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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.
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Thank you, Shannon, for your message below. These remarks were delivered by me at Mercer Law School in January of 2020.

What happened???

November 3, 2020.

The fact that you share them with others humbles me.

I give God ALL the praise and ALL the glory.

It is never about me. It is always about Him. God is the Legend, not me.

God bless you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from ShannonAnnDee
The respect I have for Lin Wood is unmeasurable. Get to know him by studying who he truly is! https://youtu.be/rrkeWYZ-CSE
Time for rest.

Why do I end the night sharing my testimony with you? Sharing some of the good, the bad, and the ugly of my life. Sharing TRUTH with you about me.

Because I hope that you will see and know that God forgave me and saved me. No matter what your life’s situation may be, He can save you and make you into a new person.

We serve an awesome, living God.

What God did for me, God can and will do for you. Ask and you shall receive.

It has been a brutal last 2+++ years. I have lost much of what I spent my life accumulating. But that is okay. I will be fine. Because the enemy cannot take away from me the things that really matter.

The enemy cannot take away from me my relationship with Jesus Christ, my LORD and my SAVIOR. The enemy cannot take away from me the Word of God. The enemy cannot take away from me my eternity in Heaven.

So when I feel battered and bruises, I focus not on what the enemy can and has taken away from me, I try my best to focus on what the enemy cannot take away from me. I keep my eyes on Jesus.

And I press on.

Thank you for your support and kind words. You lift me up when I am down. You make me feel loved when others express hatred for me.

I give God ALL the praise and ALL the glory.

I know my situation is not unlike yours. I am not unique. We are ALL in this battle together.

I hope you rest well.

The best is yet to come.

God bless each of you.

I love You The People.

Good night.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
"For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
- Titus 3:3-7
It’s Whackadoodle Wednesday!!!

Another day to pray that out of the continued chaos and confusion around us, TRUTH will emerge for ALL.

Enjoy your day!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
President Trump remains the target of many politically motivated witch hunts.

Many pro-Trump lawyers across the country who acted ethically and legally are now also targets of politically motivated witch hunts.


We are living in a time of tyranny where the rule of law is being ignored or trampled.

While President Trump and lawyers are presently targeted, it is We The People who are the ultimate targets.

The days of King George III have returned.


Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Thank you for your kind comments below about my January 2020 remarks at Mercer Law School, S Holden. You flatter me, but I give ALL the praise, glory, and credit to God. If my words accomplish good, it is never about me, it is always about Him.

Our nation appears to have changed dramatically since my remarks that day.

I intentionally use the word “appears” because the REAL question is “has our nation changed or has the TRUTH been revealed so that we now see with our own eyes what our nation has been for decades?”

I believe the latter alternative to be the correct one.

If I am right, the next question is: “now that we know what we have been as a nation and where that leads us (Banana Republic), will We The People change direction and actually work to restore our nation to what it was created to be in the beginning - a nation under God?”

The choice is ours to make. I believe when people see and accept the TRUTH, they choose wisely.

God bless you, S Holden.

Press on.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Forwarded from S Holden
Well you haven’t changed one ounce and what a powerful “conversation” !!! 😊 You absolutely STILL sacrifice yourself physically & mentally, no matter the cost, in the name of truth! You are a rare gem!

You became a legendary attorney & made a name for yourself because of your ability & willingness to put truth into the right words and you selflessly served others. That is rare! But even more impressive is that you don’t just talk the talk, you walk the walk- even in the toughest of times. Like NOW!
Those weren’t just words for the camera or to that audience that day. This fight for TRUTH you are leading (that in effect, will affect the whole world) will be the biggest WIN and accomplishment, in my opinion, & I believe your legacy of a “ Truth Legend” will never be forgotten, EVER!

This fight right now affects not just one incident in a trial case, but EVERY person, young & old.

This is a fight for freedom (and that means freedom from child trafficking, freedom from censorship, freedom to have TRUTH in our legal system, etc) and this fight for America will overlap I bet. It will come full circle one day & Richard Jewell will be awarded that honor, that he & his family deserve!

When and if that happens, we will know then, that our country is finally honoring Richard with what he deserves AND that will also mean that our justice system has become trustworthy! Hopefully, at that time we will know we live in the America that serves the one & only God, as intended! I pray that it happens and happens soon!

PS. Looking back I guess it’s 100% clear why you became an enemy after the Trump remarks you stated & it’s 100% clear who is NOT on the side of truth . 💔
I sometimes misspeak and say that I am the same lawyer and man today that I have been over the course of my 45 years as a trial lawyer.

That is not an accurate statement.

I am a new person since I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ in August of 2018.

Before that time, I was Lin 1.0. Since that time, I am Lin 2.0. I know that Lin 2.0 is a better man than was Lin 1.0.

When my work on Earth is over and I go to Heaven for eternity, I will be Lin 3.0.

The best is yet to come.

God bless each of you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
By the way, it goes without saying that I did not become Lin 2.0 by wearing a mask or being changed by CGI or photoshopping!!!

And I know I am not a hologram!!!

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

P.S. Lin 1.0 and 2.0 have always had a sense of humor! Lin 3.0 will have a perfect sense of humor!!!
For over almost 6 years, President Trump has been telling us how corrupt the FBI is and has been.

Did you see it with your own eyes with the raid on Mar-A-Lago???

If you did not believe President Trump before, do you believe him now after seeing it with your own eyes???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Check out the video below with your own eyes.

Do you now know that ALL members of the mainstream media are actually members of the Deep State Mockingbird Propaganda Flock???

A flock which was originally hatched by the CIA in the 1950’s when Operation Mockingbird was created.

Turn off the television. Ignore these birds. Or watch them KNOWING that whatever they tell you, the opposite is the TRUTH.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Question: What corporate conglomerate owns ABC???

Hint: Starts with a D and ends with a Y.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Look back to the Deep State Mockingbird video clip about the raid on Mar-A-Lago posted above.

A lie told a thousand times is still a lie.

But if you repeat the same lie enough times, many people will believe the lie.

Brainwashing 101.

Notice how the “reporters” are all scripted to say the same thing in almost identical words.

And there is no counter-view allowed.

Propaganda 101.

Never let the TRUTH get in the way of the propaganda.

Now you know why no one who interviewed Rittenhouse in the aftermath of his “acquittal” ever contacted me for my side of the story. They did not want TRUTH to get in the way of the lies he uttered against me.

Do the math:

Brainwashing + Propaganda = DECEPTION.

The enemy within is the deceiver of deceivers.

Make sense to you???

It does to me.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸