Congratulations 🎉 to Mommahale for her Service Excellence Award 👏🏻 Melissa always puts people first. Her idea on project CLEAN helped many AT&T employees during the Austin winter storms. Thank you! LuisSilva_STX STXspeaks #serviceexcellenceaward #PeopleFirst #amazing #ATX 🎉 to Mommahale for her Service Excellence Award 👏🏻 Melissa always puts people first. Her 8173324 Congratulations 🎉 to Mommahale for her Service Excellence Award 👏🏻 Melissa always puts people first. Her idea on project CLEAN helped many AT&T
November 25, 2021
Congratulations 🎉 to Mommahale for her Service Excellence Award 👏🏻 Melissa always puts people first. Her idea on project CLEAN helped many AT&T employees during the Austin winter storms. Thank you! LuisSilva_STX STXspeaks #serviceexcellenceaward #PeopleFirst #amazing #ATX 🎉 to Mommahale for her Service Excellence Award 👏🏻 Melissa always puts 8609792 Congratulations 🎉 to Mommahale for her Service Excellence Award 👏🏻 Melissa always puts people first. Her idea on project CLEAN helped many AT&T employees during the
December 16, 2021