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Yarn 4.0 Released

Yarn began life as an npm alternative that resolved several major pain points with npm at the time, particularly around performance. It remains a popular option and v4 introduces a new ‘hardened mode’ to protect you from certain security issues and boasts an improved constraints engine and performance almost on par with pnpm. -

#yarn #nodejs
Next.js 13 vs Remix: A Case Study

No mere lightweight list of feature bullet points, but an extended dive into the similarities and differences between two worthwhile approaches. -

Better dynamic themes in Tailwind with OKLCH color magic

Dan Kozlov and Travis Turner delve into the dynamic theming with Tailwind CSS, explaining how to make Tailwind play nice with CSS variables, OKLCH colors, and dynamic themes. -

A guide to Nuxt server components

Server components allow server-rendering individual components within your client-side apps.
@danielcroe plans to "keep this one up-to-date, as this is an area under active development" -

Adding Search to an Eleventy Site Without Client-Side JS

11ty is a fantastic Node-based static site generator. -

Unit Testing a Pinia Component

Pinia is the undisputed state management champion in the Vue 3 world. It provides a more powerful and scalable architecture with an elegant code style following the composition API syntax. This article provides a guide to unit testing your pinia stores. -

Node v21.1 (Current) Released with ESM Detection Feature

The new flag --experimental-detect-module can be used to automatically run ES modules when their syntax can be detected. … We hope to make detection enabled by default in a future version. -

How to Reuse Vue Components Between Projects

A great advantage of this Vue.js’ modularity is the ability to reuse components across different projects, applications, and even teams. In this post, we’ll learn how to leverage modern tools like bit to easily share Vue components between projects, without having to split repos, refactor or configure anything. -

View transitions and stacking context: Why does my CSS View Transition ignore z-index?

Nic Chan outlines a problem with view transitions and shares a workaround. -

Saying Goodbye to Node's Buffer

It’s time to shift from Buffer to Uint8Array, says Sindre. Given his epic number of maintained libraries, he could probably migrate half of the ecosystem solo, but he sets out his case for other library maintainers to avoid the use of Buffer in favor of the more cross-runtime alternative of Uint8Array and explains how to make the move, including a package to help. -
