How we tackled our major front-end migration to Nuxt 3
At funda, migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 was a major project last year.
A frontend engineer talks about some challenges of this migration. -
At funda, migrating from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3 was a major project last year.
A frontend engineer talks about some challenges of this migration. -
Funda Engineering blog
How we tackled our major front-end migration to Nuxt 3
With Vue 2's end near, upgrading to Vue 3 was vital. Marijn Kok explains how they overcame challenges for a successful migration in his blog.
Pure CSS Mixin for Displaying Values of Custom Properties
Roman Komarov presents a native CSS mixin that will output various values as pseudo-elements. -
Roman Komarov presents a native CSS mixin that will output various values as pseudo-elements. -
Pure CSS Mixin for Displaying Values of Custom Properties
Do you write CSS? Do you use custom properties with calculations? Do you want to preview their values while you’re debugging them? What if you could do so by setting just one additional custom property? Without any JS? In this article, I present a native…
How Server-Sent Events (SSE) Work
Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in… -
Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in… -
How Server-Sent Events (SSE) Work
Understanding the basics of SSE and its role in real-time web communication
Angular: Go Zoneless
Angular is now entering the new Era: Zoneless Angular… -
Angular is now entering the new Era: Zoneless Angular… -
Angular: Go Zoneless
Angular is now entering the new Era: Zoneless Angular. In this article we will analyse how big is Zone, what it did to our apps. Then we…
AsyncLocalStorage: Simplify Context Management in Node -
AsyncLocalStorage: Simplify Context Management in Node.js
How AsyncLocalStorage solves context management in asynchronous Node.js apps
The Open-Closed Principle in React: Building Extensible Components -
Open-Closed Principle in React: Building Extensible Components
Part 4 of our Clean Architecture series, exploring the 'O' in SOLID