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Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Hollywood, along with Wall Street and Silicon Valley, is one of #China’s most enthusiastic bedmates. :)
#usa #censorship #selfcensorship #freedomofspeech #freespeech #hollywood #ccp #china #english #diyms
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
A reader has asked us to raise awareness about how on Chinese social media, there are no news on #Xinjiang at all. They also pointed out that it’s childish for some people to brush away all reports of CCP atrocities as stories made up by American media. A lot of Chinese people know that #CCP has fucked up their country, but they are censored. We must learn and preserve the truth!
#china #uyghurs #censorship #freedomofspeech #internet #surveillance #english #diyms #covid #uyghurgenocide
The censoring level #Twitter has been enforcing on its user is just the same as #CCP in #China. #FreedomOfSpeech is the last defence of freedom. However, the ambition to enter the market in China has made Twitter forgot about the universal value that they should have. Switch to #Gab, #MeWe & #Parler to maintain our freedom of speech.
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
The national security law’s crackdown on #freedomofspeech has descended upon M+ museum, a contemporary art museum the international art world has been setting its eyes on for years. Should the government censor works in the museum, it would not only be a huge loss for local and overseas audience, but would also be a blow to #HongKong’s claim as an international art hub. Why would any tourist come to #HK if it doesn’t have anything any big #Chinese cities can’t offer? Why would #ArtBasel hold its profitable fairs in HK if works may be retracted any minute merely by invoking a sham law? Yes, #CarrieLam, you’d better be careful with this one.
#artfair #contemporaryart #museum #art #M+ #CCP #China #TiananmenSquare #TiananmenMassacre #Aiweiwei #SongDong #english #diyms