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This morning I awaken to chasing down a stone hallway/alley leaping from pile to pile of unclean carnage in the wake of Cheng-Ku. I can hear him now echoing in the recesses of my mind crying out “To Battle!!!” I appear to be a lone figure on a mission though I know I am not alone. The hallway enters to a small asian looking city square. As I pass through the small door to enter, the wooden door jam threatens to peal away the shield of faith strapped to my back. I am not foolish enough to leave it behind. The door will yield. Entering the square, the scene is pristine, meaning there are no signs of battle, no debris, no crowds, no animals, just building fronts with awnings over long tables that should be filled with wares. The city square opens to a shallow beach that is surrounded by tall jagged walls. There are two tent buildings. One further out into the sea. The other across to the other wall, with another opening just past that. The beach sand is like a beach that has been revealed by low tide or a gathering of a tsunami. I hear the words of wisdom, “This is a trap. They are trying to reveal by footsteps in the sand how many hidden ones are with you.” But how many angels can stand on the head of a sword? Foot prints do not reveal our numbers. As we pass half way across the beach a tall figure breaks forth from the tent that is further out to sea. This is not the god we seek; he is but its progeny standing a mere 30 to 40 feet tall. I speak no command, spontaneously this abomination finds himself moored down into the sand and attacked by an invisible swarm. The monstrosity was short work, as I look up into the cracks of the cliffs that wall off this alcove. A distraction, something to gauge our strength? Are the others in the cracks afraid to attack? Or are they waiting to take up a rear front as we enter the other hallway? The second tent structure is best described as an apothecary, the pharmakia of big business. Now I see why I follow in the tracks of the “sword of Cheng-Ku”. This is a fight very near to him. From hidden natural cures to injections of venomous intent. We fight this together. The apothecary has signs of being torched but it rises again. We continue our pursuit into the other hall despite obvious signs of a trap. There we see more evidence of flame. The hallway elbow to the left and then in 20 feet back to the right. In that second corner, hidden in the shadows there is a creature impaled to the wall. Its face keeps shifting from a wide mouth snake to catfish wiskers to having catlike features back to the wide mouth snake. But the eyes do not change small yellow eyes that have almost a glow to them. It opens its mouth to speak, but before it can hiss anything a short sword is thrust up behind the jawline pinning its tongue. It was delivered as a command. Silence you filthy spirit. I left the short sword in place, I have plenty of other scripture where that came from. We leave a wall of flame behind us to deter any unclean followers. It is useful to have angels with eyes all over to watch your backside, and walls, and ceiling, and floor. We have encountered the carnage again, Cheng-Ku cannot be that much further ahead where we will join him in the fight. There in the distance, a dance of light, flowing robe of zeal, and flashing steel. I can almost see his furrowed brow and smile from here with the echoes of halle-halle-hallelujah!!!
*ChengFei not ChengKu
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Old Family art... Let's make prayer attractive again!
STEPPING BACK IN TO THE JOURNEY, I’m opening the gate. Time to re-enter the Spirit. There are always so many gates but usually I take one scripture. This time it’s “The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God,” and “He taketh the wise in their craftiness” . . . so at first as a child, as the bride, as a warrior I receive the full mantle of whatever I have in the Spirit. Layer by layer the entire thing is opened up to me.


The gateway to Antarctica’s underground network has been forced open, and the commander and I are now overseeing mass influx of angel troops and supplies. We had just finished a major battle against the forces of darkness that control the majority of the people who rule down there, as it is essentially an outer circle to Hell (in the physical) and there are a great number of disgusting creatures and other things that lurk in the caves. Sending our finest angels ahead, the labyrinth has now been somewhat mapped out on the first level and not just spanning the size of Antarctica but now extending under all the Earth’s oceans and throughout the other continents, an entire sub-Earth system now has to be scoured.

<Commander> Well Blade, we can either go in for another battle or I’ll take Midnight and you your Elyrian and we’ll go for a ride to the Heavens, convince more angels and warriors to join. This is too big for us.

<me> So unlike you to say, brother. Well if I’m honest about this, there could never be enough harvesters for this job. This is more like deep weeding though. Sure let’s go! Lead the way.

WE HOP ON OUR STEEDS and fly up high above the atmosphere, grouping with some of the Heavenly battleships stationed up above. Archangel Michael has been managing the deployment of angels (we call and order, he manages and directs behind the scenes for us.)

<Commander> So where should we go to get more recruits?

I FEEL THEY GET RIGHT DOWN TO BUSINESS, and the spirit between him and Michael are very close, like work partners. I’ve got a lot of learning to do from the way the Commander does business! Michael looks at me and nods.

<me> I. . . have an idea!

THEN I EXPLAIN THE DISTANT PLANET, ACTUALLY many Kingdom worlds I had journeyed to before where civilizations were in existence who were ready to serve God. We could recruit from there. Then there was the family of Enoch.

<Michael> The sky is not the limit. You guys are already doing so much with limited resources. Let my angel guard serve you, but remember there are many more. I am the Captain of the Lord’s Hosts. There are many more hosts that are led by kings and queens throughout the whole Kingdom. The Lord is over all, but he doesn’t micromanage everyone. Go and befriend more and bring them into this battle and you’ll have more warriors than you’ll know what to do with! Pray for teachers and trainers as well, you’re going to need those.

<me> Sounds like a plan.

I show them the starchart and which planets I am already familiar with. It isn’t weird at all doing this, as there are so many more planets… Teradorn and several in the Phoenix galaxy. Other constellations in our galaxy have some, but this place is a little too close to home.

<Commander> I’ll give you a hint: Orion. Pleadies.

<me> Aren’t those mostly governed by fallen beings?

<Commander> Only one way to find out!

<Michael> If you like I can send some of my guard ahead of you to confirm. There are many stars out there, and although the time you spend in the Heavens is almost as if you never left the Earth, still let’s not waste your time!

I COULD TELL COMMANDER WAS BORED of just figuring out all this strategy and which place we needed to go, etc. He was ready to fight non-stop! So anyway we went to Orion first, just behind Michael’s front guard.
We didn’t even get close to the constellation before meeting an entire fleet of craft who were sent to meet us. The first sense I got from them was deception. They didn’t want us bringing our Heavenly bladeship/ Trailblazer and other craft into this ‘belt’ which was where we were headed.

<Commander> You take care of the talking, I’ll start infiltrating.

NEXT THING I KNEW HE WAS OFF, taking his Heavenly steed into the void of space, jumping into one of their cargo docks. They were expecting us to open fire, not to have one guy on a horse jump down. So far nothing happened. I waited, their craft massive in size compared to ours, but I had StarLion and some other mother ships about to warp in right behind if things got sticky.

<Commander> I’m in. Buy me a few minutes and I’ll have their bridge destroyed. Why don’t you take out the other flagship and that’ll help their followers to flee.

<me> Copy that.

THERE WAS AN ENTIRE FLOTILLA of these things, and I handed the controls to another officer, while doing the same thing the Commander did except to the other main commanding ship. It was a little bit farther away so I had a chance to see the beauty of the Orion belt just ahead, and perceived strong civilization broadcasting within the system, but not towards Earth. It seemed there was a rule in this galaxy not to do that. The population weren’t all grey, as I perceived and as some new age people had said. This was a completely new place for me. Their ships were all shapes and sizes, and the main target now were the banana shaped flag ships, with various wings and sails sticking out. They were quite beautiful, and I hated to think we were juts here to destroy them. I saw Commander had “commanded” that ship and now it was my turn. The whole thing was taking no time at all and they hadn’t even noticed us enter, they were talking with the angels we brought with us and the Holy Spirit. As sons we had the authority to come and claim the land, although it would be another story to see how they obeyed or not. It’s the same feeling as when a new Christian goes to an ancient country and just declares it in the name of Jesus, without any knowledge of them. . . they weren’t going to just bow to us or anything. In this case though the ships were mainly commandeered by fallen ones, and these I had no problem cutting down.

Long story short, I was able to easily take out the ship’s captain and guard with the Spiritual Weapons, and preach the Gospel to the entire fleet. We provided ways for those who did not wish to come with us to leave, and some did, but more stayed. These craft then became our first missionary float to the belt of Orion, as these were their own kind. And what kind? Lots of different kinds of both human and non human entities. It was almost as bad as Star Trek but not quite as organized. The grey entities and anything that had allowed itself to merge with Fallen Angel technology all fled away, but the others knew that “Fallen Angel” means once there was a height and once there was a Father over all, and even these very ships were His property. We didn’t have to destroy a single thing, as soon as we brought the Gospel and the Word of God, they gladly joined us. Trailblazer and Blade automatically followed us as we went to each world, getting to know them and sharing the things that God was doing back home. Home was a battlefield, and there would be challenges but these people had enough problems of their own so we got involved with helping them out – several of the worlds were already getting ready to resist the Fallen Angel governments that were trying to maintain control over the entire Orion system, and recently things were getting shaky because everyone knew that the manifestation of the Sons of God was near, and no fallen angel was going to stand against the Name of Jesus.

<Commander> When are we going back to Earth? The people here need help, but tell them we’re not going to be much help until we finish with our mission back there.
<me> Got it. If we can recruit here now, chances are they’ll get the help they need in no time.

WE WERE sitting at a huge banquet, one of the governors of a town that was against the Fallen Angel system had hosted. There were so many of these, usually when you stayed out of the mega cities the beings that lived more simple lives all knew that this evil system was on its way out. They really really liked us, and I was a little bit surprised how well received we were. We almost barely had to fight anyone here, as once we had shown up the people themselves would do the fighting, or obey our orders rather than the fallen ones. The fallen were definitely on the retreat, even here.

<me> Well then, we’re going back soon. If any of you would like to help us pilot some of our air force and go on the long underground journeys in our ice cap, we could use your assistance. Notify the other towns you are connected to, sir governor and we’ll be leaving by tomorrow morning.

THIS TOOK LONGER THAN WE THOUGHT, and eventually the numbers ready to go with us were so many that many more ships had to be “commandeered” to fit them all. Finally I had the idea to just bring StarLion in and warp them directly to the battle-site at Antarctica, using the link between StarLion and another spirit craft, Salem that was on-site.

This seemed to work, and we got away with it, because what can the Enemy do? Jack squat if God’s got His government on the rise!

<Michael> Mission accomplished – you now have more than you can handle, LOL!

<Commander> Let’s get this show on the road.

WE PACKED UP AND LEFT, AT LAST, Commander and I taking our craft and joining the massive groupings of the Orion craft we had temporarily captured. We now had ties to some of the good people there who were also against the Fallen so through diplomacy in the future we promised to at last come and assist them with the overthrow. There were also plenty more constellations to deal with!

<me> Interesting how Earth has its own constellation from here. Our sun is part of the ____ constellation. Of course it’s all relative and depending on where you are in the Milky Way, our sun appears to be a part of any number of different constellations.

<Commander> Yep! It’s a big world out there. Our Lord created it all, and He is the one who deserves all our love and praise. Let’s serve Him together, brother!

<me> Amen!

WITH THAT WE LANDED in the fresh-crisp snow nearby the opening we’d been using to help clean out our sewer problem – so many fallen angels and demons had congregated here that you felt almost more clear-headed when on a distant star, that maybe only had one or two fallen angels governing things. Earth was literally a cess pit of this stuff! And we were going into the sewer itself.

<Michael> The new recruits will need some time to acclimatize themselves. I’ve sent some angel trainers to come and show them some basic skills as far as piloting the craft or hand to hand combat. It’ll take some time, but you guys can start going on recon expeditions with the forces you do have now.

I RETIRED TO SOME OF MY PRIVATE CHAMBERS aboard the Salem which was here acting as a temporary base of operations until the others could come. It had been a long trip and I knew I hadn’t payed enough attention to the Lord the whole time.

<me> Jesus I am here, I want to find You. I need to be Yours, and I need to know I’m pleasing you, not just pleasing myself in going on these various missions that never end.
Spirit Wars from 6 years ago!