<Jesus> Open yourself to Me, and give me full access to you. All of Heaven will come to your aid, and you will be subject to Me to perform great exploits in my name , in the spirit. Of course this is operating on another plane but that plane is ever quickening and coming closer to your realm.
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Piers Morgan Calls Vladimir Putin Fan "Bonkers" For Thinking Russian Leader Is 'Peaceful'
Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by YouTuber and Vladimir Putin apologist Jackson Hinkle and podcast host and comedian Konstantin Kisin to debate whether there is an argument that Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine is justified and to debate Jackson's…
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Watch "Tucker Makes NEOCON Ukraine Supporter SQUIRM 🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦" on YouTube
Tucker Makes NEOCON Ukraine Supporter SQUIRM 🇺🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦
"If you have love, you have everything. If you miss love, you miss everything. Those who seek truth apart from love miss the truth, while those who who seek love get love, truth, and everything." Rufus Moseley