This package makes using the Google Natural API in your laravel app a breeze with minimum to no configuration, clean syntax and a consistent package API.
Language: PHP
#google #google_natural_language_api #laravel #laravel_package #package #php
Stars: 91 Issues: 0 Forks: 4
This package makes using the Google Natural API in your laravel app a breeze with minimum to no configuration, clean syntax and a consistent package API.
Language: PHP
#google #google_natural_language_api #laravel #laravel_package #package #php
Stars: 91 Issues: 0 Forks: 4
GitHub - JoggApp/laravel-natural-language: This package makes using the Google Natural Language API in your laravel app a breeze…
This package makes using the Google Natural Language API in your laravel app a breeze with minimum to no configuration, clean syntax and a consistent package API. - JoggApp/laravel-natural-language