The media player for language learning, with dual subtitles, AI-generated subtitles, realtime-OCR, translation, word lookup, and more!
Language: C#
#asr #csharp #flyleaf #language_learning #media_player #ocr #player #tesseract #video #video_player #whisper #wpf #yt_dlp
Stars: 253 Issues: 5 Forks: 4
The media player for language learning, with dual subtitles, AI-generated subtitles, realtime-OCR, translation, word lookup, and more!
Language: C#
#asr #csharp #flyleaf #language_learning #media_player #ocr #player #tesseract #video #video_player #whisper #wpf #yt_dlp
Stars: 253 Issues: 5 Forks: 4
GitHub - umlx5h/LLPlayer: The media player for language learning, with dual subtitles, AI-generated subtitles, realtime-OCR, translation…
The media player for language learning, with dual subtitles, AI-generated subtitles, realtime-OCR, translation, word lookup, and more! - umlx5h/LLPlayer