Taking a closer look at @property in CSS - https://utilitybend.com/blog/taking-a-closer-look-at-property-in-css/
Taking a closer look at @property in CSS | utilitybend
With browser support for @property nearing completion, we delve into the technical aspects of this CSS feature. Explore inner workings and uncover benefits of @property, ready for production use.
Creating an npm package with CommonJS and ESM Support in TypeScript - https://blog.mastykarz.nl/create-npm-package-commonjs-esm-typescript/
Waldek Mastykarz
Create npm package with CommonJS and ESM support in TypeScript
Create an npm package that supports both CommonJS and ECMAScript Modules (ESM) using TypeScript.
Top 7 Common Frontend Security Attacks
Protect your application from these common security attacks. - https://blog.bitsrc.io/top-7-frontend-security-attacks-2e2b56dc2bcc
Protect your application from these common security attacks. - https://blog.bitsrc.io/top-7-frontend-security-attacks-2e2b56dc2bcc
Top 7 Common Frontend Security Attacks
Protect your application from these common security attacks.
Fixing Vue’s inject and context Warnings Like a Pro
In this article you will understand about context warnings, when it happens, why it happens and how to fix it. - https://javascript.plainenglish.io/fixing-vues-inject-and-context-warnings-like-a-pro-dc32051105cb
In this article you will understand about context warnings, when it happens, why it happens and how to fix it. - https://javascript.plainenglish.io/fixing-vues-inject-and-context-warnings-like-a-pro-dc32051105cb
Fixing Vue’s inject and context Warnings Like a Pro
If you’ve encountered the warning below while working on your Vue application, you’re not alone — it’s a common issue, but the solution is…
Learn Suspense by Building a Suspense-Enabled Library
What better way to learn than to get your hands dirty? Especially when it comes to a topic that’s a little awkwardly documented. - https://www.bbss.dev/posts/react-learn-suspense/
What better way to learn than to get your hands dirty? Especially when it comes to a topic that’s a little awkwardly documented. - https://www.bbss.dev/posts/react-learn-suspense/
Building Better Software Slower
Learn Suspense by Building a Suspense-Enabled Library
Suspense has been a feature in React since v16.6.0. Despite this, I haven’t seen much of it in action beyond limited applications of “suspense-enabled libraries”. The React team seems to think Suspense is so incomplete that the entire API remains undocumented.…
Using CSS Houdini to extend styling and layout capabilities - https://blog.logrocket.com/css-houdini-extend-styling-layout-capabilities/
LogRocket Blog
Using CSS Houdini to extend styling and layout capabilities - LogRocket Blog
We explore CSS Houdini, a set of APIs that can extend CSS styling and even create new features that aren’t part of the standard CSS toolkit.
Node to Get SQLite Built-In?
Deno has its own built in key/value store powered by SQLite – perhaps Node could gain similar powers by this initial effort to bake SQLite into the Node distribution. It's early days, but interesting to see. - https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/53752
Deno has its own built in key/value store powered by SQLite – perhaps Node could gain similar powers by this initial effort to bake SQLite into the Node distribution. It's early days, but interesting to see. - https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/53752
lib,src,test,doc: add node:sqlite module by cjihrig · Pull Request #53752 · nodejs/node
#53264 has been open for over a month with no objections, so I am opening this PR with an initial node:sqlite module. There is other functionality that could potentially be exposed in the future, b...
Building ComputedAsync for Signals in Angular
Handling async operations using Signals and Rxjs in Angular - https://itnext.io/building-computedasync-for-signals-in-angular-501246c9b7ea
Handling async operations using Signals and Rxjs in Angular - https://itnext.io/building-computedasync-for-signals-in-angular-501246c9b7ea
Building ComputedAsync for Signals in Angular
Handling async operations using Signals and Rxjs in Angular
A Better Way to Use Axios with Pinia Store for Handling API/HTTP Requests in Vue 3 Compositions API
In this article, grab an introduction to a robust solution utilizing Axios and the Pinia Store for seamless API integration within Vue 3 projects. - https://medium.com/@vijaydahiphale96/a-better-way-to-use-axios-with-pania-store-for-handling-api-http-requests-in-vue-3-compositions-api-91839ecb1801
In this article, grab an introduction to a robust solution utilizing Axios and the Pinia Store for seamless API integration within Vue 3 projects. - https://medium.com/@vijaydahiphale96/a-better-way-to-use-axios-with-pania-store-for-handling-api-http-requests-in-vue-3-compositions-api-91839ecb1801
A Better Way to Use Axios with Pania Store for Handling API/HTTP Requests in Vue 3 Compositions API
In this article, we introduce a robust solution utilizing Axios and the Pania Store for seamless API integration within Vue 3 projects…
Using React 19 with Both Vite and Then Next.js
The VP of Product at Vercel starts with a client-only React app using Vite and looks at how React 19 can make life better, before moving on to a Next.js example. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdkNcFUsRQQ
The VP of Product at Vercel starts with a client-only React app using Vite and looks at how React 19 can make life better, before moving on to a Next.js example. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdkNcFUsRQQ
Using React 19 with Vite and Next.js
Learn about the latest features of React 19, like client and server actions, `useOptimistic`, and more. In this demo, we'll start with a client-only React application using Vite and walk through how React 19 simplifies your application logic and helps create…
10 TypeScript Tips and Tricks for Advanced Developers
For a beginner, TypeScript can be overwhelming at times. However, with the right tips and techniques, you can… - https://codegirljs.medium.com/10-typescript-tips-and-tricks-for-advanced-developers-25db6fe6aa72
For a beginner, TypeScript can be overwhelming at times. However, with the right tips and techniques, you can… - https://codegirljs.medium.com/10-typescript-tips-and-tricks-for-advanced-developers-25db6fe6aa72
10 TypeScript Tips and Tricks for Advanced Developers
For a beginner, TypeScript can be overwhelming at times. However, with the right tips and techniques, you can harness the power of…
Moving from Express to Fastify
Express has outlasted a lot of change in the Node.js world and still forms the basis of most Web-facing Node apps. Nonetheless, there are other compelling options, and the Val Town platform shares its story of making the move to Fastify. - https://blog.val.town/blog/fastify/
Express has outlasted a lot of change in the Node.js world and still forms the basis of most Web-facing Node apps. Nonetheless, there are other compelling options, and the Val Town platform shares its story of making the move to Fastify. - https://blog.val.town/blog/fastify/
Moving from express to fastify, pt 1
How switching to Fastify let us embrace runtime and compile-time types
Alternating Style Queries
Roman Komarov shows a neat technique of alternating between different backgrounds or themes on nested elements. - https://kizu.dev/alternating-style-queries
Roman Komarov shows a neat technique of alternating between different backgrounds or themes on nested elements. - https://kizu.dev/alternating-style-queries
Alternating Style Queries
With the container style queries on the horizon, it is a good time to do more experiments with them. In one of my recent experiments, I found out that style queries will allow us to do what the currently specified (but not implemented by anyone) function…
useCallback versus useMemo
While superficially they may seem similar, in just 11 minutes we learn the differences and why referential equality is such an essential concept to grok. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8NaTJN8xh4
While superficially they may seem similar, in just 11 minutes we learn the differences and why referential equality is such an essential concept to grok. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8NaTJN8xh4
useCallback vs. useMemo
Want to hire a senior React developer? https://www.reactsquad.io/jan now!
If you’re expanding your team and need to hire React developers book your free discovery call today! 👉 https://www.reactsquad.io/schedule-a-call
If you’re expanding your team and need to hire React developers book your free discovery call today! 👉 https://www.reactsquad.io/schedule-a-call
Composing Layouts with Vue Router
Read more to find out how to use Vue Router's named views & route records to build organized & consistent webpages. Easily switch between views & create flexible & reusable layouts. Save time & effort! - https://vueschool.io/articles/vuejs-tutorials/composing-layouts-with-vue-router/
Read more to find out how to use Vue Router's named views & route records to build organized & consistent webpages. Easily switch between views & create flexible & reusable layouts. Save time & effort! - https://vueschool.io/articles/vuejs-tutorials/composing-layouts-with-vue-router/
Composing Vue Layouts with Vue Router - Vue School Articles
Learn how to compose Vue layouts using Vue Router. Explore best practices for Vue Router layouts to enhance app structure and scalability.
Building a Clean and Scalable Frontend Architecture
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of frontend architecture for web applications… - https://awstip.com/title-building-a-clean-and-scalable-frontend-architecture-f4fe1f814f68
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of frontend architecture for web applications… - https://awstip.com/title-building-a-clean-and-scalable-frontend-architecture-f4fe1f814f68
“Code Smells” in Angular
In one of my previous post I talked about “Clean Frontend Architecture” and principles that should be… - https://blog.bitsrc.io/code-smells-in-angular-ce73bf7db072
In one of my previous post I talked about “Clean Frontend Architecture” and principles that should be… - https://blog.bitsrc.io/code-smells-in-angular-ce73bf7db072
What are Code Smells in Angular?
In one of my previous post I talked about “Clean Frontend Architecture” and principles that should be followed in order to positively…
pnpm 9.5 Introduces Catalogs
pnpm is a popular efficiency-focused npm alternative. A new Catalogs feature enables shareable dependency version specifiers, reducing merge conflicts and improving support for monorepos. - https://socket.dev/blog/pnpm-9-5-introduces-catalogs-shareable-dependency-version-specifiers
pnpm is a popular efficiency-focused npm alternative. A new Catalogs feature enables shareable dependency version specifiers, reducing merge conflicts and improving support for monorepos. - https://socket.dev/blog/pnpm-9-5-introduces-catalogs-shareable-dependency-version-specifiers
pnpm 9.5 Introduces Catalogs: Shareable Dependency Version Specifiers - Socket
pnpm 9.5 introduces a Catalogs feature, enabling shareable dependency version specifiers, reducing merge conflicts and improving support for monorepos...