Integrating Slonik with Express.js
Slonik is a type-safe Node Postgres client that lets you build SQL queries in a composable way. -
Slonik is a type-safe Node Postgres client that lets you build SQL queries in a composable way. -
Integrating Slonik with Express.js by Gajus Kuizinas
A comprehensive guide on integrating Slonik, a Postgres library for Node.js, with Express.js.
Component Testing in Storybook
Storybook’s lead manager says that “after seeing the same patterns again and again, we are betting on Component Testing as the future of UI testing” and sets out to show us why he thinks they’re the perfect complement to end-to-end and unit tests. -
Storybook’s lead manager says that “after seeing the same patterns again and again, we are betting on Component Testing as the future of UI testing” and sets out to show us why he thinks they’re the perfect complement to end-to-end and unit tests. -
Storybook Blog
Component testing in Storybook
The future of UI testing
Seamless Fullstack Nuxt Apps with Nuxt Hub
NuxtHub is a deployment and admin platform making it possible to build and deploy fullstack Nuxt application with ease. In this article, explore this amazing new tool and what capabilities it offers to the ecosystem. -
NuxtHub is a deployment and admin platform making it possible to build and deploy fullstack Nuxt application with ease. In this article, explore this amazing new tool and what capabilities it offers to the ecosystem. -
Seamless Fullstack Nuxt Apps with Nuxt Hub
NuxtHub is a deployment and admin platform making it possible to build and deploy fullstack Nuxt application with ease. In this article we will explore this amazing new tool and what capabilities it offers to the ecosystem.
Angular: Integrating Micro-Frontends Using ModuleFederation-Part IV
In this story, we will deploy the shell application and the 2 micro-frontend applications to a Kubernetes… -
In this story, we will deploy the shell application and the 2 micro-frontend applications to a Kubernetes… -
Angular: Integrating Micro-Frontends Using ModuleFederation-Part IV
In this story, we will deploy the shell application and the 2 micro-frontend applications to a Kubernetes cluster.
CSS Grid Generator
CSS grid generator is an online tool that will help you easily create custom CSS grid layouts. -
CSS grid generator is an online tool that will help you easily create custom CSS grid layouts. -
CSS Grid Generator
CSS Grid Generator - a user-friendly tool designed for web developers to effortlessly create customizable CSS grids for seamless web development.
How to Create a Weekly Google Analytics Report That Posts to Slack -
Smashing Magazine
How To Create A Weekly Google Analytics Report That Posts To Slack — Smashing Magazine
Google Analytics is often on a “need to know” basis, but why not flip the script? Paul Scanlon shares how he wrote a GitHub Action that queries Google Analytics to automatically generate and post a top ten page views report to Slack, making it incredibly…
Framer Motion: Fluid Animations & Motion in React
A long-popular, open source motion library for React, made by Framer. As of this week’s v11.4 release, there’s support for React Server Components, including new entrypoints for motion and m components. -
A long-popular, open source motion library for React, made by Framer. As of this week’s v11.4 release, there’s support for React Server Components, including new entrypoints for motion and m components. -
Motion - A modern animation library for JavaScript and React
Motion is built on native browser APIs for a tiny filesize and superfast performance. It uses hardware acceleration for smooth and eco-friendly animations. Previously Framer Motion.
Nuxt Form Validation with Precognition and Zod
This article dives into Nuxt form validation with Precognition and Zod. It discusses the challenges of client-side and server-side validation and how Nuxt Precognition can help. Nuxt Precognition offers a way to perform both client-side and server-side validation. It provides tools to simplify the validation process. -
This article dives into Nuxt form validation with Precognition and Zod. It discusses the challenges of client-side and server-side validation and how Nuxt Precognition can help. Nuxt Precognition offers a way to perform both client-side and server-side validation. It provides tools to simplify the validation process. -
Gearbox Solutions
Gearbox Solutions Custom Software
Clean Frontend Architecture: Tips to Success
In one of my previous blog posts I have talked about the importance of Frontend Architecture, some principles… -
In one of my previous blog posts I have talked about the importance of Frontend Architecture, some principles… -
Clean Frontend Architecture: Tips to Success
In one of my previous blog posts I have talked about the importance of Frontend Architecture, some principles around this topic and I have…
What’s New in React 19
A thorough roundup of what’s coming in React 19, which has been in release candidate status for several months now, covering both headline features like Server Components and Actions, as well as many smaller enhancements like easier preloading of resources and control over stylesheet loading precedence. -
A thorough roundup of what’s coming in React 19, which has been in release candidate status for several months now, covering both headline features like Server Components and Actions, as well as many smaller enhancements like easier preloading of resources and control over stylesheet loading precedence. -
What’s new in React 19 - Vercel
React 19 is near. Here's what to expect and how you can get started deploying React 19 on Vercel.
Easy Fix for a Very Annoying z-index Issue
Kevin Powell gives an excellent tip to help you deal with weird z-index glitches when working with CSS Transitions. -
Kevin Powell gives an excellent tip to help you deal with weird z-index glitches when working with CSS Transitions. -
Easy fix for a very annoying z-index issue
I've launched channel memberships!
🔗 Links
✅ The longer video where I create the entire thing:
✅ My CSS Day talk:
⌚ Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction…
🔗 Links
✅ The longer video where I create the entire thing:
✅ My CSS Day talk:
⌚ Timestamps
00:00 - Introduction…
TC39 Meets Again and Advances Key Proposals
The Ecma TC39 group that pushes forward the development of ECMA/JavaScript met again this week and moved several key proposals forward, including Deferred Import Evaluation, Error.isError(), RegExp escaping, and Promise.try. -
The Ecma TC39 group that pushes forward the development of ECMA/JavaScript met again this week and moved several key proposals forward, including Deferred Import Evaluation, Error.isError(), RegExp escaping, and Promise.try. -
TC39 Advances Key Proposals: Deferred Import Evaluation, Err...
Ecma TC39 is meeting this week and has moved key ECMAScript proposals forward, advancing Deferred Import Evaluation, Error.isError(), RegExp Escaping,...
React and FormData
FormData is ironically both the ‘newest and yet oldest’ standard for accessing form data. Here are some practical ways for using it with TypeScript. -
FormData is ironically both the ‘newest and yet oldest’ standard for accessing form data. Here are some practical ways for using it with TypeScript. -
React and FormData
React Corporate Workshops, Training, and Consulting
Real-World Nuxt — Dynamic Layout with Teleport
This article explores creating a dynamic layout in Nuxt. It discusses using Teleport to achieve this. The article breaks down the steps into creating changeable navigation items, rendering content by Teleport, and adding dynamic content on clicking a navigation item. -
This article explores creating a dynamic layout in Nuxt. It discusses using Teleport to achieve this. The article breaks down the steps into creating changeable navigation items, rendering content by Teleport, and adding dynamic content on clicking a navigation item. -
Real-World Nuxt — Dynamic Layout with Teleport — Part 2
PART 2 — Create Dynamic Layout with Advanced Features
Angular Signal Queries: simplifying DOM querying -
Codemotion Magazine
Angular Signal Queries: simplifying DOM querying
Angular Signal Queries offer an alternative to @ViewChild, @ViewChildren, @ContentChild and @ContentChildren. Let’s see what has changed.
Backgrounds for the Box Model
Chris Coyier explains that you can limit how far the background-image of an element applies by using background-clip. -
Chris Coyier explains that you can limit how far the background-image of an element applies by using background-clip. -
Backgrounds for the Box Model (and why it can be useful)
You can limit how far the background-image of an element applies by using background-clip. That means you can apply *different* backgrounds to, say, the padding and border.
Implementing Filtered Semantic Search Using pgvector and JavaScript -
Using the Page Visibility API
Set up event listeners to do things when page visiblity changes. -
Set up event listeners to do things when page visiblity changes. -
MDN Web Docs
Using the Page Visibility API | MDN Blog
This post takes a look at what page visibility is, how you can use the Page Visibility API in your applications, and describes pitfalls to avoid if you build features around this functionality.
Nuxt 2 End-of-Life (EOL)
Nuxt 2 will reach End of Life (EOL) on June 30th, 2024. This article from the Nuxt team discusses what we should expect after this development. -
#vue #eol
Nuxt 2 will reach End of Life (EOL) on June 30th, 2024. This article from the Nuxt team discusses what we should expect after this development. -
#vue #eol
Nuxt 2 End-of-Life (EOL) · Nuxt Blog
Nuxt 2 will reach End of Life (EOL) on June 30th, 2024. We've partnered with HeroDevs on offering Never-Ending Support (NES).