Yarn 4.0 Released
Yarn began life as an npm alternative that resolved several major pain points with npm at the time, particularly around performance. It remains a popular option and v4 introduces a new ‘hardened mode’ to protect you from certain security issues and boasts an improved constraints engine and performance almost on par with pnpm. - https://yarnpkg.com/blog/release/4.0
#yarn #nodejs
Yarn began life as an npm alternative that resolved several major pain points with npm at the time, particularly around performance. It remains a popular option and v4 introduces a new ‘hardened mode’ to protect you from certain security issues and boasts an improved constraints engine and performance almost on par with pnpm. - https://yarnpkg.com/blog/release/4.0
#yarn #nodejs
Release: Yarn 4.0 🪄⚗️ | Yarn
Today is the day! After more than a year of work, our team is excited to finally put a fancy "stable" sticker on the first release from the 4.x release line! To celebrate, let's make together a tour of the major changes; should you look for a more itemized…
How and When to use Micro-Frontends in 2023
Real life definition and usage of micro front end in production with webpack in 2023 - https://medium.com/engineered-publicis-sapient/how-and-when-to-use-micro-frontends-in-2023-part-1-when-dbe3e0aad74c
Real life definition and usage of micro front end in production with webpack in 2023 - https://medium.com/engineered-publicis-sapient/how-and-when-to-use-micro-frontends-in-2023-part-1-when-dbe3e0aad74c
How and When to use Micro-Frontends in 2023 (Part 1: when)
Real life definition and usage of micro front end in production with webpack in 2023
Next.js 13 vs Remix: A Case Study
No mere lightweight list of feature bullet points, but an extended dive into the similarities and differences between two worthwhile approaches. - https://prateeksurana.me/blog/nextjs-13-vs-remix-an-in-depth-case-study/
No mere lightweight list of feature bullet points, but an extended dive into the similarities and differences between two worthwhile approaches. - https://prateeksurana.me/blog/nextjs-13-vs-remix-an-in-depth-case-study/
Next.js 13 vs Remix: An In-depth case study
A detailed comparison of the features Next.js 13 and Remix Run by building a Twitter Clone app in both frameworks.
Better dynamic themes in Tailwind with OKLCH color magic
Dan Kozlov and Travis Turner delve into the dynamic theming with Tailwind CSS, explaining how to make Tailwind play nice with CSS variables, OKLCH colors, and dynamic themes. - https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/better-dynamic-themes-in-tailwind-with-oklch-color-magic
Dan Kozlov and Travis Turner delve into the dynamic theming with Tailwind CSS, explaining how to make Tailwind play nice with CSS variables, OKLCH colors, and dynamic themes. - https://evilmartians.com/chronicles/better-dynamic-themes-in-tailwind-with-oklch-color-magic
Better dynamic themes in Tailwind with OKLCH color magic—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
We make Tailwind CSS play nice with CSS variables, OKLCH colors, and dynamic themes. Get reliable, predictable theming.
A guide to Nuxt server components
Server components allow server-rendering individual components within your client-side apps.
@danielcroe plans to "keep this one up-to-date, as this is an area under active development" - https://roe.dev/blog/nuxt-server-components
Server components allow server-rendering individual components within your client-side apps.
@danielcroe plans to "keep this one up-to-date, as this is an area under active development" - https://roe.dev/blog/nuxt-server-components
A guide to Nuxt server components
It's possible to use server components within Nuxt, even if you are generating a static site. Here's how.
Web APIs for Angular
Web is a rich ecosystem with a bunch of powerful APIs that keeps growing. Let’s explore how you can use them… - https://medium.com/angularwave/web-apis-for-angular-e9ae3206ed1d
Web is a rich ecosystem with a bunch of powerful APIs that keeps growing. Let’s explore how you can use them… - https://medium.com/angularwave/web-apis-for-angular-e9ae3206ed1d
Web APIs for Angular
Web is a rich ecosystem with a bunch of powerful APIs that keeps growing. Let’s explore how you can use them in Angular apps with these…
Adding Search to an Eleventy Site Without Client-Side JS
11ty is a fantastic Node-based static site generator. - https://www.philiprenich.com/blog/adding-search-to-an-eleventy-site-without-client-side-javascript/
11ty is a fantastic Node-based static site generator. - https://www.philiprenich.com/blog/adding-search-to-an-eleventy-site-without-client-side-javascript/
Top 5 State Management for Svelte
Svelte is a modern framework for building user interfaces with minimal boilerplate and high performance. One… - https://itnext.io/top-5-state-management-for-svelte-5583e5975874
Svelte is a modern framework for building user interfaces with minimal boilerplate and high performance. One… - https://itnext.io/top-5-state-management-for-svelte-5583e5975874
⚡ Top 5 State Management for Svelte
Svelte is a modern framework for building user interfaces with minimal boilerplate and high performance. One of the challenges of…
Making a nice neon button
Zell Liew demonstrates how to create a stunningly-looking button. - https://zellwk.com/blog/neon-button
Zell Liew demonstrates how to create a stunningly-looking button. - https://zellwk.com/blog/neon-button
Making a nice neon button | Zell Liew
When I was building the
Magical Dev School
website, I accidentally stumbled on a way to make Neon buttons look good.
Magical Dev School
website, I accidentally stumbled on a way to make Neon buttons look good.
Test Your React Libraries Locally with Yalc
Yalc simplifies the process of working with and ‘publishing’ packages entirely locally so you can try things out without publishing to a remote, and potentially public, registry. - https://www.propelauth.com/post/test-your-react-libraries-with-yalc
Yalc simplifies the process of working with and ‘publishing’ packages entirely locally so you can try things out without publishing to a remote, and potentially public, registry. - https://www.propelauth.com/post/test-your-react-libraries-with-yalc
PropelAuth Blog
Test your React Libraries Locally with Yalc
Building and maintaining a React library can be a large task, even for small libraries.
You start off thinking that you just have to figure out how to properly build and package your code. And then quickly you realize there’s a ton of configuration options…
You start off thinking that you just have to figure out how to properly build and package your code. And then quickly you realize there’s a ton of configuration options…
Unit Testing a Pinia Component
Pinia is the undisputed state management champion in the Vue 3 world. It provides a more powerful and scalable architecture with an elegant code style following the composition API syntax. This article provides a guide to unit testing your pinia stores. - https://fadamakis.com/unit-testing-a-pinia-component-37d045582aed
Pinia is the undisputed state management champion in the Vue 3 world. It provides a more powerful and scalable architecture with an elegant code style following the composition API syntax. This article provides a guide to unit testing your pinia stores. - https://fadamakis.com/unit-testing-a-pinia-component-37d045582aed
Unit Testing a Pinia Component
Pinia is the undisputed state management champion in the Vue 3 world. It provides a more powerful and scalable architecture with an…
Node v21.1 (Current) Released with ESM Detection Feature
The new flag --experimental-detect-module can be used to automatically run ES modules when their syntax can be detected. … We hope to make detection enabled by default in a future version. - https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v21.1.0
The new flag --experimental-detect-module can be used to automatically run ES modules when their syntax can be detected. … We hope to make detection enabled by default in a future version. - https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v21.1.0
Node.js — Node v21.1.0 (Current)
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Angular Signals: Questions and Answers
The Angular team is working on a new feature called signals. Signals are the answer to several different… - https://blog.angulartraining.com/angular-signals-questions-and-answers-19704ad2bfd2
The Angular team is working on a new feature called signals. Signals are the answer to several different… - https://blog.angulartraining.com/angular-signals-questions-and-answers-19704ad2bfd2
Angular Signals: Questions and Answers
The Angular team is working on a new feature called signals. Signals are the answer to several different requests from the developer…
Exploring React Server Components and Actions with Next.js - https://www.antstack.com/blog/exploring-react-server-components-and-server-actions-with-next-js/
Exploring React Server Components and Server Actions with Next.js | AntStack - Full-Stack Serverless Company
React Server Components (RSC) pre-render on the server for faster load times and enable direct database queries.
How to Reuse Vue Components Between Projects
A great advantage of this Vue.js’ modularity is the ability to reuse components across different projects, applications, and even teams. In this post, we’ll learn how to leverage modern tools like bit to easily share Vue components between projects, without having to split repos, refactor or configure anything. - https://codeburst.io/how-to-share-reusable-vue-components-between-a-c36bc775418d
A great advantage of this Vue.js’ modularity is the ability to reuse components across different projects, applications, and even teams. In this post, we’ll learn how to leverage modern tools like bit to easily share Vue components between projects, without having to split repos, refactor or configure anything. - https://codeburst.io/how-to-share-reusable-vue-components-between-a-c36bc775418d
How to Reuse Vue Components Between Projects
Easily reuse your components between Vue apps to speed and standardize development.
View transitions and stacking context: Why does my CSS View Transition ignore z-index?
Nic Chan outlines a problem with view transitions and shares a workaround. - https://www.nicchan.me/blog/view-transitions-and-stacking-context
Nic Chan outlines a problem with view transitions and shares a workaround. - https://www.nicchan.me/blog/view-transitions-and-stacking-context
View transitions and stacking context: Why does my CSS View Transition ignore z-index? - Nic Chan
Thankfully, there's a workaround!
How We Used Server-Sent Events (SSE) to Deliver Real-Time Notifications on Our…
We will show how we used Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Redis for our notification system using Typescript and… - https://medium.com/trendyol-tech/how-we-used-server-sent-events-sse-to-deliver-real-time-notifications-on-our-backend-ebae41d3b5cb
#sse #notification
We will show how we used Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Redis for our notification system using Typescript and… - https://medium.com/trendyol-tech/how-we-used-server-sent-events-sse-to-deliver-real-time-notifications-on-our-backend-ebae41d3b5cb
#sse #notification
How We Used Server-Sent Events (SSE) to Deliver Real-Time Notifications on Our Backend
We will show how we used Server-Sent Events (SSE) and Redis for our notification system using Typescript and Nestjs Framework.
10 Front-end Interview Questions You Should Know About
99% of people may not necessarily know the answer. - https://fatfish.medium.com/10-front-end-interview-questions-you-should-know-about-13410af7e7d6
99% of people may not necessarily know the answer. - https://fatfish.medium.com/10-front-end-interview-questions-you-should-know-about-13410af7e7d6
10 Front-end Interview Questions You Should Know About
99% of people may not necessarily know the answer.
Saying Goodbye to Node's Buffer
It’s time to shift from Buffer to Uint8Array, says Sindre. Given his epic number of maintained libraries, he could probably migrate half of the ecosystem solo, but he sets out his case for other library maintainers to avoid the use of Buffer in favor of the more cross-runtime alternative of Uint8Array and explains how to make the move, including a package to help. - https://sindresorhus.com/blog/goodbye-nodejs-buffer
It’s time to shift from Buffer to Uint8Array, says Sindre. Given his epic number of maintained libraries, he could probably migrate half of the ecosystem solo, but he sets out his case for other library maintainers to avoid the use of Buffer in favor of the more cross-runtime alternative of Uint8Array and explains how to make the move, including a package to help. - https://sindresorhus.com/blog/goodbye-nodejs-buffer
Goodbye, Node.js Buffer
It's time to move from Buffer to Uint8Array.
Angular: Best Practices for 2023
Listing down few practices to catch up to early, on the way to being an Angular Developer. - https://blog.bitsrc.io/angular-best-practices-to-adapt-in-2023-bf67122b37ab
Listing down few practices to catch up to early, on the way to being an Angular Developer. - https://blog.bitsrc.io/angular-best-practices-to-adapt-in-2023-bf67122b37ab
Angular: Best Practices for 2023
Listing down few practices to catch up to early, on the way to being an Angular Developer.