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Чем больший объем данных используют на проекте, чем выше нагрузка на систему – тем более продвинутый SQL нужен разработчикам. Изучить SQL и свободно использовать его в работе поможет курс Практикума.

После 3 месяцев курса разработчики смогут:
— уверенно пользоваться простыми селектами, джоинами, индексами и оконными функциями;
— отладить запрос, который сгенерирован через ORM;
— составить сложные запросы на нативном SQL;
— применить продвинутый SQL, чтобы писать код для высоконагруженных систем,
— чувствовать себя спокойно на собеседованиях.

Записывайтесь и растите в карьере.
Supercharge Your Vue App Development with Nx Monorepo

This article focuses on a Vue 3 app in an Nx monorepo using Vite
Nx provides a robust architecture for generating code by enforcing coding styles and boundaries across the monorepo. -

Building a Modern gRPC Microservice with Node and Connect

An interesting tutorial that digs into how the engineers at Dopt built a gRPC-powered internal microservice using Node and the Connect suite of gRPC libraries. It's great to see a tutorial built off of a real, production-level experience. -

Can We Query the Root Container?

Miriam Suzanne outlines the complexities of containment, overflow, and propagation, related to container queries. -

Configuration in Nuxt 3: runtimeConfig vs appConfig

Nuxt 3 provides powerful configuration options, allowing you to adapt your application to different use cases. -

Form Validation In Svelte

Forms continue to be a crucial component of web user interaction. When dealing with forms, we have to monitor user input, verify and report errors, and manage form submissions. Validating form input is essential to development, ensuring we receive only the required information from the form. -

Migrating from Vue 2 To Vue 3 – Deprecated and Updated Features

Migrating from Vue.js 2 to Vue.js 3 is not always straightforward, and developers need to be aware of certain changes and potential issues that may arise during the process. This article will discuss some of the key features from Vue 2 that have either been deprecated or updated in the release of Vue 3. -

Dan Abramov Rebuilds React Server Components from Scratch

Having faced a raft of questions about Server Components, Dan has begun to write a series covering everything from the ground up by reimplementing a basic form of RSC from scratch. It’s not aimed at day-to-day React developers, but those who want to grok the ideas behind RSCs. -

A Practical Guide to Not Blocking the Event Loop

Typically, JavaScript engines run JavaScript in a single thread with an event loop. However, the nature of mixing synchronous and asynchronous tasks, along with the increasing popularity of workers for running code on separate threads, makes the landscape harder to navigate than it used to be. -
