windows of the ground floor open towards men, and the trap-door open towards sin and Satan and hell? Nothing was hidden from Jesus, all was faced with fearless courage because of His oneness with the Father.
¡§For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also . . .¡¨? The Bible term ¡§heart¡¨ is best understood if we simply say ¡§me,¡¨ it is the central citadel of a man¡¦s personality. The heart is the altar of which the physical body is the outer court, and whatever is offered on the altar of the heart will tell ultimately through the extremities of the body. ¡§Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.¡¨
Where do we make our depository of thinking? What do we brood on most, the blessings of God, or God Himself? Look back over your life as a saint and you will see how the weaning has gone on from the blessing to the Blesser, from sanctification to the Sanctifier. When we no longer seek God for His blessings, we have time to seek Him for Himself.
The Division of Thinking (Matthew 6:22-23)
The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light . . . (Matthew 6:22 rv)
The eye records exactly what it looks at, and conscience may be called the eye of the soul. A ¡§single* eye¡¨ is essential to correct understanding spiritually. If the spirit is illumined by a conscience which has been rightly adjusted, then, says Jesus, the whole body is full of light because body, soul and spirit are united in a single identity with Himself. Beware of mistaking domination for identity. Identity is a oneness between two distinct persons in which neither person dominates, but the oneness dominates both. The only way this can be realised is along the line of our Lord¡¦s own life. Jesus Christ¡¦s first obedience was to the will of His Father???, and our first obedience is to be to Him. The thing that detects where we live spiritually is the word ¡§obey.¡¨ The natural heart of man hates the word, and that hatred is the essence of the disposition that will not let Jesus Christ rule. The characteristic of our Lord¡¦s life was submission to His Father, not the crushing down of His own will to His Father¡¦s, but the love-agreement of His will with His Father¡¦s¡X¡§I am here for one thing only, to do Thy will, and I delight to do it.¡¨ When the Holy Spirit comes into us, the first thing He does is to make us men and women with a single motive, a ¡§single eye¡¨ for the glory of God. The essential element in the life of a saint is simplicity¡X¡§thy whole body shall be full of light.¡¨
¡§But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness . . .¡¨ What is an evil eye? Thinking that springs from our own point of view. ¡§Is thine eye evil, because I am good?¡¨ (Matthew 20:15). Jesus says that if our eye is evil, we shall misjudge what He does. If our spirits are untouched by God¡¦s Spirit, unillumined by God, the very light we have will become darkness. The disposition of the natural man, my claim to my right to myself, banks on things of which our Lord makes nothing, e.g., possessions, rights, self-realisation; and if that disposition rules, it will cause the whole body to be full of darkness. Darkness in this connection is our own point of view; light is God¡¦s point of view (cf. 1 John 1:7).