MichelsJudi #ClimateChange
In Kansas, winter wheat 🌾 asked for a blanket in April ... NEVER! https://t.co/mk7auaoW6DMichelsJudi #ClimateChange
In Kansas, winter wheat 🌾 asked for a blanket in 3606617 MichelsJudi #ClimateChange
In Kansas, winter wheat 🌾 asked for a blanket in April ... NEVER! https://t.co/mk7auaoW6DMichelsJudi #ClimateChange
In Kansas, winter wheat 🌾 asked for a blanket in 3606617 MichelsJudi #ClimateChange
June 17, 2021
WOW #HamOnt who ever thought we’d get a winter comeback in the last half of April! Supposed to be Spring Showers! It’s beautiful but happy to to stay home today! KR #climate https://t.co/H9nkL5LyvYWOW #HamOnt who ever thought we’d get a winter comeback in the last half of April! Supposed to be Spring Showers! It’s beautiful but happy 4447349 WOW #HamOnt who ever thought we’d get a
August 4, 2021