Jenny Li Groves Prophecy
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🚨🔥Prophetic Alert🔥🚨
Oh, you corrupt souls!
Pride indeed goes before a fall.
Again, you are trying to set yourself above me, to proclaim yourselves to be me. To bend my creation to your whim, and forestall the words of my servants, the prophets.
You can no more stop what is coming with your trinkets (He's talking about weather modification are geo-warfate here), than you can ascend to the heights of my kingdom in your flesh.
What happened to Lucifer?
What happened to Nimrod?
I am finished with your hubris.
Your haughtiness is a stench in my nostrils.

Beware! You have made my people cry out, "How long, oh, Lord?"
I've heard their cries, and will answer them.
I will contend with you no more.
Vengeance is mine.

*I saw the enemy lighting a long fuse, stand back to gleefully watch it burn , and prematurely celebrate the coming destruction. The Lord says, "Their destruction comes first."

*I saw what LOOKED like Hoover Dam, and an intercessor standing along its face with their finger shoved in a leak. Then I saw Yeshua gently place his hand on the crook of the prayer warriors arm, and push down, allowing the valley below to become inundated.
I hear, "Pray against it all you want, just don't forget 'Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.'"

I see you hiding yourselves in the rocks, in your bunkers and tunnels, thinking they will keep you safe.
Understand me, there is no place under heaven that you can hide to escape my wrath. Your contingency plans will amount to nothing but overpriced coffins.

To my children:
To you was given the greatest intercessor.
I'm taking your hands off of burdens that where never yours to bear.
While your enemies will choke on the murky water they attempted to weaponize against you, while they dog paddle to try to stay afloat in the flood of calamity that's about to befall them, you'll have a different soaking.

You, my beloved, will be drenched in my annointing. Healing oil will flow from your fingertips. Holy Spirit utterances will bubble from your lips. Miracles will follow you as a wake follows a boat.

Have I not said a day was coming when I would pour my Spirit out on all flesh? The pouring begins with my chosen: at first just a drop, and then a trickle, and then a flood. Draw nearer to me, that I may flow through you.

*This word did not come as the result of a dream, or after time in prayer. The Lord just started speaking as I was heading off to bed. As I often do, I opened my Bible to let Him speak through His word as well.
Y'all, it opened right up to Ezakiel 28:11, and I read through 19. Go read!
👀 He's not playing!

I love you all, I am praying for and WITH you, and...Remember: get in prayer, get in the Word, be blessed, and allow yourselves to be used as vessels to bless others!
Forwarded from Lydia D
Why were women included in the NDAA. See point #3 on page 4.
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👆Some of the favorites among the gentlemen.
Good Morning Sisters and Brothers in Christ!

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads! God bless you and keep you! Thank you for all you do! Enjoy your day! 🎉🔥
Hebrews 12:1-2

New International Version

12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Forwarded from Myra
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Thanks Dad for all you did. 👼

Thank you all you dads out there for what you do.
M 💞
Forwarded from il Donaldo Trumpo (il Presidento)
Forwarded from il Donaldo Trumpo (il Presidento)
Forwarded from Handfuls On Purpose❤️ *See Ruth chapter 2 (Scott Metcalf)
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

~Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30)