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Forwarded from Kitty Binek
It’s clear the way everyone cheered for Elon at the rally that a lot of Americans still aren’t thinking for themselves but simply applauding him because President Trump has him on the stage. Elon is jumping around and exposing his belly like a complete buffoon and everyone just cheers. I love and respect President Trump and I do believe he has calculated and strategic reasons for everything he does but I won’t blindly follow anyone. As Lin keeps reminding us we need to do our own research and connect the dots for ourselves. We need to pray for discernment and wisdom. It’s time for the American people to wake up and use the brains God gave us! It’s time for us to pray fervently as a nation for all to have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth! Maybe President Trump is waiting on We the People to get a clue and stop waiting on someone else to tell us what to think and who to trust. JESUS alone is the way, the truth, and the life! It’s time for us to seek Him and read the Bible to find the truth. It’s time to stop applauding fools like Elon Musk just because he “appears” to be on the side of freedom for the moment. (Have we learned nothing from President Trump’s snake story?) If we don’t learn these lessons, our nation may be momentarily set free but we will quickly be right back in the same place. I pray we learn this lesson and soon! Our children, grandchildren, and future generations are depending on us. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Only a few saw the resurrected Jesus Christ.

I will see Him one day when I get to heaven.

Until that glorious day occurs, I walk by faith and not by sight.

I believe in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is God.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
Was there a lawful transition of power on January 20, 2021???

What do you believe???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

What did the godless ruling elite do to Jesus Christ in the flesh to suppress the TRUTH He spoke to the people???

What they did to Him then, they will try to do to you now if you speak TRUTH.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
It is not easy to live in this world when you do NOT live for this world.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
How many of you realized that by 2016 the United States had been taken over by communism (without the communists firing a shot) and was headed in 2017-2020 to being under the rule of One World Government???

If you did not realize it then, do you realize it now???

Just askin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Communists hate my hashtag:


Communists hate me!!!

Communists are godless.

Communists hate that I share Jesus Christ with others.

Communists have been trying for years to silence me or demean me.

Communists would love to destroy me without firing a shot.

I am still standing.

Thank you, Jesus Christ.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
I am pleased to see that President Trump has apparently reconciled his earlier differences with Elon Muskrat.

It also appears that President Trump has reconciled his earlier differences with Georgia Gov. Brian “Wimpy Commie” Kempy.

The Art of the Deal.

President Trump is a stable genius who knows how to maximize the value of his “brand.”

His “brand” is TRUMP.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Do you want to know the future???

Read The REVELATION of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible.

If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will be comforted by the future.

If you do not believe in Jesus Christ, you will be scared to eternal death.

You cannot blame Jesus Christ.

He told us of what is to come.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
Are you a REAL Patriot who wants to SAVE AMERICA or are you a communist who wants to destroy America???

You cannot be both.

You cannot be lukewarm.

If you are lukewarm, you are a communist even if you don’t know it or do not have the courage to admit it.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

God bless you, Kari for your message below.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏
Forwarded from Kari Lewis
No, I didn’t realize it.
I still thought the Republicans were fighting against the democrats for us, We the people.
Was I ever fooled. Never even crossed my mind they were all selected and working for an evil plan together and with communist to take us out.
NEVER even knew about all of the children and trafficking.
The only one I ever suspected of being Trans was Michael Obama.
Completely believed in the Globe Earth, that we went to the moon, 911 was committed by foreigners. Kennedy assassination was by one deranged person.
Hundred percent believed our government was for Americans.
Boy, was I a complete fool.
I am sure I will be blindsided with things to come out in the future.
I do know who wins in the end.
My God. I read more, pray, more, Praise HIM more, repent more, ask for forgiveness for not reading or understand the Bible more.
Lastly, try to love more.
God Bless President Trump, Military, Lin Wood, America, and those who have worked tirelessly to wake sinners like me, up.