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Forwarded from Pepe Deluxe (Pepe Deluxe)

When Charles Spurgeon was addressing the compromise among Baptists in England in 1887, he penned the phrase, “The Downgrade in the Churches.” So direct were Spurgeon’s warnings, and so angered were those who disagreed with him, that the entire scenario became known as “The Downgrade Controversy.”

Spurgeon’s commitment to biblical truth cost him dearly in friendships and the emotional strain was likely a major contributor to his death. Yet, he was right in his assessments and assertions relative to the creeping compromise he saw.

Those within the Southern Baptist Convention, especially those pastors who are a part of the Conservative Baptist Network, are also correct in their assessment of the leftist drift (some would say “pedal to the metal” rush) within the nation’s largest denomination.

In reality, the SBC’s preoccupation with Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality, social justice, etc., is nothing less than a wholesale rejection of the sufficiency of Scripture to address the cultural issues of our day, a downward trek away from the Bible and into a morass of confusion and further compromise - in essence a modern “Woke Downgrade.”

Perhaps Spurgeon’s comments will help put what happened yesterday in Nashville - the election of a “woke” SBC president (Ed Litton) - into perspective. Though made in 1887, the admonition is pertinent to yesterday’s events in Nashville.

“A chasm is opening between the men who believe their Bibles and those who are prepared for an advance upon the Scripture. The house is being robbed, its very walls are being digged down, but the good people who are in bed are too fond of the warmth to go downstairs to meet the burglars.”

Sadly, some SBC pastors are indeed “too fond of the warmth” of Convention perks to do anything to “meet the (woke) burglars.” Like those who ignored, or resisted, Spurgeon in 1887-1888, they will be on the wrong side of the issue and will have to answer to God for their capitulation and/or silence. I am convinced the neither God nor history will treat them well.

The question, the elephant in the middle of the room, now is “What will conservative, biblically-committed pastors in the SBC do?” Will they remain on a sinking ship, or will they jump off?

Some pastors abandoned ship pre-convention in Nashville. Others will depart post-convention. Ultimately, what pastors and churches do is between them and God. Divine wisdom is needed!

What is undeniable is this! Loyalty to God and His word will be tested. I pray for the courage necessary to pass this test!

Dave Kistler
Forwarded from CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL)
Media is too big
BREAKING: Darren Beattie of Revolver News breaks down the involvement of FBI operatives who organized and participated in the January 6th Capitol riot.
Forwarded from ️ PATRIOT NEWS ️
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I’m not crying 😭 You crying?
Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist (Red.Pill.Pharmacist)
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Listen to these numbers and it’s comparison to the vaccinated for the swine flu back in 1976.

COVID Vaccine - last 4 months
Within the last 4 months of the Covid vaccine being given, we’ve had more vaccine related deaths than what you combined during a 15 year period spanning from 1997-2013. Let’s not forget over 1,000 heart attacks and over 8,000 hospitalized.

⬇️ Compare + Contrast ⬇️

Swine Flu Vaccine - 1976
45 Million vaxxed > 53 deaths

The program was immediately halted due to it being too risky.

Let that sink in.
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NEW - Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6 Capitol riot.

Forwarded from Dan Scavino 🇺🇸 (Qtah)
Christopher Wray is going to have a hard time getting out of this one.

The entire country was watching that day. They wanted ALL the blame to be on Trump. They told us for months that it was MAGA MAGA MAGA. How many informants did they have in their circles and when did they know political groups were orchestrating plans?

Another huge MSM narrative is about to be shattered like glass.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from Angel Aura
Forwarded from CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL)
Here is your “Good News of the Week.” We are WINNING on many fronts. There will be MANY more wins, so take courage!

Good News of the Week, June 16, 2021:

1. President Trump is holding rallies again! The first one will be Saturday, June 26th, in Cleveland. He will be throwing his support behind former White House aide Max Miller who is seeking to primary RINO Congressman Anthony Gonzalez. Gonzalez was one of ten GOP House members who voted for impeachment in January.

2. President Trump will join Texas Governor Greg Abbott on an official visit to the Southern Border June 30th. He hopes his visit will “shine a spotlight on these crimes against our Nation – and show the incredible people of ICE and Border Patrol that they have our unshakeable support.”

3. The truth continues to come out about January 6th. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and his staff have reviewed surveillance footage and found 38% of the approximately 800 people who entered the Capitol walked peacefully through an opened doorway in front of five officers. Senator Johnson is pushing to interview those officers.

4. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) grilled FBI Director Wray about January 6th and entered the Revolver News article into the record with unanimous consent. This article lays out the case that federal officials infiltrated and incited January 6th protests.

5. Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called on FBI Director Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives on January 6th.

6. Brave people continue to expose MSM corruption. During a live segment, Fox reporter Ivory Hecker accused Fox News of censoring her. She had secretly recorded her bosses at Fox directing her to squelch her stories, including one about the effectiveness of HCQ in treating COVID-19. In an interview with Project Veritas, she accused Fox of caring more about their corporate sponsors than about telling people the truth.

7. A Fulton County, GA, election official admitted that ballot drop box transfer forms are missing for almost 19,000 absentee ballots. There is no record of how these ballots got from point A to point B. Fulton is now the fourth county in Georgia under investigation for failing to produce chain of custody documentation.

8. The Biden administration announced an investigation into NIH grants, including the funding Dr. Fauci approved for the Wuhan lab.

9. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey issued an Executive Order that protects the rights of public college and university students. Under the EO, students cannot be mandated to get the jab, show a “vaccine passport,” wear a mask or be tested for COVID-19 in order to attend classes.

10. A Florida appeals court has ruled that bodily autonomy is a fundamental right and that all mask mandates, past and present, are unconstitutional. According to this ruling, any mask mandate targeting the unvaccinated would also violate the Constitution. This ruling is expected to reverberate throughout the country.

11. Mike Pompeo launched a political action committee called Champion American Values PAC to help conservatives win in 2022. His goal is to elect the most conservative electable candidate at all levels, “whether it’s school board, city council, or a United States Senate seat.”

12. Less than a third of voters believe Biden’s claim that global warming is America’s “greatest threat,” and few are willing to pay more taxes in order to fight it.

13. A federal judge has blocked Biden’s race-based loan forgiveness program that excluded white farmers. The judge cited a previous court ruling that stated “government policies that classify people by race are presumptively invalid.”

14. Comedian Jon Stewart went on Colbert’s “Late Show” Monday night and used his entire time to insist that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab and to mock claims that it originated naturally.

15. The best news is that we are invited to “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Hat tip to @DaneanHere from "Good News of the Week."
Forwarded from We The Media
Florida and Texas opened up fully BEFORE vaccines were readily available - better result and less vaccine injury. Gee - tough choices on methodology
#BREAKING: Ron Desantis just pardoned everyone in Florida who was arrested/fined for violating mask mandates or social distancing requirements.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
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How many of these guys are FBI undercovers or FBI informants 🤔

Subscribe: @KanekoaTheGreat
Forwarded from The Gateway Pundit Media
​​Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bill Prohibiting Government From Closing Places of Worship

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has signed a law prohibiting the government from closing places of worship.
Abbott signed HB1239 into law on Tuesday, saying that “the First Amendment right to freedom of religion shall never be infringed.”

“I just signed a law that prohibits any government agency or public official from issuing an order that closes places of worship,” Abbott tweeted. “The First Amendment right to freedom of religion shall never be infringed.”

The bill bans “any elected or appointed officer, employee, or agent of the state” from closing a “building or grounds where religious activities are conducted.”

Fox News reports that Texas state Rep. Scott Sanford, who filed the bill, said “churches provide essential spiritual, mental and physical support in a time of crisis.”

“Closing churches not only eliminated these critical ministries and services, but it violated their religious freedom, guaranteed by our laws and Constitution,” he added.

Join👉 @thegatewaypundit_news
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THIS IS HUGE!…..THREE(3) British Airways pilots have DIED of the COVID vaccine in the past 7-days, and BA are now in crisis talks with the UK Government about whether or not their vaccinated pilots should be allowed to fly.

This presents a big problem because around 85% of all British Airways pilots have already been vaccinated.

MP3 telephone call is below.

H/t via Gab @BeachMilk