How To Develop a Node TCP Server using PM2 and NGINX on Ubuntu 16.04
This post digs into building a simple TCP server and client then running and managing it as a background process with PM2. -
#nodejs #pm2 #nginx
This post digs into building a simple TCP server and client then running and managing it as a background process with PM2. -
#nodejs #pm2 #nginx
How To Develop a Node.js TCP Server Application using PM2 and Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
In this tutorial, you’ll build a basic Node.js TCP server, along with a client to test the server. You’ll run your server as a background process using a pow…
PM2 3.2: The Node-Powered Process Manager
A look at what’s new in the popular process manager, including an exponential backoff restart delay (handy if your app is persistently failing) and a command to display the environment variables an app is running with. -
#nodejs #pm2
A look at what’s new in the popular process manager, including an exponential backoff restart delay (handy if your app is persistently failing) and a command to display the environment variables an app is running with. -
#nodejs #pm2
pm2 4.2 Released: The Node Production Process Manager
A very mature and widely used process manager that includes a load balancer for keeping Node apps alive forever and to reload them without downtime. -
#nodejs #pm2
A very mature and widely used process manager that includes a load balancer for keeping Node apps alive forever and to reload them without downtime. -
#nodejs #pm2
Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer. - Unitech/pm2