WAI-ARIA: the dark art of accessibility?
Getting better insight into how to make something like a carousel ARIA ready. - https://goo.gl/DH9ZoG
#html #area
Getting better insight into how to make something like a carousel ARIA ready. - https://goo.gl/DH9ZoG
#html #area
The Critical Path: Optimizing Load Times With the Chrome DevTools
How to use the Chrome Dev tools to analyse your site and identify areas you can speed up to improve the overall load times. - https://goo.gl/VpyWTA
How to use the Chrome Dev tools to analyse your site and identify areas you can speed up to improve the overall load times. - https://goo.gl/VpyWTA
The Critical Path: Optimizing Load Times With the Chrome DevTools - Lucidchart
Our CTO shares improvements you can make and measurements to keep track of in order to optimize load times on a complex web application.
Conversational Semantics
Aaron Gustafson goes through a range of different semantic markup practices that will put you in good stead for a better interaction with services like Cortana, Siri, and Alexa. - http://bit.ly/2QiSob7
Aaron Gustafson goes through a range of different semantic markup practices that will put you in good stead for a better interaction with services like Cortana, Siri, and Alexa. - http://bit.ly/2QiSob7
A List Apart
Conversational Semantics
Semantic markup has always mattered, but with voice interfaces rapidly becoming the norm, it now matters more than ever. Aaron Gustafson shows us how simple HTML tags can have a huge impact with vo…
Stop Using So Many DIVs: An Intro to Semantic HTML
Considering the HTML5 spec reads that “authors are strongly encouraged to view the div element as an element of last resort, for when no other element is suitable”, this article is a handy reminder of the semantic alternatives. - http://amp.gs/RKGF
Considering the HTML5 spec reads that “authors are strongly encouraged to view the div element as an element of last resort, for when no other element is suitable”, this article is a handy reminder of the semantic alternatives. - http://amp.gs/RKGF
DEV Community
Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML
Sure, divs are great and all, but they give no information about their purpose within the document structure. HTML5 has been around for a while now, and there are better options.
Native Image Lazy-Loading for The Web: How loading Works
A look at the new loading attribute which brings native <img> and <iframe> lazy-loading to the web. Support for this is expected in Chrome 75. - http://amp.gs/R599
#html #images
A look at the new loading attribute which brings native <img> and <iframe> lazy-loading to the web. Support for this is expected in Chrome 75. - http://amp.gs/R599
#html #images
Native image lazy-loading for the web!
In this post, we'll look at the new loading attribute which brings native <img> and <iframe> lazy-loading to the web!. For the curious, here&...
HTML's inputmode Attribute Now Supported in Most Mobile Browsers
This is helpful when you want to show users alternative, optimized keyboards, such as for solely entering numbers, URLs, or email addresses. - http://amp.gs/d9BD
#mobile #html
This is helpful when you want to show users alternative, optimized keyboards, such as for solely entering numbers, URLs, or email addresses. - http://amp.gs/d9BD
#mobile #html
Web Platform News
Daily content for web developers, funded by its readers
How to Section Your HTML
A valuable deep-dive into HTML’s various semantic sectioning elements (such as <nav>, <section> and <aside>) with pointers on when it's appropriate to use them, and how. Worth bookmarking for future reference. - http://amp.gs/OJag
A valuable deep-dive into HTML’s various semantic sectioning elements (such as <nav>, <section> and <aside>) with pointers on when it's appropriate to use them, and how. Worth bookmarking for future reference. - http://amp.gs/OJag
How to Section Your HTML | CSS-Tricks
👋 It has been brought to our attention in the comments (and on Twitter) that some of the techniques used in this article result in a poor user
Optional HTML: Everything You Need to Know
A good look at optional code (such as the quotation marks of an attribute value), and how the balance between understandability and performance don’t need to be at odds with each other. - http://amp.gs/N2nL
A good look at optional code (such as the quotation marks of an attribute value), and how the balance between understandability and performance don’t need to be at odds with each other. - http://amp.gs/N2nL
Optional HTML: Everything You Need to Know · Jens Oliver Meiert
Optional HTML can be left out to improve performance, to guide code comprehension, and to hone the craft. An overview over all optional tags, rules around quotes for attribute values, and omissible attribute value defaults, as well as notes on pitfalls and tools.
Using rel="preconnect" to Establish Network Connections Early and Increase Performance - http://amp.gs/AONa
Using rel=”preconnect” to establish network connections early and increase performance
Milica Mihajlija: Adding rel=preconnect to a informs the browser that your page intends to establish a connection to another domain, and that you'd like
An HTML Attribute Potentially Worth $4.4M to Chipotle
The author discovered an autofill bug in Chipotle’s checkout process that could be costing the food company upwards of $4 million annually. - http://amp.gs/qtA8
The author discovered an autofill bug in Chipotle’s checkout process that could be costing the food company upwards of $4 million annually. - http://amp.gs/qtA8
Cloud Four
An HTML attribute potentially worth $4.4M to Chipotle
My parents are retired. They continue to try to pay for meals. I don't want them to. So we often end up in a competition to see who can pay first. In this case, I knew I had an advantage. My card details were already stored in the browser. I just needed to…
Tips for Authoring fast-loading HTML Pages
Learn how to optimize the web page for a more responsive site from these tips that are based on common knowledge and experimentation. - http://amp.gs/MQpf
Learn how to optimize the web page for a more responsive site from these tips that are based on common knowledge and experimentation. - http://amp.gs/MQpf
Tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages - Learn web development | MDN
These tips are based on common knowledge and experimentation.
HTML DOM Guide for Everyone
When you open a webpage, the parser of the browser starts immediately to process the underlying HTML-File. The content of the file is going to be converted into a tree structure, consisting of various nodes, such as element, attribute, and text nodes. - http://amp.gs/cNoU
When you open a webpage, the parser of the browser starts immediately to process the underlying HTML-File. The content of the file is going to be converted into a tree structure, consisting of various nodes, such as element, attribute, and text nodes. - http://amp.gs/cNoU
HTML DOM Guide for Everyone
Everything you must know about the DOM in HTML 5
Debugging HTML: Accessibility
Manuel Matuzović offers some tips on debugging accessibility features of HTML elements using DevTools in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. - http://amp.gs/jYW4g
#html #accessibility
Manuel Matuzović offers some tips on debugging accessibility features of HTML elements using DevTools in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. - http://amp.gs/jYW4g
#html #accessibility
Debugging HTML: Accessibility - HTMHell
You can debug accessibility features of HTML elements using DevTools in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge.
Those HTML Attributes You Never Use
In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may not have heard of. - http://amp.gs/jBIB9
In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may not have heard of. - http://amp.gs/jBIB9
Smashing Magazine
Those HTML Attributes You Never Use — Smashing Magazine
In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may not have heard of and perhaps find useful enough to personally use in one of your projects.
New HTML Element
Alvaro Montoro gives an introduction to a new semantic element for search operations. - https://alvaromontoro.hashnode.dev/new-html-element-search
Alvaro Montoro gives an introduction to a new semantic element for search operations. - https://alvaromontoro.hashnode.dev/new-html-element-search
Alvaro Montoro's Blog
New HTML Element: <search>
HTML is a living language in constant evolution. The latest addition has been a new semantic element for search operations
Unlock the full potential of Vue 3 with TypeScript.
Dive into the world of TypeScript. In this Vue.js Amsterdam 2023 presentation video, find out why we should use TypeScript and how to get started with it in our Vue.js applications. A must-watch resource is you are looking to learn the advantages of using TypeScript and various ways to incorporate it into Vue.js. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBQ3_IXy3JA&list=PL02pdjMT4gWzQ8QZo9ddWuU4nz6s63o1u&index=25
Dive into the world of TypeScript. In this Vue.js Amsterdam 2023 presentation video, find out why we should use TypeScript and how to get started with it in our Vue.js applications. A must-watch resource is you are looking to learn the advantages of using TypeScript and various ways to incorporate it into Vue.js. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBQ3_IXy3JA&list=PL02pdjMT4gWzQ8QZo9ddWuU4nz6s63o1u&index=25
Daniel Kelly - TypeScript with Vue.js 3 - Vuejs Amsterdam 2023
Unlock the full potential of Vue 3 with TypeScript. This talk will cover how to type all Vue related features like reactive data, props, events, refs and much more
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Powered by https://passionatepeople.io
HTML Attributes vs DOM Properties
They’re different, but often coupled. Jake outlines the the difference, and why it matters. - https://jakearchibald.com/2024/attributes-vs-properties/
They’re different, but often coupled. Jake outlines the the difference, and why it matters. - https://jakearchibald.com/2024/attributes-vs-properties/
HTML attributes vs DOM properties
They're completely different, but often coupled.
Understanding Script Loading: Async, Defer, and Module
Loading scripts efficiently is crucial for optimizing the performance and user experience of web… - https://medium.com/@asierr/understanding-script-loading-async-defer-and-module-a442ae162588
#script #async #html
Loading scripts efficiently is crucial for optimizing the performance and user experience of web… - https://medium.com/@asierr/understanding-script-loading-async-defer-and-module-a442ae162588
#script #async #html
Understanding Script Loading: Async, Defer, and Module
Loading scripts efficiently is crucial for optimizing the performance and user experience of web applications. In the early days of web…
Relatively New Things You Should Know about HTML Heading Into 2025
Chris Coyier points out a few new front-end features you should know about. - https://frontendmasters.com/blog/bone-up-html-2025
Chris Coyier points out a few new front-end features you should know about. - https://frontendmasters.com/blog/bone-up-html-2025
Relatively New Things You Should Know about HTML Heading Into 2025
Accordion details, toggle switches, styleable selects, responsive video, and more!