A GUI Agent application based on UI-TARS(Vision-Lanuage Model) that allows you to control your computer using natural language.
Language: TypeScript
#agent #browser_use #computer_use #electron #gui_agents #vision #vite #vlm
Stars: 505 Issues: 8 Forks: 35
A GUI Agent application based on UI-TARS(Vision-Lanuage Model) that allows you to control your computer using natural language.
Language: TypeScript
#agent #browser_use #computer_use #electron #gui_agents #vision #vite #vlm
Stars: 505 Issues: 8 Forks: 35
GitHub - bytedance/UI-TARS-desktop: A GUI Agent application based on UI-TARS(Vision-Lanuage Model) that allows you to control your…
A GUI Agent application based on UI-TARS(Vision-Lanuage Model) that allows you to control your computer using natural language. - bytedance/UI-TARS-desktop