LangChain: Using OpenAI in JavaScript with React and Next.js -
LangChain: OpenAI in JavaScript with React.js & Next.js
How to: OpenAI in JavaScript with LangChain. A step by step example on how to use the OpenAI API in JavaScript with LangChain ...
From Scratch to Server: Creating and Hosting a Node App with SVR.JS
SVR.JS is a full featured configurable HTTP(/2) server with built-in security and compression features. -
SVR.JS is a full featured configurable HTTP(/2) server with built-in security and compression features. -
From Scratch to Server: Creating and Hosting a Node.JS App with SVR.JS - SVR.JS
In this blog post you will build a JavaScript-based web application, and integrate and deploy it with SVR.JS web server.
Exploring Cookie Management in Vue.js
In this tutorial, We’ll explore cookie management in the Vue application. We will write cookies, read cookies, and delete cookies in the Vuejs application. -
In this tutorial, We’ll explore cookie management in the Vue application. We will write cookies, read cookies, and delete cookies in the Vuejs application. -
Exploring Cookie Management in Vue.js
in this tutorial, We’ll explore cookie management in the Vue application. We will write cookies, read cookies, and delete cookies in the…
Here’s Why Your Anchor Positioning Isn’t Working
James Stuckey Weber shares a simple checklist to help debug anchor elements. -
James Stuckey Weber shares a simple checklist to help debug anchor elements. -
Here's Why Your Anchor Positioning Isn't Working
How to find an anchor element
Micro Frontend Architecture
As web applications grow in complexity, teams seek… -
As web applications grow in complexity, teams seek… -
Micro Frontend Architecture
As web applications grow in complexity, teams seek scalable, modular approaches to frontend development. One such approach, Micro Frontend…
Best Practices for Mastering Forms in Next.js 15 and React 19 -
Mastering forms in Next.js 15 and React 19
Creating forms in modern React has evolved significantly with the latest releases. In this post we’ll explore best practices for building…
A New Chapter for Express.js
2024 saw the still-extremely-popular Express project awaken from a slumber, of sorts, with work being made to update things to modern standards, a security audit, and the release of Express v5. Here, the team explains what’s been going on behind the scenes to get Express back on the tracks, as well as a “bold vision for 2025.” -
2024 saw the still-extremely-popular Express project awaken from a slumber, of sorts, with work being made to update things to modern standards, a security audit, and the release of Express v5. Here, the team explains what’s been going on behind the scenes to get Express back on the tracks, as well as a “bold vision for 2025.” -
A New Chapter for Express.js: Triumphs of 2024 and an ambitious 2025
Explore the transformative journey of Express.js in 2024, marked by governance improvements, the long-awaited release of Express 5.0, and heightened security measures. Look into the ambitious plans for 2025, including performance optimizations, scoped packages…
Top 10 Angular Architecture Mistakes You Really Want To Avoid
Angular keeps changing for better but the big picture… -
Angular keeps changing for better but the big picture… -
Top 10 Angular Architecture Mistakes You Really Want To Avoid
Angular keeps changing for better but the big picture remains the same which makes architecture know-how timeless & worth your time!
Full-Bleed Layout with Modern CSS
Temani Afif digs deep into the idea of full-bleed layouts. -
Temani Afif digs deep into the idea of full-bleed layouts. -
Full-Bleed Layout with Modern CSS
Just four declarations in CSS can handle this nicely, while avoiding the vertical scrollbar issue.
From Atoms to Pages: Applying Atomic Design in Vue and Nuxt Projects
An in-depth blog post on how to use atomic design to structure your Vue & Nuxt projects better. -
An in-depth blog post on how to use atomic design to structure your Vue & Nuxt projects better. -
Atomic Architecture: Revolutionizing Vue and Nuxt Project Structure |
Learn how to implement Atomic Design principles in Vue or Nuxt projects. Improve your code structure and maintainability with this guide
How to Migrate Your Existing Application to Micro Frontend Architecture
Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to… -
Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to… -
How to Migrate Your Existing Application to Micro Frontend Architecture
Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adopting Micro-Frontend Architecture
Angular Reactive Forms Guide
This article is a comprehensive guide to the vast… -
This article is a comprehensive guide to the vast… -
Angular Reactive Forms Guide
This article is a comprehensive guide to the vast possibilities of Reactive Forms in Angular. In this first part, we’ll learn why the…
Node’s New Built-in Support for TypeScript Explained
Node.js v23.6.0 makes Node’s new type-stripping features work by default. Dr. Axel digs into how it works and what the limitations are. A handy primer. -
Node.js v23.6.0 makes Node’s new type-stripping features work by default. Dr. Axel digs into how it works and what the limitations are. A handy primer. -
Node’s new built-in support for TypeScript
Starting with v23.6.0, Node.js supports TypeScript without any flags. This blog post explains how it works and what to look out for.
How we tackled our major front-end migration to Nuxt 3
At funda, migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 was a major project last year.
A frontend engineer talks about some challenges of this migration. -
At funda, migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 was a major project last year.
A frontend engineer talks about some challenges of this migration. -
Funda Engineering blog
How we tackled our major front-end migration to Nuxt 3
With Vue 2's end near, upgrading to Vue 3 was vital. Marijn Kok explains how they overcame challenges for a successful migration in his blog.
Pure CSS Mixin for Displaying Values of Custom Properties
Roman Komarov presents a native CSS mixin that will output various values as pseudo-elements. -
Roman Komarov presents a native CSS mixin that will output various values as pseudo-elements. -
Pure CSS Mixin for Displaying Values of Custom Properties
Do you write CSS? Do you use custom properties with calculations? Do you want to preview their values while you’re debugging them? What if you could do so by setting just one additional custom property? Without any JS? In this article, I present a native…
How Server-Sent Events (SSE) Work
Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in… -
Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in… -
How Server-Sent Events (SSE) Work
Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in real-time web communication
Angular: Go Zoneless
Angular is now entering the new Era: Zoneless Angular… -
Angular is now entering the new Era: Zoneless Angular… -
Angular: Go Zoneless
Angular is now entering the new Era: Zoneless Angular. In this article we will analyse how big is Zone, what it did to our apps. Then we…
AsyncLocalStorage: Simplify Context Management in Node -
AsyncLocalStorage: Simplify Context Management in Node.js
How AsyncLocalStorage solves context management in asynchronous Node.js apps
The Open-Closed Principle in React: Building Extensible Components -
Open-Closed Principle in React: Building Extensible Components
Part 4 of our Clean Architecture series, exploring the 'O' in SOLID