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Panning and Zooming with D3v4
All that’s necessary for panning and zooming is a translation [tx, ty] and a scale factor k. When a zoom transform is applied to an element at position [x0, y0], its new position becomes [tx + k × x0, ty + k × y0]. That’s it. Everything else is just sugar and spice on top of this simple transform...The major difference between zooming in D3v3 and D3v4 is that the behavior (dealing with events) and the transforms (positioning elements) are more separated. In v3, they used to be part of the behavior whereas, in v4, they’re part of the element on which the behavior is called...To illustrate, let’s plot 4 points. The rest of this post will only deal with data in one dimension... -

#d3js #zooming #panning