The Story of the Hono Web Framework
Hono is a lightweight framework designed to run on any JavaScript runtime that's been picking up steam in the past year. With it, you can create an app in a Express-like style but run it on Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, or Node. -
Hono is a lightweight framework designed to run on any JavaScript runtime that's been picking up steam in the past year. With it, you can create an app in a Express-like style but run it on Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, or Node. -
The Cloudflare Blog
The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono
Hono is a web framework that is fast, lightweight, and built using the Web Standards API. Hear the story of Hono by the creator of Hono.
React Folder Structure in Five Steps, 2024 Edition
The latest result of Robin’s efforts at updating his popular posts to 2024 standards. Articles about structuring React apps are always popular; this one breaks the idea down to five steps going from the simplest of apps to more complex ones. Bulletproof React is also worth a look if you need something broader. -
The latest result of Robin’s efforts at updating his popular posts to 2024 standards. Articles about structuring React apps are always popular; this one breaks the idea down to five steps going from the simplest of apps to more complex ones. Bulletproof React is also worth a look if you need something broader. -
React Folder Structure in 5 Steps [2025]
React Folder Structure in 2025 for large React projects. The guide walks you through a file structure from small to large project ...
Best Frontend Frameworks for Web Development in 2024
Quick Summary: Selecting the right front-end framework is, in fact, a significantly important part of web… -
#frontend #frameworks
Quick Summary: Selecting the right front-end framework is, in fact, a significantly important part of web… -
#frontend #frameworks
Best Frontend Frameworks for Web Development in 2024
Quick Summary: Selecting the right front-end framework is, in fact, a significantly important part of web development. In the year 2024…
Vue 3 Auto Routing By File Structure
Tired of manually managing routes in Vue? Here's a solid approach to auto routing by file structure in Vue 3 you might find useful! -
Tired of manually managing routes in Vue? Here's a solid approach to auto routing by file structure in Vue 3 you might find useful! -
DEV Community
Vue 3 Auto Routing By File Structure
One of my problem when working with VueJS is when creating routes especially if the project is...
Template local variables with @let in Angular
Give me let Angular -
Give me let Angular -
Template local variables with @let in Angular
Give me let Angular
Best Testing Practices in Node.js
A quick-fire list of 15 worthwhile testing practices to use in order to write efficient, effective, and easy-to-maintain tests. -
A quick-fire list of 15 worthwhile testing practices to use in order to write efficient, effective, and easy-to-maintain tests. -
Best Testing Practices in Node.js | AppSignal Blog
Check out 15 best testing practices to write efficient, effective, and easy-to-maintain tests in Node.
How to Implement a 'Drag to Select' Mechanism
Josh wanted to implement drag based selection to make bulk operations easier for end users. It was harder than he thought, but he’s done a great job explaining every step of his approach. -
Josh wanted to implement drag based selection to make bulk operations easier for end users. It was harder than he thought, but he’s done a great job explaining every step of his approach. -
Drag to Select
Drag selection is the defacto pointer multi-selection. In this guide we'll recreate native-like drag selection in react.
Feedback needed: How should we define CSS masonry?
Rachel Andrew, Ian Kilpatrick, and Tab Atkins-Bittner are asking for your feedback on defining CSS Masonry. It could be defined either with display: masonry or with display: grid. -
Rachel Andrew, Ian Kilpatrick, and Tab Atkins-Bittner are asking for your feedback on defining CSS Masonry. It could be defined either with display: masonry or with display: grid. -
Chrome for Developers
Feedback needed: How should we define CSS masonry? | Blog | Chrome for Developers
A comparison of the two proposed masonry specifications.
Caching Data With Nuxt (client-side)
This tutorial demonstrates how to cache data on the client-side within a Nuxt application using the getCacheData method. This allows you to easily cache your data and avoid unnecessary calls to an API for your users. The video includes a step-by-step guide on how to implement caching, including setting an expiration time for your cached data. -
This tutorial demonstrates how to cache data on the client-side within a Nuxt application using the getCacheData method. This allows you to easily cache your data and avoid unnecessary calls to an API for your users. The video includes a step-by-step guide on how to implement caching, including setting an expiration time for your cached data. -
Caching Data With Nuxt (client-side)
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TypeScript Interview Questions
Nowadays most modern ReactJS and NodeJS apps are created using TypeScript. Angular was already having it… -
Nowadays most modern ReactJS and NodeJS apps are created using TypeScript. Angular was already having it… -
TypeScript Interview Questions
Nowadays most modern ReactJS and NodeJS apps are created using TypeScript. Angular was already having it in-built. So, you go for a Reactt…
Simplifying Client-Side Logic: The Strategic Use of View Models
Applications often require different data representations from what’s directly available from the server. For… -
Applications often require different data representations from what’s directly available from the server. For… -
Simplifying Client-Side Logic: The Strategic Use of View Models
Applications often require different data representations from what’s directly available from the server. For instance, consider a User…
Improving rendering performance with CSS content-visibility
Nolan Lawson demonstrates how you can use content-visibility to improve performance. -
Nolan Lawson demonstrates how you can use content-visibility to improve performance. -
Read the Tea Leaves
Improving rendering performance with CSS content-visibility
Recently I got an interesting performance bug on emoji-picker-element: I’m on a fedi instance with 19k custom emojis […] and when I open the emoji picker […], the page freezes for like a full…
How React Router v7 Became Type-Safe
An overview of the soon-to-be-released React Router 7, why recent type-safety improvements are both exciting and useful, as well as some live demos. -
An overview of the soon-to-be-released React Router 7, why recent type-safety improvements are both exciting and useful, as well as some live demos. -
How React Router v7 became type-safe!
Today we go over how react router v7 added type-safety and typegen and how this changes the future of web development
👍 Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes in this series! Join our coding community and let's build something amazing…
👍 Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more episodes in this series! Join our coding community and let's build something amazing…
Best 5 Micro Front-end Frameworks Every Developer Should Know
In today’s dynamic landscape of web development, the demand for scalable, agile and maintainable solutions… -
In today’s dynamic landscape of web development, the demand for scalable, agile and maintainable solutions… -
Best 5 Micro Front-end Frameworks Every Developer Should Know
In today’s dynamic landscape of web development, the demand for scalable, agile and maintainable solutions has never been more pressing. As…
The simplicity of using Vue’s reactivity system outside of Vue
Vue’s reactivity can be imported and used in JS outside of a Vue app, like in Node directly. This article provides a guide on how you can achieve and the benefits. -
Vue’s reactivity can be imported and used in JS outside of a Vue app, like in Node directly. This article provides a guide on how you can achieve and the benefits. -
Enhancing Angular’s Route Redirection Logic: Introducing RedirectFunction
In the recent update, Angular has significantly improved its routing capabilities by introducing a flexible… -
In the recent update, Angular has significantly improved its routing capabilities by introducing a flexible… -
Enhancing Angular’s Route Redirection Logic: Introducing RedirectFunction
In the recent update, Angular has significantly improved its routing capabilities by introducing a flexible approach to route redirection…
New Values and Functions in CSS
Alvaro Montoro gives a fantastic overview of new values and functions coming to CSS. -
Alvaro Montoro gives a fantastic overview of new values and functions coming to CSS. -
New Values and Functions in CSS
The CSS Working Group released the first Public Working Draft for the CSS Values and Units Module Level 5. It describes the common values and units that CSS properties accept and the syntax used for them, and it comes with some interesting new features. A…
How to Drag and Drop in React
Drag and drop is a basic UI expectation in many scenarios. Robin, always a well-regarded instructor, walks though the creation of a drag and drop capable component, step-by-step. -
Drag and drop is a basic UI expectation in many scenarios. Robin, always a well-regarded instructor, walks though the creation of a drag and drop capable component, step-by-step. -
How to Drag and Drop in React
A tutorial about using Drag and Drop in React by example for a vertical list (later horizontal list) with @hello-pangea/dnd as DnD library ...
How to setup Stripe within NestJS application
Hi, this is Emmanuel. I write about software engineering, React/Next, Nest, Typescript and career growth… -
Hi, this is Emmanuel. I write about software engineering, React/Next, Nest, Typescript and career growth… -
How to setup Stripe within NestJS application
👋 Hi, this is Emmanuel. I write about software engineering, React/Next, Nest, Typescript and career growth. Thank you for your readership…