Spirit Force
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11:11 AM 7/11/2021

Was sent to a sort of digital prison where the prisoners had their minds uploaded into clones.

There were times as I was walking around where I was like "I'm a clone... and I can deal with this. I can still support what the real me would do."

There were two boys with me who were like family also sentenced and we lived in this house next to our aunt's house and a few other close friends. The prison had freedom within itself and I was able to drive a car around town, and yet still be in this huge city sized prison. First time I drove, though, I got several traffic tickets for driving too close to teh government office. They said you're never allowed to drive near the official government offices.

Everywhere I went I was talkin gto people and witnessing to them and also making statements that were true and against the system that had put us in this prison and was very wicked.

Once I found myself in a huge cloning lab, where they had all kinds of abominations being made. One was a parrot on top of a crab body that could talk. It said "i'm already dead" and was provoking me so I'd kill it. Death by cop. I saw this big cow that was really tired and nasty looking and it was being used to birth things into hybrids. Scientists would take a small animal, stick it in the cow and they woudl be born half cow. THe facility was so grotesque but at the same tiem the different experiments were interesting to see, kind of like a very creative horror movie.

It's been a while since I had a prison dream. This one definitely felt like it was there for anyone who spoke against the government. There were so many people who were against that, though...and Big Tech that there was no way they could keep it max security. They used cloning as part of the control system somehow. There was a sense of fear everywhere like there was always someone watching. Once I walked around and around the neighborhood where I was staying to see if anyone else was there or watching and finaly it seemed as though no one was. THe feeling of being watched was in itself also just a trick.

I recall talking to a lady I had known very well a while back and her husband showed up and it was kind of awkward... I didn't want to give the wrong impression and kept a polite distance. It seemed there were a lot of us living in this somewhat glorified concentration camp which was very very high tech...

1:18 PM 7/12/2021

Was in Naples, talking with Dad, looking at how the property had been properly completely cleared out. There were shovel marks on the ground in the sand and he was wondering who had done this.

Was out in the countryside of Hawaii somewhere, met and helped this couple find their way to a Hawaiian tourist spot, driving them there. We went in to the lobby and almost got locked in, not knowing it was the time of closing. The place was quite remote so I felt responsible for this couple and they weren't really a couple but brother and sister or something similar. We took them around after this. They totally seemed to trust us for some reason, like right away as soon as we met.

THere was some kind of activity with the attraction they had wanted to go to and the end of it was after the volcano sightings and the "adventure" they took you to this firing range where a group of people on one side of a dark room all got to shoot automatic weapons at an equal group at the other side. It was absolutely a blood bath and there was no escape or possibiltiy you wouldnt be shot. I think I was shot several times in the chest and noticed hardly anyone got hit in the head but it was brutal.

I hung out with Jasmine at Naples, she came and sat on my bed and I was respectfully sitting on the floor and talking with her about her life, now that she had grown up so much since I'd first met her (at the coffee shop in Tianmu in 2009)
and asked her about her married life, her church etc. She didnt say much so I figured somethinhg was wrong. Then we were at her church and there were people selling jewelry and little things and I was pretty appalled and started to speak out against it, at least to her. I was eating a taco and she was being given a bunch of donuts, and I helped her carry the bag of wrapped left over tacos of mine and all her donuts. One in particular was the size of an entire donut box, and I looked at her and said "that's not going to be eaten by you is it" and she replied "no it's for some kids, ha" and we walked outta there. The bag of food was big but the presence of all the merchandise in the church was yucky so we left.

I was driving a motorscooter up a huge mountain up to the peak and then going back down, thinking "oh oh I hope the engine doesnt die" as there were lots of bumps going down. The whole time I was talking about 'life in Taiwan' or somethin gto that effect because it was Taiwan again.
These dreams are yet to be interpreted
Secrets of the Kingdom (Volume 1)
. .
God resists the proud. Pride quickly becomes a part of who
we are and is so powerful that it has a way of etching itself onto
our countenance.
Humility is one of the highest attributes in the Kingdom of
When we are clothed with humility – and it is a power that
clothes us and is discernible in the spirit realm as a very plain
cloak or mantle – the angels in heaven recognize it and bow
to it. You cannot enter into true Kingdom life unless you are
wearing this cloak. That is why this quality of God is first on
the list. You cannot enter into the remaining five beatitudes
without first wearing or becoming Humility.
For instance, if you try to enter into the second beatitude
without humility – to hunger and thirst for righteousness – you
will be resisted by God; you cannot enter there without humility.
Was in an epic battle alongside some good friends who were warriors vs an elite team, all of us usin gswords and arrows. I had gone with Sharon Rogles to visit LA Marzulli someplace and then the fight began on the street and led to this island peninsula among loading equipment at this port. The adversary were incredibly strong and they almost killed us, although we had interesting strategies. I had this waterdrop / arrow maneuver that would send an arrow from the sky increidbly powerfully when it reached a certain little drop of liquid. Still, they were powerful and managed to almost kill one of our friends who I realized later was Janie, but she survived and would be healed again. The remaining of them I sliced with a sword that had a strange shape that bulged out at the tip.

One of them would not die and I had to slice through the head until I got to the brain which was made from icecream... I asked my team if anyone wanted icecream although it was so disgusting I could hardly look.

One of the enemy were confronting me and it was extremely difficult to pierce through her armor. All of them were women for some reason, like a band of witches. I got wounded a few times but managed to somehow with help take down the leader, which managed to survive barely. There was a question whether we wanted her to get away knwoing she'd return at some point...