Better Frontend Application Folder Structure — shared & isolated code…
A well-organized folder structure in applications is… -
A well-organized folder structure in applications is… -
Better Frontend Application Folder Structure — shared & isolated code, components, views, routers, styles and other cool things
A well-organized folder structure in applications is always a challenge and we want it to be PERFECT when starting every new big project…
Tackling the '1 Billion Row Challenge' with Node
The 1 Billion Row Challenge (1BRC) arose about a year ago to see how quickly different languages and techniques can be used to aggregate data from a 1 billion line text file. Here’s what one developer learnt trying to optimize the task with Node. -
The 1 Billion Row Challenge (1BRC) arose about a year ago to see how quickly different languages and techniques can be used to aggregate data from a 1 billion line text file. Here’s what one developer learnt trying to optimize the task with Node. -
1-billion row challenge with Node.js
5 minutes to 11 seconds with Node.js is possible?
A Dive into React 19: New Features, Improvements, and Best Practices -
Alex Cloudstar's Stories
A Deep Dive into React 19: New Features, Improvements, and Best Practi
Explore React 19's powerful features like the Actions API, new hooks, Server Components, enhanced hydration, and more for optimized web development
How Micro-Frontends are reshaping Modern Web Architecture
Are you frustrated with slow deployment cycles… -
Are you frustrated with slow deployment cycles… -
How Micro-Frontends are reshaping Modern Web Architecture
Are you frustrated with slow deployment cycles, tightly coupled dependencies, and the cumbersome nature of managing monolithic front-end…
How to Choose the Best Rendering Strategy for Your App
The differences between Static Site Generation (SSG), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), and Partial Prerendering (PPR). -
#rendering #strategy
The differences between Static Site Generation (SSG), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), and Partial Prerendering (PPR). -
#rendering #strategy
How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app - Vercel
Demystify Next.js rendering strategies: SSG, SSR, CSR, ISR, and PPR. Optimize your web apps for performance, SEO, and user experience. Learn when and how to use each approach with real-world examples and practical tips for modern web development.
My Top 5 Tips for using Pinia
In this blogpost from the creator of Pinia, discover 5 exclusive tips for using Pinia in your Vue.js Application. -
In this blogpost from the creator of Pinia, discover 5 exclusive tips for using Pinia in your Vue.js Application. -
My Top 5 Tips for using Pinia
The Top 5 Tips for using Pinia by Eduardo San Martin Morote, the author of Pinia himself
Understanding Progressive Web Apps(PWA) with Angular: A Comprehensive Guide -
Understanding Progressive Web Apps with Angular: A Comprehensive Guide
Progressive Web Apps are web applications that work seemlessly and provide the same user experience independent of user device and network…
How to Migrate Your Existing Application to Micro Frontend Architecture
Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to… -
Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to… -
How to Migrate Your Existing Application to Micro Frontend Architecture
Transform Your Monolith: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adopting Micro-Frontend Architecture
Node v23.5.0 (Current) Released
A Node release that slipped in just before 2024 ended. WebCryptoAPI’s Ed25519 and X25519 algorithms are now stable and on-thread hooks are now back. -
A Node release that slipped in just before 2024 ended. WebCryptoAPI’s Ed25519 and X25519 algorithms are now stable and on-thread hooks are now back. -
Node.js — Node v23.5.0 (Current)
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
5 cool things you can do with Nuxt
Nuxt is loaded with a lot of standout features. From SSR to DX improvements. This article contains some of Nuxt’s awesome features and how they can transform you into a cool web developer. -
Nuxt is loaded with a lot of standout features. From SSR to DX improvements. This article contains some of Nuxt’s awesome features and how they can transform you into a cool web developer. -
5 cool things you can do with Nuxt
Nuxt is loaded with a lot of standout features. From SSR to DX improvements. This article contains some of Nuxt’s awesome features and how they can transform you into a cool web developer.
System Design Interview Question: Design Spotify
High-level overview of a System Design Interview… -
#system #design
High-level overview of a System Design Interview… -
#system #design
System Design Interview Question: Design Spotify
High-level overview of a System Design Interview Question - Design Spotify.
Angular Signal-based components tutorial -
Angular Signal-based components tutorial
With the release of Angular 17.3, signal-based components have become a reality. A signal-based component is one in which all data inputs…
Advanced React Component Design with TypeScript
Let’s explore what sparks might fly when TypeScript… -
Let’s explore what sparks might fly when TypeScript… -
Advanced React Component Design with TypeScript
Let’s explore what sparks might fly when TypeScript and React come together.
Securing Node.js Express APIs with Clerk and React
A guide that teaches you how to authenticate API requests using ClerkExpressWithAuth() and ClerkExpressRequireAuth() middleware. -
A guide that teaches you how to authenticate API requests using ClerkExpressWithAuth() and ClerkExpressRequireAuth() middleware. -
Securing Node.js Express APIs with Clerk and React
In this guide, we will cover how to use Clerk with Express to authenticate API requests using ClerkExpressWithAuth() and ClerkExpressRequireAuth() middleware.
Using Frontegg Authentication with Vue.js
Building a Vue.js Saas app? A user management system forms an integral part of identity and access management and serves as a basic form of security. Frontegg provides all the user management capabilities your B2B SaaS needs, allowing a fully self-served experience within your product, right out of the box. This article covers how to use Frontegg’s authentication with Vue.js. -
Building a Vue.js Saas app? A user management system forms an integral part of identity and access management and serves as a basic form of security. Frontegg provides all the user management capabilities your B2B SaaS needs, allowing a fully self-served experience within your product, right out of the box. This article covers how to use Frontegg’s authentication with Vue.js. -
Using Frontegg Authentication with Vue.js
Vue 3’s Composition API provides two main ways of declaring reactive data. What’s the difference between these and which should you use?
Top 10 Angular Architecture Mistakes You Really Want To Avoid
Angular keeps changing for better but the big picture… -
Angular keeps changing for better but the big picture… -
Top 10 Angular Architecture Mistakes You Really Want To Avoid
Angular keeps changing for better but the big picture remains the same which makes architecture know-how timeless & worth your time!
New capabilities for attr()
Una Kravets outlines how new attr() capabilites allow you to reference colors, numbers, percentages, named values as custom identifiers, and more. -
Una Kravets outlines how new attr() capabilites allow you to reference colors, numbers, percentages, named values as custom identifiers, and more. -
#css | New capabilities for attr()
Advanced attr() is landing in Chrome 133, and I'm really excited for this feature! Here's a bit about it and how you can use it.
An Early Look at React's Experimental Animations API
<ViewTransition /> is based on the powerful browser-based View Transition API (unsupported in Firefox for now). It’s only in pre-release versions of React so far, but Matt comes armed with examples and demos for you to get an early feel for the potential. -
<ViewTransition /> is based on the powerful browser-based View Transition API (unsupported in Firefox for now). It’s only in pre-release versions of React so far, but Matt comes armed with examples and demos for you to get an early feel for the potential. -
Revealed: React's experimental animations API - Motion Blog
React is experimenting with a new animation API based on the View Transition API. How does it work? What can it do? We reveal all in this blog post.
21 Nuxt Tips You Need to Know
In this article, the author shares 21 Nuxt tips for elevating your Nuxt experience. -
In this article, the author shares 21 Nuxt tips for elevating your Nuxt experience. -
21 Nuxt Tips You Need to Know
I spent weeks scouring the Nuxt docs to uncover hidden gems — features you didn’t know it had, and ones that are simply easy to forget about.
Comparing Angular State Management Libraries: NgRx vs. Akita vs. NgXS
State management is a crucial aspect of building… -
State management is a crucial aspect of building… -
Comparing Angular State Management Libraries: NgRx vs. Akita vs. NgXS
State management is a crucial aspect of building complex Angular applications. With several state management libraries available, each with…