The only fully local production-grade Super SDK that provides a simple, unified, and powerful interface for calling more than 200+ LLMs.
Language: TypeScript
#ai #ai_agents #anthropic #language_model #llm #llmops #openai #prompt_engineering #togetherai #typescript
Stars: 277 Issues: 0 Forks: 5
The only fully local production-grade Super SDK that provides a simple, unified, and powerful interface for calling more than 200+ LLMs.
Language: TypeScript
#ai #ai_agents #anthropic #language_model #llm #llmops #openai #prompt_engineering #togetherai #typescript
Stars: 277 Issues: 0 Forks: 5
GitHub - adaline/gateway: The only fully local production-grade Super SDK that provides a simple, unified, and powerful interface…
The only fully local production-grade Super SDK that provides a simple, unified, and powerful interface for calling more than 200+ LLMs. - adaline/gateway