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Next-Gen shooter built on UE5 / Play & Earn $FURY

Chat: @furyxrplchat
Airdrop: @fury_airdrop_bot
Links: linktree.com/fury_xrpl
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👋 Hi everyone, all this time we have been updating the development team and now we are almost finished replenishing the team.

We want to be reborn and go into the new era completely renewed.

We have revised many things and now we will change the approach to our business.

Expect updates, FURY is coming back!💥
🚨🚨🚨Our wallets have been compromised by attackers and therefore we are forced to suspend the FURY token!

Specialists are already working on solving this problem 🔧

We intend to create a second token and send it to current holders in a 1:1 equivalent. This decision was made for the safety of our investors 🙌

Please do not panic and do not worry, everything is under our control! You will receive exactly as many tokens as you have now!

❗️All holders need to:

1) Set the trustline of the new token (FURYXRPL) - https://xrpl.services/?issuer=rUsEKJkY6PAMe7TFwhXe9MvXBgxfSuibkH&currency=465552595852504C000000000000000000000000&limit=20000000000

2) Cancel all limit orders

3) Wait for the transfer of coins

The situation is under full control!
Only a part of the team's wallets have been compromised. Don't worry about your personal wallets.
The snapshot of the holders will be completed today 📸

Those who managed to place trust lines will receive their tokens.

Those who do not have time to place trust lines will receive tokens next week.

TRUSTLINE (FURYXRPL) - https://xrpl.services/?issuer=rUsEKJkY6PAMe7TFwhXe9MvXBgxfSuibkH&currency=465552595852504C000000000000000000000000&limit=20000000000
Trustlines on the website and in our other sources will be updated shortly
Distribution of tokens has started!

Address - https://bithomp.com/explorer/r4wDpS3dBdGvLKwWJy4TNaLzWDTXSTynvm

The next distribution will be on Monday (April 29)
Many people ask us what to do with the old FURY token?

You can do anything!

The snapshot has already been made
Hey, everybody. A new wave of token distribution is starting! Everything will be distributed within an hour. Those who have not yet set up a trustline, please tap to this link - https://xrpl.services/?issuer=rUsEKJkY6PAMe7TFwhXe9MvXBgxfSuibkH&currency=465552595852504C000000000000000000000000&limit=20000000000
🎉 Exciting News! We've successfully transitioned from $FURY to our new token $FURYXRPL! Integration into the game is already underway. Stay tuned for more updates as we enhance your gaming experience with $FURYXRPL! 🔥

#GamingCrypto #TokenUpdate #FURYXRPL
🔍 Technical Update Incoming! We've got our sights set on enhancing your visual experience in FURY! Recently, some players reported encountering graphical artifacts during intense firefights—think flickering textures, strange color shifts, and those pesky visual distortions. Our development team has been hard at work dissecting these issues, drawing insights from industry-leading titles like Call of Duty to ensure a top-notch fix.

🔧 The Root Cause: After extensive investigation, we pinpointed the culprit to be a mismatch between shader rendering techniques and GPU optimization, resulting in inconsistent rendering pipelines. This led to sporadic flickering and aberrant color rendering during certain gameplay scenarios.

🛠️ The Fix: Armed with data and player feedback, our engineers dove deep into the game's rendering engine, fine-tuning shader compilation processes and optimizing GPU resource allocation. By synchronizing shader rendering across all graphical elements and implementing stricter quality control measures, we're confident that these visual artifacts will soon be a thing of the past.

💥 What to Expect: With these optimizations underway, you can anticipate a smoother, more immersive gameplay experience. Say goodbye to distractions caused by graphical anomalies, and hello to uninterrupted battles where every pixel shines with clarity and precision.

📢 Keep the Feedback Coming: As always, your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of FURY. If you encounter any lingering graphical quirks or have suggestions for further improvements, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we'll continue to elevate the FURY gaming experience to new heights!

#FURYGame #GraphicalFix #GameDev #CallOfDutyInspired
Coin distribution continues today! Many people have already received them on their wallets!
🌟 Lighting Fix in Progress! We’ve heard your reports of lighting issues in FURY—incorrect shadows, improper glare, and ambient lighting inconsistencies are taking a toll on the immersion. Our team is currently refining the lighting engine, inspired by advanced techniques used in titles like Call of Duty.

🔍 Deep Dive: The problems stemmed from an outdated shadow mapping technique and HDR (High Dynamic Range) misalignments that led to unrealistic shadow densities and glare effects. These issues were particularly noticeable in dynamic lighting environments, causing distractions during gameplay.

🛠️ Our Approach: We’ve upgraded to Cascaded Shadow Maps (CSM) for better shadow resolution and distance handling, ensuring shadows look natural and scale correctly with the environment. Additionally, we're recalibrating our HDR settings to enhance the contrast and brightness, making the visuals pop without the unnatural glare.

💡 What’s Next: Expect a more realistic and visually pleasing environment as these updates roll out. Your battles will look more dramatic and true-to-life, with enhanced lighting that accurately reflects the mood and intensity of each scene.

📣 Feedback Wanted: Your experiences and feedback are crucial! After these updates, let us know how the lighting improvements change your gameplay. Your input helps us continue to refine and perfect the visual experience in FURY.

#FuryGame #LightingFix #TechUpdate #GameDevelopment
🎮⚙️ Server-Side Replication Enhanced! We're excited to announce significant improvements in how FURY replicates player actions on the server, ensuring a more synchronized and fair gameplay experience, akin to precision seen in eSports.

🔧 Technical Insight: Previously, discrepancies in player action replication caused occasional lag and misalignment during multiplayer sessions. This was due to sub-optimal server tick rates and a lack of predictive logic in player movement synchronization.

🛠️ Our Solution: We've now implemented a higher server tick rate, which allows the server to update more frequently, capturing player actions more accurately. Additionally, we've integrated advanced prediction algorithms that anticipate player movements based on current velocity and inputs, significantly reducing perceived lag.

🔄 What This Means: These changes ensure that what you do in the game is what your opponents see, no matter where they are. This leads to a fairer, more competitive environment and a smoother, more responsive gameplay experience.

📢 We Want Your Input: As these improvements go live, we invite you to dive back into the action and share your experiences. Your feedback is invaluable and will guide further optimizations.

#FuryGame #ServerUpdate #GamingTech #eSportsReady
🔐💻 Major Upgrade to Our User Database System! As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure a seamless gaming experience, we’ve made significant enhancements to the user database of FURY, drawing from best practices found in large-scale multiplayer games.

🔧 The Problem: We identified that as our player base grew, our previous database system struggled to keep up with the high demand for rapid data retrieval and storage, leading to delays and occasional downtime.

🛠️ The Solution: To address these issues, we've transitioned to a more robust, scalable database architecture designed to handle increased loads with ease. This new system utilizes advanced data caching techniques and optimized query algorithms, significantly improving response times and reliability.

🚀 Impact on Gameplay: Faster loading times, quicker login processes, and more reliable data storage. Whether you're updating your player profile, checking leaderboards, or loading into a new match, everything will feel snappier.

📢 Your Feedback Matters: As you experience these enhancements, let us know how they impact your gameplay. Your insights help us continue to refine and improve every aspect of FURY.

#FuryGame #DatabaseUpgrade #TechImprovement #PlayerExperience
🚀 Boosting Game Performance! We're thrilled to share that we've made major strides in optimizing the performance of FURY, ensuring smoother gameplay and higher frames per second, even in the most action-packed scenes.

🔍 Issue Identified: Feedback indicated that frame rate drops were a common issue, especially during intense multiplayer battles. This was primarily due to inefficient resource allocation and heavy graphical demands.

🛠️ Our Approach: We've tackled these challenges head-on by refining our game engine's resource management. By implementing more efficient graphic rendering techniques and optimizing our asset pipelines, we've reduced the load on both CPUs and GPUs. This includes better level-of-detail (LOD) management and occlusion culling strategies, which minimize the processing of unseen objects.

🎮 Experience the Difference: With these optimizations, you should notice a significant improvement in gameplay fluidity and responsiveness. We aim to provide a consistently high frame rate across all device specifications.

📢 We Value Your Feedback: Dive into FURY and see the improvements for yourself! Your feedback is crucial for us to fine-tune these enhancements further. Let us know how the game performs on your setup!

#FuryGame #PerformanceBoost #SmoothGaming #TechOptimization
🎬 Animation Overhaul Complete! We’ve rolled out significant updates to the animations in FURY, targeting smoother and more realistic character movements.

🔧 The Challenge: Players reported glitches with character animations—jerky movements, unnatural transitions, and occasional freezing during critical gameplay moments. These issues detracted from the immersive experience we strive to provide.

🛠️ The Solution: Our animation team has been hard at work refining the skeletal rigs and improving the interpolation algorithms that blend animations seamlessly. We’ve also increased the animation frame rate to enhance fluidity and incorporated feedback-driven adjustments to ensure that character motions are both realistic and responsive.

🕹️ Enhanced Gameplay Experience: Expect to see more lifelike character interactions and smoother combat movements. These improvements aim to deepen your engagement with the game and enhance the overall visual fidelity.

📢 Share Your Thoughts: We’re eager to hear how these animation upgrades impact your experience in FURY. Your insights are invaluable as we continue to polish and perfect every aspect of the game.

#FuryGame #AnimationFix #GameDev #PlayerExperience
Hello everyone, ALEX here!

Right now we have started the process of sending tokens. To all those who have not yet received tokens, please check your balances in an hour

I have over 70 unread messages. We ask those who received tokens to notify me about this in private messages - @alexdev_fury
The new batch of tokens has been sent. Please check your wallets.

If you still have not received the tokens, please write to me in private messages - @alexdev_fury
🔊 Sound Fixes Deployed! We've fine-tuned the audio in FURY to enhance your auditory experience and eliminate those frustrating sound bugs.

🔧 The Issue: Players reported intermittent sound bugs—missing audio cues, delayed effects, and distortions during intense gameplay scenarios. These audio issues were affecting both the immersion and the tactical gameplay elements.

🛠️ Our Solution: Our audio engineers have undertaken a comprehensive overhaul of the sound system. This includes refining the audio asset compression to prevent loss of quality, adjusting the sound mixing parameters to ensure clarity, and implementing a dynamic audio engine that better handles multiple sound sources simultaneously without loss of performance.

🎧 What You’ll Notice: Clearer, more precise sound cues and an enriched auditory landscape. Whether it’s the subtle reload of a weapon, the distant footsteps of an approaching enemy, or the explosive chaos of a firefight, every sound is tuned to deliver a realistic and immersive experience.

📢 Feedback Is Key: As you dive back into the action, let us know how these sound enhancements change your gaming experience. Your feedback is crucial in helping us continue to refine and perfect the auditory aspects of FURY.

#FuryGame #SoundOptimization #AudioFix #EnhancedGaming
🎯 Damage Calculation Fixes Implemented! We’ve made critical updates to how damage is calculated in FURY, ensuring accuracy and fairness in every firefight.

🔧 The Problem: Feedback revealed inconsistencies in damage output—some hits weren’t registering correctly, and others were calculating more or less damage than intended. This variability was especially pronounced with environmental interactions and specific weapon types.

🛠️ The Solution: Our development team has reworked the damage algorithms to enhance precision. This involved refining the hit detection system to accurately capture player actions and impacts. We've also standardized damage multipliers across different weapons and scenarios to maintain consistency and balance.

🛡️ Gameplay Impact: These changes mean more reliable and predictable combat outcomes, crucial for both casual play and competitive matches. Expect a more strategic and satisfying battle experience, where skill and tactics truly determine the outcome.

📢 We Need Your Feedback: Jump into the action and test out the new damage mechanics. Your experiences and input are vital for fine-tuning these enhancements and ensuring the game remains balanced and enjoyable for all.

#FuryGame #DamageFix #GameBalance #PlayerExperience