#expirytrade in Banknifty
Most probably will carry this position for tomorrow's expiry, if banknifty remains neutral to the end of the day.
Capital deployed 16 lac net gain till expiry will be 3%.
Most probably will carry this position for tomorrow's expiry, if banknifty remains neutral to the end of the day.
Capital deployed 16 lac net gain till expiry will be 3%.
36900ce and 36200pe short, intraday gain will be 2% + carryforward trade gain 1.8% profit booked.
36900ce and 36200pe short, intraday gain will be 2% + carryforward trade gain 1.8% profit booked.
Finwings Stock Trading Academy~ Free Educational Channel
#expirytrade 36900ce and 36200pe short, intraday gain will be 2% + carryforward trade gain 1.8% profit booked.
Shifted positions to 36400pe and 36800ce, net gain now will be 3.8% intraday on 17lac capital deployed.
Shifted positions to 36400pe and 36800ce, net gain now will be 3.8% intraday on 17lac capital deployed.
Finwings Stock Trading Academy~ Free Educational Channel
Market remain calm, so didn't get any good adjustment trades and also the margin rule reduced positions. Net gain will be on intraday- 3.15% on 17lac deployed. If banknifty expire in 36900-36600.
Booked profit 3.3% intraday, and rest was carry forward profit on 17lac capital.
Booked profit 3.3% intraday, and rest was carry forward profit on 17lac capital.
Iron condor deployed for the range 36400- 37000. Net gain will be 3.3% for expiry intraday trades on 17lac capital.
Iron condor deployed for the range 36400- 37000. Net gain will be 3.3% for expiry intraday trades on 17lac capital.
Finwings Stock Trading Academy~ Free Educational Channel
#Ironcondor 36200pe sell and 37200ce sell with a capital of 20 lac. Net gain will be 2% by weekly expiry.
Shifted the positions to 36500pe short and 37200ce sell, for expiry, net gain will be 3% on 20lac.
Shifted the positions to 36500pe short and 37200ce sell, for expiry, net gain will be 3% on 20lac.
Started the day with 36700pe sell and 37300ce sell, then shifted the call short to 37200 as significant call was seen on 37000ce.
Net gain will be 2% by expiry on 20lac capital.
Started the day with 36700pe sell and 37300ce sell, then shifted the call short to 37200 as significant call was seen on 37000ce.
Net gain will be 2% by expiry on 20lac capital.
Finwings Stock Trading Academy~ Free Educational Channel
#Ironcondor Amid the volatility, kept yesterday's positions open and then shifted to 36700pe and 36600ce, net gain will be 6% by end of the expiry of the current positions, still lagging 2.5% for the month.
shifted positions to 36700pe and 37400ce, with net gain of 6.5% on 18 lac capital.
shifted positions to 36700pe and 37400ce, with net gain of 6.5% on 18 lac capital.
Amid the volatility booked loss in 37400ce that was shorted yesterday, and then moved to 37300pe short and 37600ce short, had to again book loos in 37600ce and then final positions was bullish sold ITM put around 1pm, 37700pe to recover loss. Net 2 weeks loss 4% on 18lac.
Hoping the VIX to crash for gains.
Amid the volatility booked loss in 37400ce that was shorted yesterday, and then moved to 37300pe short and 37600ce short, had to again book loos in 37600ce and then final positions was bullish sold ITM put around 1pm, 37700pe to recover loss. Net 2 weeks loss 4% on 18lac.
Hoping the VIX to crash for gains.
Finwings Stock Trading Academy~ Free Educational Channel
Adjusted the No. of lots and brought call buy near due to margin issue, the current #ironcondor is 41500ce & 40500pe shorts, net gain will be 4.8%. #banknifty
Book profit before the fall, and then deployed #ironcondor with 40500pe & 41600ce shorts. Net gain by weekly expiry will be 5.4%.
Book profit before the fall, and then deployed #ironcondor with 40500pe & 41600ce shorts. Net gain by weekly expiry will be 5.4%.
Finwings Stock Trading Academy~ Free Educational Channel
#expirytrade Book profit before the fall, and then deployed #ironcondor with 40500pe & 41600ce shorts. Net gain by weekly expiry will be 5.4%. #banknifty #optionswriting
Shifted the #ironcondor to 40400pe and 40900ce shorts.
Net gain will be 4.2% for the week for no more adjustments.
Shifted the #ironcondor to 40400pe and 40900ce shorts.
Net gain will be 4.2% for the week for no more adjustments.