A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more
Language: Jinja
#etcd #high_availability #k3s #k3s_cluster #k8s #kube_vip #kubernetes #metallb #rancher
Stars: 130 Issues: 0 Forks: 41
A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more
Language: Jinja
#etcd #high_availability #k3s #k3s_cluster #k8s #kube_vip #kubernetes #metallb #rancher
Stars: 130 Issues: 0 Forks: 41
GitHub - techno-tim/k3s-ansible: The easiest way to bootstrap a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated…
The easiest way to bootstrap a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more. Build. Destroy. Repeat. - techno-tim/k3s-a...
Booking Microservices is a Sample application for booking ticket. This application based on different software architecture and technologies like .Net Core, CQRS, DDD, Vertical Slice Architecture, Docker, kubernetes, tye, masstransit, RabbitMQ, Grpc, yarp reverse proxy, Identity Server, Redis, SqlServer, Entity Framework Core, Event Sourcing and different level of testing.
Language: C#
#cqrs #ddd #docker #dotnet #dotnetcore #ef_core #eventstore #grpc #kube #masstransit #microservices #mongo_driver #opentelemetry #redis #tye #vertical_slice_architecture #yarp
Stars: 68 Issues: 0 Forks: 8
Booking Microservices is a Sample application for booking ticket. This application based on different software architecture and technologies like .Net Core, CQRS, DDD, Vertical Slice Architecture, Docker, kubernetes, tye, masstransit, RabbitMQ, Grpc, yarp reverse proxy, Identity Server, Redis, SqlServer, Entity Framework Core, Event Sourcing and different level of testing.
Language: C#
#cqrs #ddd #docker #dotnet #dotnetcore #ef_core #eventstore #grpc #kube #masstransit #microservices #mongo_driver #opentelemetry #redis #tye #vertical_slice_architecture #yarp
Stars: 68 Issues: 0 Forks: 8
GitHub - meysamhadeli/booking-microservices: Booking Microservices is a Sample application for booking ticket. This application…
Booking Microservices is a Sample application for booking ticket. This application based on different software architecture and technologies like .Net Core, CQRS, DDD, Vertical Slice Architecture, ...